专栏名称: 中物联冷链委
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16th Global Food Cold Chain Conference to be held in Nanchang!

中物联冷链委  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-16 19:17


I n the context of accelerating global economic integration and rapid technological innovation, the food cold chain industry is facing unprecedented development opportunities. The growth of the Chinese economy is now driven by domestic demand, reflecting both challenges and opportunities. Under this background , the cold chain logistics industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. Through global connectivity, the cross-border circulation of resources, technology, and information the cold chain industry is driven towards higher efficiency, intelligence, and environmental friendliness. At the same time, cross-industry integration has become an important trend in industry development. The deep integration of food cold chains with other related industries will generate more innovative models and business opportunities, injecting new vitality into the industry.

Under this circumstance , the 16th Global Food Cold Chain Conference 2024 will be jointly held by the China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing and the Global Cold Chain Alliance from June 27th to 29th, 2024. The theme of this conference will be "Global Connecti on , Cross- Border Integration", focusing on the future development of the cold chain and related industries. Government agencies, domestic and foreign experts and scholars, and executives from well-known companies will be invited to share the latest industry trends, business cases, values, and innovative technologies, jointly pushing forward the leapfrog development of the cold chain industry.

Ⅰ Organization
China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing
Global Cold Chain Alliance
Organiz er : Cold Chain Logistics Committee of CFLP
Co-organizer: Jiangxi Supply and Marketing Cold Chain Technology Co.,Ltd

Ⅱ Date
June 27-29, 2024

Ⅲ Venue
Nanchang , Jiangxi Province

Ⅳ Number of attendees

Ⅴ Theme
Global Connecti on , Cross- Border Integration

Ⅵ Topics
1. D evelopment of China and g lobal e conomies in the f uture
2. Trends of g lobal e conomic t rade and s upply c hain d evelopment
3. I nternational c old c hain l ogistics c ost r eduction and e fficiency i mprovement
4. N ew b usiness m odels and t echnologies in g lobal c old c hain b usiness
5. T he c urrent s ituation and d evelopment t rends of c old c hain l ogistics i ndustry in Asia ( mainly Central Asia, Southeast Asia)
6. Current
