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竞赛公告 | 威海市「W.A.Y未海岸」青年共建之旅

archrace  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2024-10-07 10:30



NOTE: Weihai Guang'an Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd. is organizing an design competition for the enhancement of the 6-kilometer coastline nodes in the Weihai Economic Development Zone. Through an open pre-qualification process, five participating units will be shortlisted. Interested applicants are welcome to apply.

威海,中国最适宜居住的城市之一。这座滨海城市位于山东半岛最东端, 三面环海,有着长达985.9公里的海岸线,占山东省的1/3、全国的1/18。在蜿蜒曲折的海岸线上,沙滩、海岛、礁石、森林等自然景观星罗棋布。威海还拥有中国北方最佳的沙滩资源,超过30处高品质沙滩,沙质柔细,海水清澈,滩坡平缓,被誉为中国最美的海岸线之一。

Weihai is one of the most livable cities in China. This coastal city is located at the easternmost tip of Shandong Peninsula, surrounded by sea on three sides. With a coastline of 985.9 kilometers, Weihai accounts for 1/3 of Shandong Province and 1/18 of the whole country. The winding coastline is dotted with beaches, islands, reefs, forests and other natural landscapes. Weihai also has the best beach resources in northern China, with more than 30 high-quality beaches with soft sand, clear sea water and gentle slopes, which are known as one of the most beautiful coastlines in China.

威海公园  ©摄影:条纹拖鞋

W.A.Y 未海岸 地处威海市经济技术开发区,是威海漫长海岸线上的一小段,这是一段亟待被更多人发现的美丽岸线。承接威海经开区“逍遥目的地,青春经开区”的文旅发展定位,W.A.Y 未海岸未来将打造成为一段最具青春感的海岸空间。通过高品质的空间设计和多样化业态布局,响应文旅和生活消费的新趋势,聚集水上运动、户外休闲、艺术演艺、宠物生活等业态,发展成为一段具有青年社群吸引力的新文旅经济岸线。

W.A.Y Coast is located in the Jingkai District of Weihai City, a small section of Weihai's long coastline, which is a beautiful coastline that needs to be discovered by more people. Under the cultural tourism development positioning of Weihai Jingkai District, “Easy Destination, Youthful Jingkai District”, W.A.Y  Coast will become a section of the most youthful coastal space, responding to young people's demand for cultural tourism consumption, and through high-quality spatial design and diversified industry layout, develop a section of the coastline into a new attraction for youth communities, such as outdoor sports, art and performing arts, and pet life. Through high-quality space design and diversified business layout, it will develop a new cultural tourism economic shoreline with the attraction of youth community.



W.A.Y 未海岸总长度约6公里,沿线拥有诸多具备发展潜力的空间节点,包括废弃的鱼塘、房屋、工业设施等。威海经开区响应“精致城市”理念,以“微改造、精提升、强品牌、长运营”为整体思路,将展开对经开区海岸线的小型空间节点进行提升改造,盘活沉默资产,纳入新文旅业态,以点带面激活岸线空间,打造“精致六公里”。

 With a total length of about 6 kilometers, W.A.Y Coast having a number of space nodes with development potential, including unused fishponds, residential houses, industrial facilities, etc. Responding to the concept of “refined city”, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone, with the overall idea of “micro-remodeling, fine enhancement, strong branding, and long-term operation”, W.A.Y. will start upgrading and remodeling the small spatial nodes of the coastline to revitalize the silent assets and incorporate the new cultural and tourism industries. Activate the shoreline space by point to point, and create “refined six kilometers”.

W.A.Y 未海岸 场地实景照片(滑动查看更多)

photos of the site (swipe to view more)

作为面向青年人的场域,W.A.Y未海岸希望引入属于年轻人的创新思维和前瞻视角。针对近期将启动提升改造的五处节点,W.A.Y未海岸将通过公开竞赛的方式遴选擅长空间场景营造的青年共建者。我们诚挚邀约青年设计师们来到威海,在 W.A.Y未海岸留下属于自己的作品!

As a youth-oriented place, W.A.Y  Coast hopes to introduce innovative thinking and forward-looking perspectives from young people. For the five nodes that will be upgraded in the near future, W.A.Y Coast will select young co-builders who specialize in creating spatial scenarios through an open competition. We sincerely invite young designers to come to Weihai and leave their own works in W.A.Y Coast!


In October 2024, Weihai will be the host of the World Cities Day China home event, and a series of thematic forums and exhibitions will be held at the venue of Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone. At that time, Weihai will be the host of World Cities Day 2024 in China, showing the world a new style of refined urban development. The “Youth Co- building Journey” will be one the the subsidiary activities of the World Cities Day, and we are looking forward to designers joining the communication stage of the World Cities Day!

01 设计范围和设计内容



overview of competition scope (swipe to view more)


overview of competition scope (swipe to view more)





The competition consists of five sections. among which:

Two required sections, each with a floor area of about 1200 ㎡ and 800㎡

Three optional sections, each with a floor area of about 200~300 ㎡.

Each participating unit shall complete the design of the mandatory sections and at least one optional section.


