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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-03-16 06:04







Vote early, vote often


Why the voting age should be lowered to 16


Young voters are becoming disillusioned with elections. Catch them early and teach them the value of democracy


Feb 4th 2017 

HOW young is too young? Rich democracies give different answers, depending on the context: in New Jersey you can buy alcohol at 21 and cigarettes at 19, join the army at 17, have sex at 16 and be tried in court as an adult at 14. Such thresholds vary wildly from place to place. Belgian youngsters can get sozzled legally at 16. But on one thing most agree: only when you have turned 18 can you vote. When campaigners suggest lowering the voting age, the riposte is that 16- and 17-year-olds are too immature. This misses the real danger: that growing numbers of young people may not vote at all.


  • Threshold 门槛

  • Sozzle 使喝醉

  • Riposte 还击;机敏地回答

The trend across the West is disturbing (see article). Turnout of American voters under 25 at presidential elections fell from 50% in 1972 to 38% in 2012; among over-65s it rose from 64% to 70% (data for the 2016 election are not yet available). For congressional races, the under-25 vote was a dire 17% in 2014. A similar pattern is repeated across the rich world.


  • Congresssional races 国会议员选举

  • Dire 可怕的;悲惨的

Young people’s disenchantment with the ballot box matters because voting is a habit: those who do not take to it young may never start. That could lead to ever-lower participation rates in decades to come, draining the legitimacy of governments in a vicious spiral in which poor turnout feeds scepticism towards democracy, and vice versa.


  • Disenchantment:n.醒悟,清醒

  • Drain:v.使枯竭,使逐渐消失

  • Legitimacy:n.合法,合理

  • Vicious spiral:n.恶性循环

  • Scepticism:n.怀疑论,怀疑主义

  • Vice versa:反之亦然,反过来一样

The disillusionment has many causes. The young tend to see voting as a choice rather than a duty (or, indeed, a privilege). The politically active tend to campaign on single issues rather than for a particular party. Politicians increasingly woo older voters—not only because they are more likely to vote but also because they make up a growing share of the electorate. Many young people see elections stacked against them. It is no surprise, then, that many of them turn away from voting.


  • Disillusionment:n.醒悟,幻灭

  • Woo:v.极力争取某人的支持

  • Electorate:n.选民,选区

  • Stack against:使不利于

Some countries make voting compulsory, which increases turnout rates. But that does not deal with the underlying disillusionment. Governments need to find ways to rekindle the passion, rather than continue to ignore its absence. A good step would be to lower the voting age to 16, ensuring that new voters get off to the best possible start



  • Disillusionment:n.醒悟,幻灭

This would be no arbitrary change. The usual threshold of 18 means that young people’s first chance to vote often coincides with finishing compulsory education and leaving home. Away from their parents, they have no established voters to emulate and little connection to their new communities. As they move around, they may remain off the electoral roll. Sixteen-year-olds, by contrast, can easily be added to it and introduced to civic life at home and school. They can pick up the voting habit by accompanying their parents to polling stations. In Scotland, where 16- and 17-year-olds were eligible to vote in the independence referendum in 2014, an impressive three-quarters of those who registered turned out on the day, compared with 54% of 18- to 24-year-olds. In 2007 Austria became the only rich country where 16-year-olds could vote in all elections. Encouragingly, turnout rates for under-18s are markedly higher than for 19- to 25-year-olds.


  • Arbitrary:adj.任意的,武断的

  • Threshold:n.入口 门槛

  • Coincide with:符合,与……一致

  • Compulsory education:义务教育

  • Referendum:全民公投

Merely lowering the voting age is not enough, however. Youth participation in Scotland might have been still higher if more schools had helped register pupils. Governments also need to work harder at keeping electoral rolls current. Some are experimenting with automatic updates whenever a citizen notifies a public body of a change of address. Civics lessons can be improved. Courses that promote open debate and give pupils a vote in aspects of their school lives are more likely to boost political commitment later in life than those that present dry facts about the mechanics of government.


Standing up to gerontocracy


  • gerontocracy:由老年人统治的政府或政权机构。如古罗马时代的元老院,其执政官均为老年人。

A lower voting age would strengthen the voice of the young and signal that their opinions matter. It is they, after all, who will bear the brunt of climate change and service the debt that paid for benefits, such as pensions and health care, of today’s elderly. Voting at 16 would make it easier to initiate new citizens in civic life. Above all, it would help guarantee the supply of young voters needed to preserve the vitality of democracy. Catch them early, and they will grow into better citizens.


翻译 ▍Neo,陌上,下罗小柜员,夏凉生

审核 ▍白夜叉

编辑 ▍Joi

Try to translate 

It is they, after all, who will bear the brunt of climate change and service the debt that paid for benefits, such as pensions and health care, of today’s elderly.

Put Chinese below






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