The Three Most Important Sepculative Attributes: DISCIPLINE, DISCIPLINE, and DISCIPLINE
It was Wednesday, March 23, 1983. I had been restless the previous night, had awakened earlier than usual and got to the office by 8:30, positioning myself in front of the price screen and my various charts and studies. It was still a full two hours before the opening of the Chicago grain markets, but I could already feel the mounting excitement. Momentarily distracted by a ringing phone, I settled back to reexamine the soybean market and to review my strategy for the morning.
May beans had closed at 6.11 the previous day, and my market analysis, which I’d scribbled on a manilla card, read, “The trend in beans will not turn up until May can close or gap open above 6.23. I would be a buyer on either a close or a gap opening above that level. Following such a dynamic breakout, I would expect prices to soar.”
The action of the past few sessions told me that the long-awaited bull breakout should be imminent, and a quick call to my Chicago floor man confirmed that the floor was looking for a sharply higher opening. That ought to do it! I entered my buy orders for the opening, sat back, took a deep breath, and waited for the first ticks on my little green screen (see Figure 10-1).
图10-1 1983年5月黄豆 (文字:跳空开盘)
【On the morning of March 23, the market gapped up through the 6.23 resistance level in a decisive show of strength. Following this impressive breakout, prices turned reactionary for three months, retracing some 50 percent of the previous up-leg. This brief price reaction proved to be the bears’ final chance; the market then commenced a rally of monumental proportions. Three months later, the bull deal of 1983 was the big news in Chicago. The market had advanced by $3.75, equal to about $18,000 per contract. And that ain’t hay, brother!
My opening gambit - putting on or adding to a position on a significant opening breakout gap - has been one of my favored tactics for many years. It is a risky but potentially valuable move for the aggressive operator. I endorse it primarily when the gap opening is in the direction of the ongoing major trend. As a secondary tactic, you can trade the gap opening when it represents a clear breakout from a broad sideways trading range that would either, (a) establish a major trend reversal or (b) constitute a continuation of an ongoing trend out of the lateral area. I would be very cautious about buying or selling gap openings that are clearly against the major ongoing trend because these gaps are often traps set up by trade or floor operators to “sucker” commission house speculators into untenable positions. Such brash anti-trend gap plays may look tempting, but they are best left to seasoned professionals who can run quickly if the trade starts to turn sour.
May beans had opened at 6.265, closing the trap on the hapless bears. While waiting for my reports, my mind drifted back 10 years to the first time I had seen this opening gambit in action. My mentor in this art of trading on gap breakouts was Mike Green, a shrewd and aggressive Comex floor trader. As a new Comex member during the early 1970s, I frequently walked over to the exchange and down into the ring to study the pit action. I used to watch in awe as Mike Green, standing in the center of the copper crowd, his body and voice straining, would be buying at the opening... 50 lots... 100 lots... 150 lots at a clip. It was a bull market, and Mike knew it well. He seemed a master at waiting patiently until his well-honed instinct told him that each successive minor reaction had run its course and that the underlying bull trend was about to reassert itself. Then, and only then, did he spring into action - “buy 50... buy 150.”
Knowing when not to trade - patiently standing aside until just the right moment to enter the market is one of the toughest challenges facing the trader. But it is essential if you are to stand in the winners circle.
I have known countless days when the compulsion to overtrade was so strong that I had to resort to little ploys to keep myself from entering orders. These have included the following:
1. Affixing a Livermore quote, “Money is made by sitting, not trading,” to my order phone.
2. Positioning a boating magazine atop my desk (that would normally suffice to take my mind off doing some unwarranted trades).
3. In extreme cases, leaving the office for a brief walk or a bout with the flounder, blue fish, or whatever was then running in Manhasset Bay.
More often than I care to admit, I’ve closed out all or part of a winning position prematurely. Other times, I’ve just missed the move completely, then watched the action from the sidelines awaiting the next reaction to get back aboard. I once spent over a month stalking both copper and silver, having gained eight pounds snacking instead of trading (all in the line of duty) before reentering the market on a minor trend reversal. Despite all this, the simple truth remains:
The successful trader maintains the discipline and objectivity to remain on the sidelines until he can enter the market in the direction of the major trend. Even then, you must be careful not to jump in on a random spurt when big orders from uninformed and weak speculative operators are thrown at the market. Even if you are trading in the trend direction, you’ll need even more discipline and patience to sit through the inevitable price reaction created by the floor traders and commercial firms, designed to shake out the weak holders from their positions and as much of their bankrolls as possible.
It is too bad that futures trading tends to bring out the worst in most speculators. By and large, traders should perform better than their bottom-line results indicate. Their underperformance is principally attributable to their lack of discipline, and that inevitably leads to a lack of confidence. As a case in point, I recall a phone conversation I had with Dr. F. from San Diego, who told me that he had a long position in T bonds and wanted my opinion of what to do about it. I learned that he had been long for several weeks, from a much lower level, so that the position was showing a big paper profit. “Look,” I countered, “why ask me what you should do with the position? You were smart enough to have gotten aboard near the beginning of the bull move and to have held on for the rise. Just follow the same instinct or the same technique, and you should be fine. Besides, “I mused, almost as an afterthought,” I missed the long side of that bull market. After the surge breakout, I kept waiting for a 40 or 50 percent pullback, which didn’t occur, and I never did get aboard.”
In fact, Dr. F. had just been intimidated by a spate of contradictory information in the financial press during recent weeks. I diagnosed his current malady as ALOSC (Acute Lack of Self-Confidence). After a brief confidence-restoring pep talk, I prescribed a couple of days rest, a return to his drawing board for an objective analysis of the market, and a disciplined adherence to trend-following strategy.
And it isn’t just commission house speculators or even professional operators whose lack of effective discipline frequently stands between them and profitable trading results. Over the course of some 30 years, I’ve observed a curious anomaly between the market judgment of commodity producers and the eventual price action of their products. Invariably, producers tend to be more bullish than the market warrants. During the summer of 1983, I spoke with a number of midwestern corn farmers, whose crop outlook was dismal - reduced acreage, smaller yields, and stunted stalk growth. And who should know better about crop conditions than the people who actually grow the corn? All in all, a tremendously bullish situation, right? And clearly a golden opportunity for us speculators to get aboard and take advantage of the forthcoming crop disaster. Well, a funny thing happened to the long speculators on the way to the bank with their winnings-the market declined by 60 cents, a move of $3,000 per contract representing some six times the margin per contract. And if the (long) speculators were surprised at the market weakness, it was nothing compared to the amazement of the Midwest farmers, many of who were among the speculators who got killed on the long side of the corn market.
In fact, it seems commonplace for commodity producers, particularly growers of agricultural crops, to take an excessively bullish view of their market. This is due to crop or weather situations in their particular growing area, the hype from local politicians about how much better off they are going to be, or just plain wishful thinking. Unfortunately, when the crop is finally harvested and the serious hedge selling materializes, these bullish expectations often turn sour and prices head south.
There are times when widespread bullish expectations can substantially mesmerize an entire universe of producers; if the anticipated price advance actually turns into a price rout, the outcome for the producers can be devastating. The Maine potato market during the mid-1970s comes to mind-and
it provides an object lesson in the need for discipline in any kind of market operation, be it speculative or trade hedging.
It was a period of exuberant, uninhibited speculation in Maine potatoes on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Margins were low (you could trade for $200 margin per contract, or even less), and even memberships on the exchange were low (I bought my membership on the Merc for around $1,800). This environment allowed experienced growers, their bankers and brokers, all who should have known better to create the amazing strategy for which a special name was coined-the Texas Hedge.