会议全称:International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
AI Foundations
Evolutionary computing, Bayesian and Neural Networks
Decision/Utility Theory and Decision Optimization
Search, SAT, and CSP
Logics and Ontologies
AI in Domain-specific Applications
AI in Computational Biology, Medicine & Biomedical Applications
AI in the Web, Communication, Social Networking, Recommender
Systems, Games and E-Commerce
AI in Finance and Risk Management
AI in Computer Systems
AI in Robotics, Computer Vision and Games
AI in Natural Language Processing
AI in Software Engineering, Real-Time and Embedded Applications,
and Sensor Networks
AI in Cloud Computing, Data-Intensive Applications and
Online/Streaming and Multimedia Systems
AI in Web Search and Information Retrieval
AI in Computer Security, Data Privacy, and Information Assurance
AI in Data Analytics, Data Mining and Big Data
Visual Analytics for Big Data
Computational Modeling for Big Data
Large-scale Recommendation and Social Media Systems
Cloud/Grid/Stream Data Mining for Big Velocity Data
Semantic-based Big Data Mining
AI in Smart Cities
Healthcare, Traffic, Transportation, Environment, etc.
AI Synergistic Models
Bridging AI Models for Advanced AI
Machine Learning
Dimension Reduction and Feature Selection
Learning Graphical Models and Complex Networks
Active, Cost-Sensitive, Semi-Supervised, Multi-Instance, Multi-
Label and Multi-Task Learning
Transfer/Adaptive, Rational and Structured Learning
Preference/Ranking, Ensemble, and Reinforcement Learning
Learn continuous-Incremental Learning
Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Cognition
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Knowledge Extraction, Management and Sharing
Case-based Reasoning and Knowledge-based Systems
Cognitive Modelling and Semantic Web
AI and Decision Systems
Decision Guidance and Support Systems
Optimization-based Recommender Systems
Group, Distributed, and Collaborative Decisions
Crowd-sourcing and Collective Intelligence Decision-making
Strategic, Tactical and Operational-level Decisions
Uncertainty in AI