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哥大校长致全校通讯, 强力回应特朗普移民禁令!

蓝橡树  · 公众号  · 教育  · 2017-02-03 07:30



2017年1月31日晚,哥大学生、学者、教授于哥大ALMA MATER雕像下集会抗议





Response to Executive Order on Refugee and Immigration Policy


Dear fellow members of the Columbia community:


With the executive order issued by President Trump barring admission to the United States of Syrian refugees and imposing a 90-day ban on all immigrant and nonimmigrant entry from seven Muslim-majority nations, the fear so many have had about federal policies being changed in ways that could affect our community has become disturbingly real.

特朗普总统签署了行政命令,阻止叙利亚难民进入美国,并且禁止来自七个穆斯林国家的移民和非移民在未来九十天内入境。过去,我们曾一度担忧联邦政策的改变会影响我们社区,时至今日, 曾经的恐慌已变为令人不安的事实。

The public controversy and legal debate over the President’s order is intense.  Among the many strong petitions and compelling statements that have been issued is one from the Association of American Universities(AAU), of which Columbia is a member.

We join with many peers in decrying this action as discriminatory, damaging to America’s leadership in higher education, and contrary to our nation’s core values and founding principles.



At a practical level, we are advising community members and visiting scholars from the designated countries to  suspend plans for international travel.

At the moment, we do not know of any Columbia students, faculty, or staff from the seven designated countries who are currently abroad.  In the meantime, we urge anyone seeking further guidance to contact our International Students and Scholars Office(ISSO).

从实际层面出发,我 们建议来自上述国家的哥大社区成员与访问学者暂缓国际旅行的计划。

此刻,我们暂时不知道是否有来自指定七国的哥大学生、教授、员工人在国外。 与此同时,我们强烈建议任何需要帮助的人与哥大国际学生学者办公室(ISSO)取得联络。

At a more fundamental level, this order undermines the nation’s continuing commitment to remain open to the exchange of people and ideas.  We must not underestimate the scale of its impact.

An estimated 17,000 international students in the U.S. are from the seven nations covered by the entry ban.  Scholars planning to travel to the United States for meetings and conferences at our colleges and universities will effectively be barred from attending.

If this order stands, there is the certainty of a profound impact on our University community, which is committed to welcoming students, faculty, and staff from around the world, as well as across the nation.

从更根本的层面出发,这 一政令损害了美国在保持人与想法持续互动方面的承诺。 我们绝不能低估这一政令可能影响的范围。



As I have said on many occasions, it is critically important that the University, as such, not take stands on ideological or political issues.

Yet it is also true that the University, as an institution in the society, must step forward to object when policies and state action conflict with its fundamental values, and especially when they bespeak purposes and a mentality that are at odds with our basic mission.  This is such a case.

一如我在不同场合多次重申: 对于哥伦比亚大学来说极其重要的是 —— 一如“大学”本身的字面意义所说 —— 我们不在意识形态或政治问题上站队。


It is important to remind ourselves that the United States has not, except in episodes of national shame, excluded individuals from elsewhere in the world because of their religious or political beliefs.

We have learned that generalized fears of threats to our security do not justify exceptions to our founding ideals.

There are many powerful and self-evident reasons not to abandon these core values, but among them is the fact that invidious discrimination often adds fuel to deeply harmful stereotypes and hostility affecting our own citizens.



有着太多强大而不证自明的理由阻止我们轻易放弃这些核心价值。在这些理由之中不可忽视的事实是: 煽动仇恨的歧视只会给极度伤人的刻板印象和敌意煽风点火,侵扰我们的公民。

It is with regret that I have to send this communication.




Lee C. Bollinger


2017年1月19日,特朗普总统上台前夜,哥大学生在ALMA MATER雕像下抗议


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