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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-03-13 09:48


1. ICCD 2017



名称:IEEE International Conference on Computer Design




地点:Boston, USA


The IEEE International Conference on Computer Design encompasses a wide range of topics in the research, design, and implementation of computer systems and their components. ICCD’s multi-disciplinary emphasis provides an ideal environment for developers and researchers to discuss practical and theoretical work covering systems and applications, computer architecture, verification and test, design tools and methodologies, circuit design, and technology.


We especially encourage submissions that look forward to future systems and technologies. Manuscripts describing original work on any topic from the scope of ICCD are welcome. Authors are asked to submit technical papers in accordance to the author’s instructions in one of the following five conference tracks:

-Computer Systems and Applications

-Processor Architecture

-Logic and Circuit Design

-Electronic Design Automation

-Test, Verification and Security

2. FSTTCS 2017


名称:Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science




地点:Kanpur, India


IARCS, the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science, announces the 37th Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science conference at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. The FSTTCS conference is a forum for presenting original results in foundational aspects of Computer Science and Software Technology.

Representative areas include, but are not limited to, the following.

-Algorithms and Data Structures

-Algorithmic Graph Theory and Combinatorics

-Approximation Algorithms

-Automata and Formal Languages

-Combinatorial Optimization

-Communication Complexity

-Computational Biology

-Computational Complexity

-Computational Geometry

-Computational Learning Theory

-Cryptography and Security

-Game Theory and Mechanism Design

-Logic in Computer Science

-Model Theory, Modal and Temporal Logics

-Models of Concurrent and Distributed Systems

-Models of Timed, Reactive, Hybrid and Stochastic Systems

-Parallel, Distributed and Online Algorithms

-Parameterized Complexity

-Principles and Semantics of Programming Languages

-Program Analysis and Transformation

-Proof Complexity

-Quantum Computing

-Randomness in Computing

-Specification, Verification, and Synthesis

-Theorem Proving, Decision Procedures, and Model Checking

-Theoretical Aspects of Mobile and High-Performance Computing

3. BIBM 2017


名称:IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine




地点:Kansan City, USA


The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) has

established itself as the premier research conference in bioinformatics and biomedicine.

IEEE BIBM 2017 provides a leading forum for disseminating the latest research in

bioinformatics and health informatics. It brings together academic and industrial

scientists from computer science, biology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics and


We solicit high-quality original research papers (including significant work-in-progress)in any aspect of bioinformatics and biomedicine. New computational techniques and methods in machine learning; data mining; text analysis; pattern recognition; knowledge representation; databases; data modeling; combinatorics; stochastic modeling; string and graph algorithms; linguistic methods; robotics; constraint satisfaction; data visualization; parallel computation; data integration; modeling and simulation and their application in life science domain are especially encouraged Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

-Genomics and Molecular Structure, Function and Evolution

-Computational Systems Biology

-Medical Informatics and Translational Bioinformatics

-Cross-Cutting Computational Methods and Bioinformatics Infrastructure

-Healthcare Informatics

4. ACML 2017



名称:Asian Conference on Machine Learning




地址:Seoul, Korea


Welcome to the 9th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2017). The conference will take place on November 15 - 17, 2017 at Baekyang Hall of Yonsei University campus, Seoul, Korea. We invite professionals and researchers to discuss research results and ideas in machine learning. We seek original and novel research papers resulting from theory and experiment of machine learning. The conference also solicits proposals focusing on disruptive ideas and paradigms within the scope. We encourage submissions from all parts of the world, not only confined to the Asia-Pacific region.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

-Learning problems

-Analysis of learning systems


-Learning in knowledge-intensive systems

5. IPCCC 2017



名称:IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference




地点:San Diego, USA


The International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference is a premier IEEE conference presenting research in the performance of computer and communication systems. For three-and-a-half decades, IPCCC has been a research forum for academic, industrial, and government researchers. We encourage submission of high-quality papers reporting original work in both theoretical and experimental research areas.

Hot Topics For IPCCC 2017:

-Big Data Processing and Analytics

-Cache, Memory, and Disk Storage Systems

-Cloud Computing

-Crowdsourcing Systems

-Cyber Physical Systems

-Data Centers

-Embedded Systems

-Fundamental Theory and Algorithms

-Internet of Things

-Internet Services and Network Management

-Many-Core and Heterogeneous Computing

-Mobile Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks

-Multimedia Networking

-Network Data Mining

-Network Information Assurance and Security

-Network Protocols

-Online Social Network Analysis

-Parallel and Distributed Systems

-Performance Evaluation and Modeling

-Security and Privacy

-Smart Grid and Intelligent Mission Critical Operations

-Smart Health Systems, Wearable, and Implantable Systems

-Smartphone and mobile applications

-Software Defined Networking

-Ubiquitous Computing

-Wireless Communication and Networks

-Workload Characterization and its Impacts on Architecture Design


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