The arrival of the stranded vessel “Hong Kuo 2” has added a touch of drama to the site, which has become a popular destination. The bay will become a water sports hub in the future, a youth-friendly sports bay. People sailing out to sea on windsurfing paddleboards is a contemporary version of the “passing of a thousand sails by the side of a boat” scene.

场地面积 Site Area 9.5h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 1210㎡


photos of the site (swipe to view more)


This is an extremely open coastal space, where huts and miniature Poseidon temples dotting the coastal reefs are the living memories of the inhabitants. The unused industrial oil tanks and the new “big picture frame” landscape are etched on the same site as the years of coastal development. In the future, the site will become a large-scale event space, hosting music festivals, film festivals, comic exhibitions and other performing arts events. 

场地面积 Site Area 3h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 800㎡


photos of the site (swipe to view more)


Pines, “Peasy”. The lush pine forest in Dongpu Bay is a delight to the mind and body. In the future, this area will be built into a plant healing park, through the introduction of green plant aesthetic dining, healing lifestyle and sustainable lifestyle brand stores, together to create a collection of greenery, life, aesthetics of a comprehensive park.

场地面积 Site Area 30h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 200㎡


photos of the site (swipe to view more)


A small building sits on the grass between a small beach and a heart-shaped lake. It is a storytelling scene, and we imagine that it could be created by the designer as a poetic ritual space that reflects the rhythms of nature and echoes the seasons of life.

场地面积 Site Area 3h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 300㎡


photos of the site (swipe to view more)


This is an unused coastal breeding pond with a difference in elevation from the coastline, with a wide water area and a pier extending towards the sea. In the future, it is planned to recruit the outdoor recreation business with “small objects sea fishing” as the core, taking into account the space for camping and waterfront recreation, combining with the scientific release project and the function of marine ecological science education to maximize the ecological and socio-economic benefits of the unused pond.

场地面积 Site Area 3.6 h㎡

建筑面积 Building Floor Area 300㎡


photos of the site (swipe to view more)

02 设计深度



The design should reach the depth of conceptual design.

03 奖项与奖金设置



一等奖1名 | 奖金人民币20万元

二等奖1名 | 奖金人民币12万元

三等奖1名 | 奖金人民币9万元

入围奖2名 | 奖金人民币各5万元




The total prize pool is 510,000 RMB, with the prizes distributed as follows:

First Prize: 1 winner | Prize: 200,000 RMB

Second Prize: 1 winner | Prize: 120,000 RMB

Third Award: 1 winner | Prize: 90,000 RMB

Shortlist Award: 2 winners | Prize: 50,000 RMB each

All prizes are before tax. 

Participants who submit their documents but are not shortlisted will not receive any compensation.

The design proposals have the possibility of being built after the competition. 

04 报名要求



- 联合体成员数量不超过3家

- 个人组合人数不得超过6人

Entrants allowed to participate in this competition include domestic and foreign registered independent legal entities or institutions, consortia, individuals or combinations of individuals.

- Consortia shall be accepted for theparticipation with members no exceed 3. 

- The number of individual combinations shall not exceed 6.

05 报名材料



* 报名阶段无需提供概念提案

Participating units registering for this competition are required to submit a prequalification application (i.e., registration documents) and a portfolio (optional) during the open registration and shortlisting phase. 

*The concept proposal is not required during the registration.

06 竞赛日程



Phase I: Open registration and shortlisting  

2024.10.03 竞赛公告发布 

Official Announcement

2024.10.17 17:00 报名文件提交截止

5:00 PM Deadline for Application Documents

2024.10.18 参赛单位遴选与入围

Participant Selection and Confirmation


Phase II: Scheme Design and Final Review 

2024.10.26 项目启动会

Project Kick-off Meeting

2024.10.27 场地踏勘 

Site Visit

2024.11月底 参赛单位成果提交 

Late November 

Deliverables Submission

2024.12月初 终审会 

Early December

Final Review Meeting


Note: The above time is subject to Beijing time , and the organizer reserves the right to adjust the schedule

07 报名提交与截止日期




* 纸质版报名材料需寄送至威海经开区广安城投办公室,详见《规则文件》。

Official registration starts on October 3, 2024. 

The deadline for submitting registration materials is October 17, 2024, at 5:00 PM, based on electronic submissions.

Paper-based registration materials need to be sent to Weihai Guang'an Company, as detailed in the Rules&Regulations.

08 竞赛资料获取


邮件发送“参赛单位+姓名+手机号”至竞赛官方邮箱:[email protected]获取竞赛《设计任务预览》《规则文件》《报名文件》。


Send an email with "Participating Unit + Name + Phone Number" to the official competition email: [email protected] to obtain the competition "Preview of Design Assignments" "Rules and Regulations", and "Application Document".

The "Design Assignments" and detailed design materials will be provided to the shortlisted units upon completion of the qualification review meeting and after the signing of a confidentiality commitment with the shortlisted units.

09 主办单位







Guiding Units | 

Weihai Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee

Organizer | Weihai Guang'an Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd.

Contractor|Weihai Guanghan Marine Development Co., Ltd.

10 联络方式


联系人:威海“W.A.Y 未海岸”竞赛组委会


邮箱:[email protected]

Contact:Weihai “W.A.Y Coast”Competition Committee


Email:[email protected]


*In case of any discrepancy between the English  version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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