专栏名称: 美国驻华大使馆
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9月23日 国际手语日

美国驻华大使馆  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-09-23 16:18


9月23日 国际手语日


坐落于美国首都华盛顿的加洛德大学(Gallaudet University),是美国乃至全世界第一所专为聋哑人和弱听人士开设的高等学府,也是世界上迄今唯一开设本科以上课程的聋哑人学校。自1869年来,加洛德大学的每一份毕业证书都由美国总统签署,在美国独一无二。

美国拥护能力多样性,并提供像加洛德大学这样各种各样的教育机会。在即将于10月11日举行的由EducationUSA在北京美国中心举办的秋季教育展上, 您可以找到适合您的更多有关美国高等教育的信息。与超过40所美国大学面对面交流!我们期待您的参加!报名参加展会请发邮件至[email protected]。请注明参加展会者的姓名,(子女)年龄,(子女)在读学校及手机号码。您的个人信息仅用于参加美国驻华大使馆公开活动时的安检及身份核对工作,不会用于商业用途。更多关于展会的信息,请大家参看海报信息。

International Day of Sign Languages - 23 September

Today is the International Day of Sign Languages. According to the UN, the day is a unique opportunity to support and protect the linguistic identity and cultural diversity of all deaf people and other sign language users. According to the World Federation of the Deaf, there are approximately 72 million deaf people worldwide. More than 80% of them live in developing countries. Collectively, they use more than 300 different sign languages.

Gallaudet University, located in Washington DC, was the first school in the world established for advanced education of the deaf and hard of hearing. It's also the only deaf school that offers undergraduate courses or higher. Since 1869, it is the only university where every diploma is signed by the president of the United States.

The United States embraces diversity of ability and offers a wide array of educational opportunities like Gallaudet’s. You can find more information about a U.S. higher education that’s right for you in our upcoming EducationUSA college fair on October 11, hosted at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. To register, please send an email to [email protected]. Please include the name of the participants, age (of the prospective student), current school (of the prospective student) and cellphone number in your email. Your personal information will only be used for security check and ID verification to enter the U.S. embassy compound. It will not be used for any business-related purpose. For more information about the fair, please refer to the flyer attached.