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第三届国际数学建模挑战赛(IM²C 2017)邀请函

好玩的数学  · 公众号  · 数学  · 2017-01-09 15:30


IM²C 与 IEEE致中华中学生的新年之约

—— 第三届国际数学建模挑战赛(IM²C 2017)邀请函



我们热诚邀请来自中国大陆、台湾、香港及澳门的中学生,参加将于 2017年元月14日 开始接受报名的第三届国际数学建模挑战赛(IM²C 2017)中华区域赛暨国际竞赛。2017,我们一起,共赴创造与发现的新年之约。


IM²C 2017赛制

IM²C 2017将充分体现STEM教育所提倡的数学与科技、工程的交叉融合。儒莲教科文机构联合国际电气与电子工程师学会(IEEE亚太),共同主办IM²C 2017中华区域赛事。命题与评审委员会由来自IM²C和IEEE的专家教授共同组成,他们的学科与专业涵盖数学、科技和工程的不同领域。IM²C 2017命题委员会及决赛大评审团主席由IM²C国际专家组成员、香港科技大学理学院院长汪扬讲座教授担任。


来自中国大陆、台湾、香港及澳门的参赛团队将首先共同接受中华区域赛的挑战。在报名时,团队可以自行选择以“命题论文”方式参赛,自2017年2月14日上午8时开始,从A、B两道赛题中任选一题,在连续的120小时内,完成并提交一篇数学建模论文;或者,亦可选择挑战自我,即以“自主选题”(必须是现实世界问题)方式参赛,并自主决定完成论文的进度与时间,但必须在中华赛区本赛季截止时间 ——2017年2月19日上午8时之前完成并提交一篇自主选题的数学建模论文。在随后的专家评审中,命题论文与自主选题论文将分开评审,两类论文中成绩进入首20%的团队,将自动获得晋级国际赛程的机会。

IM²C 2017中华赛区国际赛程将在2017年3月31日上午8时—4月5日上午8时之间进行,国际赛程的参赛团队须在此连续的120小时内,就IM²C国际专家组制订的问题,完成并提交一篇数学建模论文。2017年度的IM²C国际赛程参赛队伍来自约30个国家和地区。


IM²C 2017中华赛区继续实行中英双语政策。中华赛程或国际赛程的论文与答辩可以中文或者英文完成。经国际赛程最终提交到国际评审环节的论文必须使用或翻译为英文。





中华区各参赛团队将有机会以中华赛程论文或国际赛程论文的评审结果,获取区域及国际各级奖项。除了传统的中华奖与国际奖之外,IM²C 2017 还将在中华赛区特设IEEE创新奖。


IM²C 2017中华区颁奖典礼暨IM²C中华创新峰会将于2017年8月初在香港隆重举行。这将是以中华区中学生为主角的高规格学术盛会,荣获中华赛与国际赛特等奖的团队将获邀做大会全体报告(Plenary Speech)。届时命题委员会专家成员亦将于峰会亮相,相关领域知名专家学者也将出席,与中华区中学师生共襄丰富多彩的学术切磋与交流活动。国际特等奖团队还将获邀出席随后在波士顿举行的国际颁奖典礼。

IM²C 2017日程

第三届国际数学建模挑战赛( IM²C 2017)中华赛区日程安排如下:


IM²C 2017每支参赛团队无论是以命题论文方式参赛,还是以自主选题论文方式参赛,皆须缴纳报名费 55美元 (涵盖中华区域竞赛及国际竞赛)。


immchallenge.org.cn (大陆)

immchallenge.org.hk (大陆以外地区)

请参赛团队务必仔细阅读网站上IM²C 2017竞赛详情及赛制细则。

欲参阅样题论文、首两届国际数学建模挑战赛题目及获奖论文,以及更多关于IM²C信息,请访问国际官方网站 www.immchallenge.org




热切期待贵校团队报名参加第三届国际数学建模挑战赛IM²C 2017!


中华国际数学建模挑战赛委员会主席, 香港大学讲座教授暨健泰基金教授








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■ IEEE简介

电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)的英文全称是The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.IEEE是世界最大的专业技术组织,致力于推进技术,造福人类。其前身是成立于1884年的美国电气工程师协会(AIEE)和成立于1912年的无线电工程师协会(IRE)。前者主要致力于有线通讯、光学以及动力系统的研究,而后者则是国际无线电领域不断扩大的产物。1963年,AIEE和IRE宣布合并,电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)正式成立。


IEEE官方网站是 www.ieee.org

■ IM²C简介



IM²C国际官网: www.immchallenge.org

An Invitation to Secondary School Students in the Greater China Region by IM²C & IEEE

For the 3rd Annual International Mathematical Modelling Challenge(IM²C 2017)

January 8, 2017

To: Secondary Schools in the Region of Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau

We warmly invite secondary school students from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau to participate in the 3rd Annual International Mathematical Modeling Challenge- IM²C 2017. The registration for the Greater China Regional contest and the International contest will start on January 14th, 2017. Let’s join our hands together and pursue a journey of creation and discovery in the New Year of 2017.

