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王 铉 马为骁|万物归元 天人合一——张小夫《雅鲁藏布》研究

中国音乐ChineseMusic  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-04 10:01


万物归元   天人合一——张小夫《雅鲁藏布》研究

王 铉 马为骁


摘     要 : 作曲家张小夫创作的《雅鲁藏布》作为国家艺术基金滚动资助项目——《梵天净土》多媒体交响音乐会中篇幅最长、编制最大的作品,以其融合大型交响乐团、视觉影像及电子音乐所形成的多重媒介属性,加之作品内部丰富的符号象征,造就了其独特的创作、表演及传播意义。本文聚焦于创作层面,对该作品的核心素材、结构及素材组织特征进行深入剖析,进而探究其创作背后所隐藏的内涵,旨在为我国相关类型的作品提供思考与借鉴。
关键词 : 张小夫;《雅鲁藏布》;多媒体交响乐;电子音乐
中图分类号 : J614.5 文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 1002-9923(2024)04-0199-10
DOI: 10.13812/j.cnki.cn11-1379/j.2024.04.021
作者简介: 王 铉(1974—  ), 女,汉族,中国传媒大学音乐与录音艺术学院教授、博士生导师。
马为骁(1991—  ), 男,汉族,中国传媒大学音乐与录音艺术学院在读博士。

All Things Return to the Unity of Heaven and Man: Research on the Creation of Composer Zhang Xiaofu's Work Yarlung Zangbo

○Wang Xuan, Ma Wei Xiao

Abstract: Yarlung Zangbo , created by composer Zhang Xiaofu, is the longest and largest work in the multimedia symphony concert Brahma Pure Land , funded by the National Art Fund. With its integration of large symphony orchestras, visual images, and electronic music, as well as the rich symbolic elements within the work, it has established its unique significance in terms of creativity, performance, and dissemination. This paper focuses on the study of Yarlung Zangbo at the level of creation, analyzing the core material, structure, and organizational characteristics of the piece. It then explores the hidden connotations behind its creation, aiming to provide insights and references for similar works in China.
Keywords: Zhang Xiaofu; Yarlung Zangbo ; Multimedia Symphony; Electronic Music


《中国音乐》2024年 第4期




