你是不是嘴笨不会说情话的那个???居于曼谷的画家Sundae Kids(Pratchaya Mahapauraya)把情侣间的小互动简单地画了下来,虽然肉麻得鸡皮疙瘩,禁不住要说句「OH MY GOD!」,但是几句对白确实足以让人怦然心动呢。既然是情人节,就试试对另一半说这样的对白?
Do you want me to stay a bit longer?
Stay forever.
Oh, am I blocking the view?
You are my view.
Do you love me?
I do not know...
But I love everything about you. Does that count?
「不过我爱有关你的一切… 这样算吗?」
Here I bought you an ice-cream.
Taste so good!
Yes it tastes very good.
My girlfriend is like Google.
Because she knows everything?
No. Because she has everything I 'm searching for.
Sorry I am not perfect.
Yes, you're not perfect.
But we are perfect for each other.
「对不起…… 我并不完美。」
I found all pokemons!!
...But I can not find any boyfriend...
Are you here alone?
So I will take this chair. Thanks.