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最英国  · 公众号  · 英国  · 2017-06-13 23:48




Beige is apparently too blasé for the Crown. Queen Elizabeth turned heads (and made headlines) when she wore a bright—no, neon—green outfit to her 90th birthday parade.

米黄色系的运用对皇室成员来说已经司空见惯了,所以当伊丽莎白女王在她的 90岁皇家阅兵式 上穿上明亮的——不,可以说是 荧光绿 的套装之后,赢得了不少回头率(也成功抢占头条)。

But that wasn’t the first time she arrived on the scene wearing a vividly hued number. In fact, throughout her 65-year reign the Queen has sported dozens of bold shades, from fuchsia to lemon to royal blue.

但这也不是她第一次在公开场合穿着这么鲜艳了。实际上,在女王执政的65年间,她已经尝试过不少大胆的色系了, 桃红色、柠檬黄到宝蓝色

So, what’s the true story behind the Queen’s bright wardrobe? It’s actually one of the few fascinating facts about her, royal sources say. (And no, it’s not a fashion statement!)


The real reason for her bright-colored, blocky numbers is actually way more sensible—and touching. According to her daughter-in-law Sophie, Countess of Wessex, the Queen wants to make sure members of the public can catch sight of her through the crowds.

女王数次穿得如此鲜艳的其实是有她的道理的——而且让人挺感动。据女王的儿媳——威塞克斯伯爵夫人苏菲所说, 女王是想确保公众能在人群中一眼看到她。

“She needs to stand out for people to be able to say ‘I saw the Queen’,” Sophie said in the documentary The Queen at 90.


“Don’t forget that when she turns up somewhere, the crowds are two, three, four, 10, 15 deep, and someone wants to be able to say they saw a bit of the queen’s hat as she went past.”


Other sources have confirmed the reason behind Queen Elizabeth’s famous fashion choice, as well.


“The Queen has always been aware that she needs to stand out from the crowd, and it is for this reason that millinery has always played an important role in her wardrobe,” Caroline de Guitaut, the curator at the Royal Collection Trust, told the New York Times.

“女王明白自己需要在人群中凸显出来,这也是为什么帽子这一装饰在她的衣橱中占着不小的比重,” 皇家收藏基金会的会长卡洛琳在接受纽约时报采访时说道。

Turns out, the Queen’s famous remark “I have to be seen to be believed” might have been more literal than we initially thought.

所以说女王的名言 “看见继而信仰” 的字面意思可能比我们所解读的更到位地描述了她的心理活动。

While her preference for vivid hues isn’t just a fashion statement, neither is her purse.


Queen Elizabeth II certainly knows how to accessorize. You’d be hard pressed to find a picture of Her Majesty without one of her signature Launer handbags. She reportedly owns more than 200 of them!


But just as the Queen has a few fascinating secrets about herself, there’s more to these purses than meets the eye. In a fashion that echoes the suave subtlety of James Bond, Queen Elizabeth uses her purse to send secret messages to her staff.


These signals help her get out of conversations at any time she pleases. If the Queen moves her classic handbag from its normal spot on her left arm to her right arm while she’s talking with someone, her handlers know that she wants to wrap it up.

这些信号可以让她随时从交谈中解放出来, 如果她将她那经典的手包从左手边的常规位置换到右手的时候,她的工作人员就知道她想结束对话了

Putting her bag on the floor is a sign that she needs to be saved from an uncomfortable encounter ASAP. If she’s at dinner and places it on the table, that means she wants to end the event in the next five minutes.


As for what the Queen keeps in her bag, royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith says the items aren’t all that different from what normal women carry with them: a mirror, lipstick, mint lozenges, and reading glasses. That just proves Her Majesty knows how to be practical and fashionable.

至于女王包包里都放了什么,皇家传记作者莎莉表示跟寻常女人包里的物件也没什么太大的区别: 一面镜子、口红、薄荷糖还有老花镜 说明女王陛下很实在也很懂时尚嘛。

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