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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-07 05:24


今天, Jenny和Spencer推荐 最适合假日收听的英语歌

We hope you're feeling well-rested or having fun traveling:  希望大家都好好休息,玩儿得开心

We're going to recommend some t unes you can listen to while you're on vacation : 今天,我们推荐一些适合假日收听的歌曲!

Jenny & Spencer's Holiday Playlist


Maroon 5 is very popular in China: 魔力红在中国很受欢迎

I'd categorize them as a pop band: 我会把他们归在流行乐队这一类

They've got some rocky and rockish songs but overall they're a pop band: 他们有一些比较摇滚的歌,但总的来说,还是流行乐队

Their music is very accessible : 他们的音乐很大众化、大家都会接受

The melody is very relaxing : 这周歌的旋律很放松

It's a great tune: 是一首很好听的歌

This is a punchy song: 这首歌很劲爆

He's from Brooklyn : 他来自布鲁克林

It's a very uplifting song: 这首歌很积极向上

He's a very down to earth guy: 他是个很实在、没有架子的歌手

The song talks about overcoming hardship and changing your life: 歌曲说的是克服生活中的困难、改变自己的人生

The singer grew up in the projects in Brooklyn: 这个歌手是布鲁克林贫民窟长大的

The message of the song is about changing your life: 这首歌的信息就是改变自己的生活

Buena Vista Social Club is a legendary Cuban band: 这是一个传奇的古巴乐队

They're very old, some of the original members have passed away: 成员的年纪很大了,原始成员很多过世了

Now they have new members : 现在他们有新成员

They're worshipped by fans and musicians all over the world: 他们受到很多粉丝和音乐人的崇拜

Their music is full of Latin American flare: 他们的音乐充满了拉美的热情

It's very real, authentic: 很真实

Y ou can feel it in your soul : 你的灵魂能感受到

This is a great pop song
