专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-24 09:47


塔塔钢铁公司首次在其炼钢过程中试验了一些从俄罗斯远东进口的焦煤样品。一位公司发言人告诉 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询),该公司计划使用俄罗斯焦煤,以减少对澳大利亚焦煤的依赖。

Tata Steelhas tested some samples of coking coal imported from Russia’s Far East in its steelmakingprocess for the first time. The producer aims to use coal from this source toreduce its dependence on Australian coal, a company spokesperson tells Kallanish .


Asked aboutthe outcome of the tests, the spokesman says: "No results are available tobe shared in the public domain.”

印度商务部数据显示, 1-9 月印度进口焦煤 3,305 万吨,同比下降 15% 。目前澳大利亚是最大的供应国,为 2,295 万吨,其次是美国和加拿大,分别为 309 万吨和 230 万吨。俄罗斯供应 101 万吨,同比增长 75%

InJanuary-September India imported 33.05 million tonnes of coking coal, down -15%on-year, according to Indian commerce ministry data. Australia was by far thelargest supplier with 22.95mt, followed by the US and Canada with 3.09mt and2.3mt respectively. Russia supplied 1.01mt, up 75% on-year.

2019 11 月,印度政府在新德里会见了俄罗斯代表,讨论增加俄罗斯远东地区对印度的焦煤供应(见 Kallanish 往期报道)。印度钢铁和石油天然气部长 Dharmendra Pradhan 当时表示,焦煤供应多元化是印度钢铁业的优先事项。

In November2019 the Indian government met Russian representatives in New Delhi to discussincreasing supply of coking coal from Russia’s Far East to India ( seeKallanish passim ). Dharmendra Pradhan, Indian Minister for Steel andPetroleum & Natural Gas, said then that diversifying coking coal sources isa priority for India’s steel industry.

塔塔钢铁公司本月早些时候表示,随着供应改善,海运铁矿石价格料将走软,而焦煤价格保持疲软,原因是中国与澳大利亚的政治关系紧张,中国对进口澳大利亚焦煤实施限制。在截至 9 月的第二财季,塔塔钢铁公司在印度的钢材销量同比增长 22% ,至 505 万吨,产量增长 2% 450 万吨。

Tata Steelsaid earlier this month that seaborne iron ore prices are expected to softenwith an improvement in supply, while coking coal prices remain soft on importcurbs by China amid political tensions with Australia. Tata Steel’s steel salesin India rose 22% on-year in the second fiscal quarter through September to5.05mt, with production up 2% to 4.5mt.



Europe Steel Markets 2020
