Fig.1 PINN框架。使用Net1和Net2分别近似平衡态和非平衡态的声子能量分布。神经网络的输入分别是坐标x (x, y, z) ,固体角度s,波数k, 极化方式p和时间t。
Fig.2 PINN求解一维瞬态热光栅问题。a. 在一维硅薄膜上施加正弦初始温度分布,且两侧为周期性边界条件。b-d. PINN预测的温度变化幅值与解析解对比。
Fig.3 PINN求解二维方形区域内的传热问题。a. 方形区域采用等温边界条件,且上边的温度分布呈高斯分布,用于模拟电子器件中的过热点。b-e. 不同时间下的温度分布。f. 温度分布在扩散极限与傅立叶导热定律的结果吻合。
npj Computational Materials
Physics-informed neural networks for solving time-dependent mode-resolved phonon Boltzmann transport equation
Jiahang Zhou, Ruiyang Li & Tengfei Luo
The phonon Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) is a powerful tool for modeling and understanding micro-/nanoscale thermal transport in solids, where Fourier's law can fail due to non-diffusive effect when the characteristic length/time is comparable to the phonon mean free path/relaxation time. However, numerically solving phonon BTE can be computationally costly due to its high dimensionality, especially when considering mode-resolved phonon properties and time dependency. In this work, we demonstrate the effectiveness of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) in solving time-dependent mode-resolved phonon BTE. The PINNs are trained by minimizing the residual of the governing equations, and boundary/initial conditions to predict phonon energy distributions, without the need for any labeled training data. The results obtained using the PINN framework demonstrate excellent agreement with analytical and numerical solutions. Moreover, after offline training, the PINNs can be utilized for online evaluation of transient heat conduction, providing instantaneous results, such as temperature distribution. It is worth noting that the training can be carried out in a parametric setting, allowing the trained model to predict phonon transport in arbitrary values in the parameter space, such as the characteristic length. This efficient and accurate method makes it a promising tool for practical applications such as the thermal management design of microelectronics.