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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2016-12-17 05:04




Venezuelan government debt


Running out of time


A devastating spiral continues


Oct 22nd 2016 | From the print edition


TO MOST investors, Venezuela looks less like a market than a mess. The IMF expects output to shrink by 10% this year and inflation to exceed 700%. As the bolívar’s value has plunged, multinational firms have announced billions of dollars of write-downs. For much of this year, however, some strong-stomached investors have scented an opportunity. They rushed to buy bonds issued by the government and by the state-owned oil company, PDVSA.


  • Scent : 嗅到

They have been rewarded handsomely. Venezuelan government bonds have outperformed other emerging-market sovereign bonds tracked by JPMorgan (see chart). The government, led by NicolásMaduro, boasts it has never missed a debt payment. Indeed he has given priority to debt service over other urgent needs, such as importing food. MrMaduro is keen not to scare off the foreign creditors sorely needed by PDVSA.


  • handsomely :巨大地

  • outperform: 胜过

However, Venezuela looks increasingly stretched. Two big PDVSA payments, of $1 billion and $2 billion, are due on October 28th and November 2nd. Last month the company proposed a bond swap to ease a looming payments crunch: investors holding PDVSA bonds maturing in 2017 (which are not backed by a full sovereign guarantee), would exchange them for bonds maturing in 2020. This would buy Venezuela time, perhaps in the hope that oil prices rise.


  • bond swap  :债券互换

  • sovereign guarantee :主权担保

Not so fast. Even sweetened terms for the swap have failed to lure investors. PDVSA has four times delayed the deadline for the exchange, most recently to October 21st. PDVSA warned in a press release on October 17th that if its offer is not accepted, “it could be difficult” to make its scheduled payments.


  • sweeten 使...感到甜,给...加糖

Francisco Velasco of Exotix, a brokerage specialising in frontier markets, says investors face a prisoner’s dilemma. They could agree to a swap, with terms that are less than ideal, in the hope that others investors will do the same. Or they could decline PDVSA’s offer. But that would make default ever more likely.

Exotic是一家专营前沿市场的经纪公司,该工司的Francisco Velasco表示投资者陷入了囚徒困境。(期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的读者试译详解哟~)

  • frontier market: 前沿市场

  • prisoner's dilemma :囚徒困境

翻译 ▍实习组-sensitive

审核 ▍椰子

编辑 ▍毛毛


Try to translate 

They could agree to a swap, with terms that are less than ideal, in the hope that others investors will do the same. Or they could decline PDVSA’s offer. But that would make default ever more likely.

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