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医麦客  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-30 08:00





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2025年1月15日, BDC Global Pharma Collaboration Forum 必缔中国全球医药合作论坛 于旧金山 圆满召开,关注中国市场合作的全球跨国药企高管、美元投资机构、创新药企高管、跨境服务机构汇聚于此,共话中国医药合作新未来。活动由行业领先媒体 医麦客、CUIBO等 联合举办

嘉宾分享 ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

活动开始,由 维亚投资孵化器(VBI)事业合伙人及维亚生物BD副总裁高迎红女士 做开场致辞并担任Session 1 的主持人。高迎红女士对大家的到来表示欢迎,本次活动是BD-CHINA医药俱乐部的首场海外活动,也是中国医药国际化合作的一个小缩影。


在第一个主题为 MNC Partnering with China: looking back on 2024 and forward to 2025 的圆桌讨论上, 拜耳处方药事业部副总裁/中国合作创新中心负责人黄丹洁女士、信念医药联合创始人兼首席执行官郑静博士、复健资本首席商务官黄璐平博士、 维亚生物BD副总裁高迎红 女士 担任分享嘉宾 ,美柏资本合伙人/启星医药董事总经理包朝乐萌博士 担任圆桌讨论主持人。本次圆桌讨论聚焦跨国药企与中国企业的合作,嘉宾从跨国药企、中国生物技术公司、产业投资人及孵化器等不同角度分享了合作经验与挑战,并围绕源头创新、产品优化,以及团队研发基础与市场需求间的平衡展开深入探讨。无论企业战略如何制定,企业需始终以患者为中心,坚持创造价值。此外,国际合作不要期待一蹴而就,长远的合作更需要循序渐进,细水长流。

圆桌讨论 1

第二个活动环节由 纽扣资本合伙人朱杰伦先生 担任,在主题为 Opportunities and Challenges for China Life Sciences Companies Going Global with NewCo Models 的圆桌讨论上, RTW投资基金合伙人/主席 Peter Fong, 艾恺桥集团(Ally Bridge Group)生物科技私募股权部董事总经理 Andrew W. Lam, BioPharma Capital 董事总经理 Dan Ross, Baker McKenzie合伙人陶鑫律师分享各自观点,汉坤律师事务所合伙人顾泱律师担任主持人。 ‍‍‍

圆桌讨论 2

第三个环节由 行诚生物商务与市场副总裁刘肖博士 担任,在主题为 【CSGCT】 The Innovation of Chinese CGT Biotech 的圆桌讨论上, 邦耀生物CEO郑彪博士、华夏英泰创始人林欣博士、西湖云谷智药创始人兼董事长马丽佳博士、濒湖生物董事长周代星博士、乐纯生物美国技术支持与应用副总裁沈亮博士 分享各自观点, 嘉因生物创始人吴振华博士、纽 扣资本合伙人朱杰伦先生 担任共同主持人。
嘉宾观点:中国CGT产业已经呈现和欧美齐头并进的势头,今年很多CGT企业都来到了JPM week进行交流,寻求NewCo和BD的机遇,毫无疑问出海是行业的共同选择。从全球范围来看,已经逐渐消弭对资产来源的国别考量,是否有坚实的IP、临床数据和CMC等,成为出海成功的关键。此外,保持开放的心态和灵活的策略,比如NewCo模式可能适合所有的biotech都去了解和尝试。
圆桌讨论 3


  • TG ImmunoPharma 天港医诺 - Haoyu Sun, CEO, TG ImmunoPharma
  • AntiV Pharma 安泰维 - XUMU ZHANG, Chairman, Shenzhen AntiV Pharma
  • TYK Medicines 同源康 - Dr. Yusheng Wu, CEO, Chairman of Board , TYK
  • Immunowake 龙启生物 - Xiaoyun Wu, CEO, Immunowake


CEO 孙昊昱博士 ‍‍‍‍


董事长 张绪穆院士 ‍‍‍‍‍‍


创始人兼董事长 吴豫生博士 ‍‍‍

龙启生物 ‍‍‍‍

CEO 吴晓云 博士

滑动查看路演企业介绍 ‍‍


TG ImmunoPharma (TGI)

