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Alibaba Cloud International  · 公众号  · 数据库 科技自媒体  · 2025-02-27 09:00


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在TPC-C测试中,PolarDB以每分钟20.55亿笔交易(tpmC)超越原纪录2.5倍,同时将单位交易成本(price/tpmC)降低至人民币0.8元(美元0.11),相比原纪录降低近40%。此外,在8小时的压力测试中,PolarDB完成了 2.2万亿次 数据操作,保证了100%的数据正确性,同时tpmC波动率仅为0.16%,比TPC-C基准所要求的2%波动率低一个数量级。

PolarDB在TPC-C基准测试中所达到的20.55亿tpmC,其处理能力相当于2020年天猫双11购物节期间交易峰值的 59倍


TPC-C基准测试旨在评估数据库在极端条件下的性能表现。它不仅要求数据库在极大压力下保持数据准确性,还需在软硬件故障情况下保证数据一致性,并在压力条件下确保数据的可用性、一致性和完整性。 TPC-C为业界公认最权威的OLTP基准之一。


PolarDB是一款云原生关系型数据库,专为需要快速性能、高并发和自动扩展的关键业务数据库应用而设计。PolarDB已支持超过10,000家来自全球各行各业的企业客户的数字化转型,包括马来西亚最大的金融科技平台TNG eWallet;总部位于香港、全球最大商业华语电视制作公司之一的电视广播有限公司(TVB);日本移动游戏开发公司enish, Inc.;以及印尼领先的支付技术公司DOKU等。

阿里云提供广泛的自研云原生数据库产品,包括关系型数据库PolarDB、数据仓库AnalyticDB、多模数据库Lindorm,以及数据管理服务(Data Management Service,DMS)等。阿里云连续五年获评为Gartner®云数据库管理系统(DBMS)魔力象限领导者。

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Alibaba Cloud, the digital technology and intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, has set a new world record with its cloud-native relational database PolarDB in the TPC-C benchmark. Developed by the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC), the TPC-C benchmark evaluates the performance of Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems.

Source: tpc.org

According to the TPC-C results, PolarDB achieved 2.055 billion transactions per minute (tpmC), 2.5 times higher than the previous record holder, while reducing the cost per transaction (price/tpmC) by almost 40% to CNY 0.8 (USD 0.11). Additionally, during an 8-hour stress test, PolarDB successfully processed 2.2 trillion data operations with 100% data accuracy, and maintained a tpmC fluctuation rate of just 0.16%, an order of magnitude lower than the TPC-C benchmark requirement of 2%.

PolarDB’s achievement of 2.055 billion tpmC in the TPC-C benchmark is 59 times the peak transaction volume recorded during the Tmall 11.11 Shopping Festival in 2020.

Dr Feifei Li, President of Database Products Business at Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, said: “This remarkable achievement is a testament to our team’s relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in database technology. PolarDB's performance in the TPC-C benchmark showcases its capability to handle the most demanding workloads while emphasizing our commitment to providing cost-effective and scalable solutions. With innovative architecture, managing cloud-native databases will be as simple as ‘building blocks’. We will continue to support our customers to effectively manage and utilize data to thrive in the digital era.”
