专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-08 12:00


所有这些原则的存在,都是为了团队的整体利益,但也许有些时候,遵循原则可能威胁到团队的利益。 例如,我们遇到过这样的情况,当时,桥水内部公开分享的信息被泄露给了媒体。 桥水的员工都知道,我们的弱点、错误被利用来歪曲和诋毁桥水的形象。 因此,我们必须降低公司的透明度,直到将问题解决。 我们并非仅仅降低了透明程度,我还对当时的情况进行了说明,并宣布了“军事管制”,意思是说,这只是暂缓完全的极度透明。 如此一来,每个人都清楚这是极端情况,并且在这一时期常规的运行模式可能会被临时中止。

While all these principles exist for the well-being of the community, there may come times when adhering to them could threaten the community’s well-being. For example, we encountered a time when there were leaks to the media of some things that we made radically transparent within Bridgewater. People at Bridgewater understood that our transparency about our weaknesses and mistakes was being used to present distorted and harmful pictures of Bridgewater, so we had to lessen our level of transparency until we resolved that problem. Rather than just lessening this degree of transparency, I explained the situation and declared “martial law,” meaning that this was a temporary suspension of the full degree of radical transparency. That way, everyone would know both that it was an exceptional case and that we were entering a time when the typical way of operating would be suspended .