TG ImmunoPharma (TGI), established in 2021, is a clinical-stage biotech company dedicated to developing innovative immunotherapies for cancer and autoimmune diseases. In just four years, TGI has built a robust pipeline of eight cutting-edge programs, including antibodies, multi-specific antibodies, and NK cell engagers, with three assets receiving IND clearances in both the U.S. and China. Its lead candidate, TGI-6, a B7H6 x CD3 bispecific antibody, is currently in Phase 1 clinical trials and is one of only two B7H6-targeted therapies globally in clinical development. TGI’s proprietary platforms, such as the pH-selective TCE platform and ABC-NKer platform, are designed to enhance the safety and efficacy of immunotherapies, addressing unmet medical needs in solid tumors and autoimmune diseases.

Shenzhen AntiV Pharma

Shenzhen AntiV Pharma, Founded on August 23, 2021, in Pingshan District, Shenzhen, AntiV is a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the research and development of antiviral drugs. Its primary areas of focus include diseases caused by coronaviruses, human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), hepatitis viruses, and others. Among the company's projects, the small-molecule oral antiviral drug SHEN26 for COVID-19 has completed Phase III clinical trials. Additionally, the company is developing treatments for monkeypox, influenza, and veterinary applications. AntiV has applied and owned 41 patents (including 8 under the PCT system) and has been granted 10 patents. The company's R&D efforts have received substantial support from national, provincial, and municipal governments. Since its establishment, AntiV has received multiple technological awards and honors, including recognition as a National High-Tech Enterprise, a "Specialized and Innovative" SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise), an Innovative SME and a National-Level Technology-Based SME.

TYK Medicines, Inc

TYK Medicines, Inc. was established in November 2017 in Life Science Park Changxing Economic Development Zone with a fully functionalized 30,000 square meters world-class drug discovery R&D center; subsequently, the company set up the administrative headquarters, medical affairs, and business development in Shanghai. In Zhengzhou, the company has its small molecule drug screening platform. In addition to the current scope, the company is building DP plants in Changxing, Zhejiang Province, and Songjiang District, Shanghai. Thus, the company is capable of a whole industry chain of innovative drug discoveries, as well as drug manufacturing, which makes the company the first-tier innovative biotechnology company in China.


Immunowake is an early-stage biotech company focused on creating targeted immunocytokines for the treatment of oncology and autoimmune diseases through our proprietary platforms. Our strategy is to wake up the patient’s immune system to recognize and kill cancer cells. Hence, the name Immunowake. Next generation immuno-oncology is focused on generating agonists that can activate the immune system. Our oncology pipeline is targeted towards patients with advanced malignant tumors and patients who have failed PD1/PDL1 blockade. We utilize cis-targeting to deliver cytokines to tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), which specifically activates anti-tumor immune responses. The use of attenuated cytokines further reduces cytokine sink and cytokine-mediated toxicities, resulting in increased safety profiles of our molecules. Our autoimmune disease pipeline is focused on boosting the Treg immune inhibition, while avoiding further stimulation of activated effector CD8 and NK cells. Immunowake was founded in Delaware, USA. We have R&D laboratories located in Shanghai, China and Birmingham, Alabama. Since 2022, we have raised $20 million Series A capital. Immunowake brings scientific discoveries from both China and the United States to develop novel therapies for cancer and autoimmune diseases. Immunowake is an early-stage biotech company focused on creating targeted immunocytokines for the treatment of oncology and autoimmune diseases through our proprietary platforms. Our strategy is to wake up the patient’s immune system to recognize and kill cancer cells. Hence, the name Immunowake. Next generation immuno-oncology is focused on generating agonists that can activate the immune system. Our oncology pipeline is targeted towards patients with advanced malignant tumors and patients who have failed PD1/PDL1 blockade. We utilize cis-targeting to deliver cytokines to tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), which specifically activates anti-tumor immune responses. The use of attenuated cytokines further reduces cytokine sink and cytokine-mediated toxicities, resulting in increased safety profiles of our molecules. Our autoimmune disease pipeline is focused on boosting the Treg immune inhibition, while avoiding further stimulation of activated effector CD8 and NK cells. Immunowake was founded in Delaware, USA. We have R&D laboratories located in Shanghai, China and Birmingham, Alabama. Since 2022, we have raised $20 million Series A capital. Immunowake brings scientific discoveries from both China and the United States to develop novel therapies for cancer and autoimmune diseases.


