For a dispute over a commercial contract, she said there are only two choices of dispute resolution: national courts or the “private justice” of arbitration. For international disputes, parties choose arbitration because they want a neutral process that does not take place in the courts of either country; decision makers with specialised knowledge; flexibility to tailor the process; confidentiality; and, above all, an enforceable award.
她说,对于商业合同纠纷,只有两种解决纠纷的选择:国家法院或仲裁的 “私人司法。对于国际争端,各方之所以选择仲裁,是因为他们想要一个不在两国法院进行的中立程序、拥有专业知识的决策者、量身定制程序的灵活性、保密性、以及最重要的,一个可执行的裁决。
After opting for arbitration, parties must choose between ad hoc or institutional arbitration, she said. The first has been around “since arbitration itself” and is the norm in places like Australia, Canada and India, with growing acceptance in China. Institutional arbitration is part of the modern history of arbitration, a key development in which was the creation of the ICC Court in 1923.
如果选择仲裁,当事人就需要在临时仲裁和机构仲裁之间做出选择。前者“自仲裁诞生”以来就一直存在,是澳大利亚、加拿大和印度等地的常态,在中国也日益被接受。机构仲裁是现代仲裁史的一部分,其中一个重要的发展就是 1923 年国际商会仲裁院的成立。
In ad hoc arbitration, only the tribunals and parties to the dispute are participants and are responsible for organising the process, Salomon said. Institutional arbitration has three defining features: proceedings conducted under pre-formulated rules; the participation of the body that has issued these rules; and the administration of the arbitration by that body as a contractual duty arising from a service contract with the parties.
She stressed, however, that arbitral institutions such as the London Maritime Arbitrators Association, the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fat Associations, the UN Compensation Commission and the Iran-US Claims Tribunal all operate very differently, some of them on a non-permanent basis in the wake of specific events. Arbitrations conducted under their auspices may differ significantly, with far-reaching implications for the integrity of the process and enforceability of the award.
Later in her lecture, Solomon considered the expense of ad hoc and institutional arbitration, seeking to “debunk a pervasive myth” that the latter is more pricey because the institution has to be paid as handsomely as the arbitrators.
In fact, a study of ICC arbitration shows that institutional fees typically account for less than 2% of the costs of arbitration, while lawyers account for about 85% and arbitrators for 14%, she said.
She argued that it is wrong to assume that ad hoc arbitration will be cheaper, as the lack of institutional support can lead to expensive delays. Fee negotiations with the tribunal to determine how much the individual arbitrators should be paid can also be “awkward and unfair” for the parties.
In India, she said, ad hoc arbitrators often charge on a per hearing basis, even if the hearing only lasts a couple of hours, and have no incentive to operate efficiently.
Institutional arbitration with an ad valorem fee structure offers “more certainty and predictability” as to the costs of arbitration and no risk of an arbitrator “padding their hours” to get more fees, she said.