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乐思福教育  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-03-21 18:29




中国日报社记者: 总理您好,今年两会期间,有代表委员提出要像当年抓 GDP 一样,抓 放管服 改革,同时也有人说,中国目前的制度性成本还是很高,办事还是比较难。请问总理, 放管服 改革要放多少?放了以后该怎么管?是否有一个明确的目标?

China Daily : During this year's "Two Sessions",some delegates expressed the view that the Chinese government should pursue thereform of its own functions with the same determination as in pursuing GDPgrowth in the past. At the same time, we have also heard some complaintssuggesting that the government-imposed transaction cost in China remains high,and it is still difficult for the people to get things done. So I would like toask you, Mr. Premier, what more steps will the new government take tostreamline administration and delegate powers? And what will the government doto enhance compliance oversight? Are there any specific goals in this area?

Premier Li 这是一个很重要的问题。上届政府伊始,我们抓住转变政府职能这个 牛鼻子 ,推动简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革,就是要理顺政府和市场的关系,激发市场的活力和社会创造力。可以说这方面已经取得了阶段性成果,成为政府持续推进自身改革、解放和发展生产力的一个利器。

Premier Li: You asked a very important question. Thetransformation of government functions was high on the agenda during our firstterm. We saw the effort to streamline administration, delegate powers, andimprove compliance oversight and government services as pivotal to getting therelationship between the government and the market right, which will furtherstimulate market vitality and public creativity. I'm happy to say that ourefforts have paid off, and these measures have become an effective means forfurther reforming government functions and for unleashing and developing theproductive forces.


In my discussions with them during this year's"Two Sessions", many delegates raised the hope that in pursuingsupply-side structural reforms, the government will focus more on improving thebusiness environment and making things easier for people to get things done.These voices represent the high expectation of market entities and our peoplefor further actions. The issues they raise may seem small, yet they bear onmajor policy decisions. We must heed this call by tackling the root of theproblems and pushing for breakthroughs in areas most closely related to themarket and to the lives of our citizens to better respond to their needs.

天下大事必作于细 。在放宽市场准入方面,今年要在六个方面下硬功夫,也可以把它形象地说成是六个 ,那就是企业开办时间再减一半;项目审批时间再砍一半;政务服务一网办通;企业和群众办事力争只进一扇门;最多跑一次;凡是没有法律法规依据的证明一律取消。

As we say in Chinese, every single detail counts in theaccomplishment of big tasks. Going forward, these are the 6 things we plan todo. We'll cut the time it takes for opening a business by another half; we willreduce the time required for reviewing a project application by another half;we will put in place, at the national level, an e-platform for accessinggovernment services; we will work to see that our people can get things done inone office, without the need for a second trip; and we will ensure that anyrequirement for certification that has no basis in law or regulations will beabolished.

现在我们开办企业的时间经过几年的努力,可以说已经降了不少,但是全国平均还要 22 天,而在一些发达国家,只需要不到一天的时间。我们项目施工许可的办理时间就更长了,所以必须减繁。这六个 都是减,再加上减税、减费,这些都是动政府 奶酪 的,是伤筋动骨的改革。

Thanks to efforts in recent years, we have significantly cut thetime required for opening a business in our country. But it still takes 22 dayson national average, whereas it takes maybe less than a day in a developedcountry. And it takes even longer for one to get a project permit in China. Sowith regulatory streamlining and further tax and fee cuts, we are makingprofound adjustments to government functions. This is like moving thegovernment's own cheese.


Any regulatory streamlining can only serve itspurpose when supported with enhanced compliance oversight, which helps toenforce market order. All acts of malpractice involving cheating in the marketplace,making or selling fake or substandard goods, or running unlawful monopolies,will be dealt with in strict accordance with the law and banned from themarket, as they are the enemy of fairness and innovation and go against socialethics.

市场活力和人文精神是相辅相成的。当然,我们加强监管,也要注意防止扰民。比如这次机构改革,我们就把涉及市场监管的一些部门合并了,推进综合执法,避免多个 大盖帽 去管一个小商贩。

We believe that a vibrant market and care forthe people should go hand in hand. Compliance oversight should not cause undueinconveniences to average citizens. In this round of government institutionalreform, for example, we have decided to merge the various market regulatorybodies in order to slim down the bloated ranks of officials who deal withmarket entities on a daily basis and exercise unified law enforcement.

刚才第一位记者讲到两会的时候提到机构改革,这次国务院机构改革还包括了国税和地税的合并,这令我想起了一件事。我参加一次座谈会,有专家跟我说他去调研时发现,在餐馆里边吃饭是由地税向餐馆收营业税,而要打包带走就由国税来收增值税。他问当地有关方面,要是站在餐馆门槛上吃该由哪个部门来收税啊?当时对方给他的回答是 你这是抬杠 。但在现实当中的确有这样的事情。

The first reporter who asked a questionmentioned this round of government institutional reform. One part of it is tocombine the state and local tax offices at and below the provincial-level. Thisactually reminds me of a recent discussion I had with a group of scholars. Oneof these experts had been doing some local research, and discovered that if yousit and eat in a restaurant, the local tax office collects business tax. But ifyou order takeaway, the state tax office collects VAT. So he asked a taxofficer: what if I stand and eat in the doorway of the restaurant? Who collectsthe tax then? The officer replied, "That's just nitpicking for the sake ofit." But actually it's true that this kind of problem exists.


In recent years as you may know, we have introducedthe reform to replace business tax with value added tax. This has enabled thesharing of tax revenues and provided the foundation for the merging of taxauthorities at the central and local levels to avoid duplications that burdenbusinesses. So all in all, our regulatory rollback and compliance oversightwill contribute to a more energized market and the creation of a level playingfield. I should also add that vested interests will be dealt with in theenhanced compliance oversight process.

利民之事,丝发必兴 。推进改革、做好政府工作,就是要为公、唯实、利民。我们要努力为市场主体优化营商环境、为人民群众提供办事便利,敢于自我革命。只要是为了人民的利益,我们万难不辞、万险不避。

Nothingis too small for us to do if it delivers concrete benefits to our people. Theultimate purpose of all reform measures and endeavors of the government is to servethe common good, be results-oriented, and benefit the people. In this regard,the government will further reform itself to foster a better businessenvironment for market players, and make it easier for our people to accessgovernment services. In so doing, this government will rise up to allchallenges and press ahead against all odds.







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