至此,活动圆满举办! 正如本次JP摩根大会旧金山的天气一样,2025的行业发展充满暖意和希望,让我们一起共赴中国医药国际化合作新征程!

关于 联合主办方

上海图翎生物药科技有限公司旗下医麦客(简称:医麦客 eMedClub) 于2016年成立,位于上海浦江临港国际科技城智慧广场,是国内生物创新药领域领军的数字化产业服务平台,覆盖生物医药工业用户超过35万。医麦客从新药研发、非临床评价、CMC开发、药品注册、临床试验、商业转化等生物药全生命周期切入,通过传播策化、内容撰稿、融资顾问、行业分析、媒体访谈、产业峰会、线上课堂、Bio优品、3D可视化、人才咨询培训等数字化平台服务,成功帮助众多生物创新药企业和医药产业供应链提升知名度,吸引投资,整合产业上下游资源,打造产品核心力,推动企业品牌和产品精准传播。

CUBIO创新中心, 作为长三角国家技术创新中心的海外延伸,位于美国休斯敦的德州医学中心,是推动中国企业走向世界的重要平台。CUBIO不仅为海外创新企业提供一个展示和成长的平台,同时也为国际项目搭建桥梁,促进创新成果的全球转化和应用。CUBIO 致力于帮助中国企业拓展国际视野,实现全球市场的深度融合与合作,共同推动科技创新和产业升级。

关于 赞助伙伴

行诚生物(CoJourney) 是一家集质粒、病毒载体、mRNA生产制备和分析检测为一体专业的基因和细胞治疗CDMO。有成功的中、美零发补质粒和病毒IND的申报经验。提供质粒、病毒载体和mRNA制备的工艺开发、cGMP生产、分析方法开发和产品检测放行等定制化服务。 行诚公司由基因和细胞治疗领域有商业化经验的CMC资深专家和成绩斐然的科学家、企业家共同创立,双总部设立在中国浙江和美国宾州,公司建立了符合FDA、EU、NMPA法规的质粒、病毒载体和mRNA的GMP生产设施,拥有先进的生产设备及检测仪器,团队拥有 丰富的工艺开发能力和实战经验,践行“行之发于至诚”的理念,用领先行业标准的稳健工艺确保为合作伙伴提供从研发到 GMP级别 的不同生产规模的质粒、病毒载体和mRNA制备的高纯度、高产量、高性价比的优质服务。

上海乐纯生物技术股份有限公司 成立于2011年,以外延式增长路径并入格氏流体、康晟生物、斯坦利思等优秀品牌,目前业务范围覆盖细胞培养、过滤纯化、一次性使用系统、工业级防污染洁净方案等多个应用场景,现已成为广受业内认可的医药行业上游工艺全链条头部供应商。 使命愿景:以技术创新为驱动,提供高品质的生物工艺解决方案,致力于成为全球生物制药企业最信赖的合作伙伴。

Baker McKenzie 是一家全球领先的国际律师事务所,成立于1949年,总部位于美国芝加哥。该律所在全球46个国家和地区设有超过70个办公室,拥有约13,000名专业人士,其中包括众多知名律师。Baker McKenzie以其跨国法律服务的深厚经验和卓越能力著称,为跨国企业、政府机构和个人客户提供全方位的法律解决方案,涵盖并购、税务、争议解决、知识产权、劳动法、能源与基础设施等多个领域。其全球化的视野与本地化的实践相结合,为客户应对复杂的国际法律挑战提供了独特的竞争优势。