International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IMMC or styled as IM²C), established in 2014 in Boston, is an innovative contest in mathematical modeling for secondary school students all over the world, whose co-founders and co-sponsors are the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP) and NeoUnion ESC Organization (NeoUnion). The aim of IM²C is to promote mathematical modeling education and enhance students’ core competences in mathematics, encouraging participants to explore the application of mathematical modeling in real life situations to solve problems of importance. IM²C in this Region is an inclusive and sharing platform for both secondary school students to practice mathematical modeling, and for schools to demonstrate and exchange their educational accomplishments in mathematics and STEM.

IM²C 2017 and its Rules

IM²C 2017 in Greater China Region is an interdisciplinary practice integrating mathematics with science, technology and engineering which reflects the essence of STEM education. NeoUnion works with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Asia) to co-organize the IM²C 2017 in Greater China. The Problem Setting Committee and the Judging Panel consist of experts and professors from IM²C Committee (Zhonghua) and IEEE whose disciplinary fields cover mathematics, science, technology, and engineering. Prof Yang WANG, a member of IM²C International Expert Panel, Dean and Chair Professor of School of Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology acts as Chairman of the Problem Setting Committee and Grand Jury of the Final Presentation Competition of IM²C 2017 Greater China.

IM²C requires each team to be composed of 2-4 students from the same secondary school, and at least one teacher from the same school to serve as teacher advisor. Participating teams from all over the world will be selected by a national/regional selection process before they enter into the international round of IM²C. For both the national/regional and the international round of competition, winning teams will be recognized at different levels of awards.

All participating teams from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau will first face the challenge from the regional IM²C contest. Upon registration, participating teams can choose: 1) to work on the problem proposed by the Problem Setting Committee of IM²C Greater China. Starting from 8:00 am on February 14th, 2017, teams can choose between Problem A or B to work on. During the following consecutive period of 120 hours, teams must complete and submit a solution paper of mathematical modeling; 2) alternatively, participating teams can register for a self-challenging problem, i.e., the team can choose freely a problem set by the team members themselves. Note that such problem must be a real world problem discovered and defined by the team. To work on the freely-chosen problem, teams can decide on their own about the time schedule; however, they must complete and submit their solution paper of modeling on or before 8:00 am February 19 2017, deadline of the current contest in Greater China. Solution papers of the two categories will be judged separately. Teams whose papers are judged as among the top 20% of the two categories of papers respectively will automatically enter the International Round of IM²C.

IM²C 2017 International Round in the Greater China Region will start at 8:00 am March 31, 2017, and end at 8am, April 5, 2017. Within a consecutive period of 120 hours, teams entering the IM²C international round will work on the problem set by the International Expert Panel, complete and submit their solution paper on or before the end of the contest period. Teams from around 30 countries and regions will be selected by their country/region to enter IM²C 2017 International Round.


IM²C 2017 Greater China will continue the bilingual policy. The solution paper and presentation for both IM²C Greater China regional and the international contests can be written and conducted in either Chinese or English. But papers which are submitted to the International Expert Panel for international final judgement must be written in English or translated into English before submission.

Final Presentation Competition

The finalist teams of IM²C 2017, both for the Greater China Regional and the International rounds, will receive invitation from the IM²C Committee to come to Hong Kong on April 27, 2017, and attend the Final Presentation Competition hosted by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, presenting and defending their works in front of the Grand Jury.

IM²C Committee Greater China will also select the best two papers from each of the Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau finalists in the International Round (totally 8 papers) for recommendation to the International Expert Panel. (Other participating countries or regions will each also select the best two papers for the International Panel’s Judgement.)

Recognition and Award Ceremony

The participating teams from Greater China Region will have the chance to be recognized with different awards at both regional and international levels. In addition to the traditional awards of Greater China and International Awards, IM²C 2017 will have one more category of recognition in Greater China Region, the IEEE Innovation Award.

Participating teams will have equal chances to win the awards. The papers will be judged as per categories of Greater-China-Committee-set problem, freely-chosen problem, and International-Expert-Panel-set problem, respectively. Each participating team, no matter whether or not they are selected into the International Round, will have the chances to compete for the awards of the Greater China Region including the IEEE Innovation Awards.

An IM²C 2017 Greater China Innovation Summit and Regional Awards Ceremony will be held in early August 2017. This will be a prestigious academic conference of the Region for secondary school students exclusively. Teams winning the Outstanding Award of the Regional and/or International contests will be invited to deliver plenary speeches at the Summit. In addition, members of the Problems Setting Committee along with renowned experts in relevant fields will also be present, so as to interact and exchange with the secondary school students and teachers in Greater China. Subsequent to the Regional Summit/Award Ceremony, winning teams of the International Outstanding Award will be invited to attend the International Award Ceremony to be held in Boston.

Timeline of IM²C 2017

The schedule for the 3rd International Mathematical Modeling Challenge( IM²C 2017)Greater China Region is as follows:
