专栏名称: 中国旅游研究院
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中国旅游研究院  · 公众号  · 旅游  · 2018-07-03 15:23







快速增长的中国游客有效拉动了当地的消费、投资和经济增长,对就业的综合贡献也是清晰可见的。腾邦集团联合贝恩资本收购了全球最大水上飞机公司马尔代夫 TMA 集团,此次跨国并购,将有力提升马尔代夫的旅游业配套和基础设施建设,吸引更多中国游客前往马尔代夫观光旅游。由中国机械设备工程股份有限公司主导投资开发的马尔代夫北马累环礁旅游岛开发进展顺利,是迄今马尔代夫最大的旅游岛建设开发项目,也是中企在该国最大的商业投资合作项目。马尔代夫经济为旅游驱动型经济,其旅游产业对GDP贡献率超过四分之一,提供了国家70%的外汇,产生了三分之一的政府收入。从2012年至2016年,旅游对GDP的贡献率均超过22%,如按照游客规模估算,中国游客的相关消费,相当于马GDP的7%。



国家主流媒体的善意释放和行业媒体的持续跟进,让更多的中国游客了解、选择和到访马尔代夫。我们注意到中央电视台、人民日报、新华社、中央人民广播电台及其“两微一端”为马尔代夫做了大量的宣传报道,快速而持久地提升了海岛旅游目的地的知名度,让私密、品质、便利的标签,连同“深醉在印度洋碧水白沙的温柔”这一主体形象深植广大游客的心中。更多的旅游传媒机构、旅行社和OTA则通过广告、路演、明星代言和产品销售,让越来越多的中国人知道了芙华芬岛(Huvafen Fushi)、悦榕庄度假酒店(Banyan Tree)、希尔顿伊露岛(Hilton Irufushi)、满月岛(Full Moon)、白马庄园(Cheval Blanc Randheli)等优质旅游度假地,并实地体验浮潜、潜水、冲浪、风帆、水上摩托、皮划艇、鲸鱼潜艇、空中摄影、深海捕鱼、烧烤派对等海上休闲项目和海岛风情。

在繁荣的趋势下,我们也注意全球范围的海岛旅游正处于消费需求持续增长、资源创新品质提升和产业竞争日趋激烈的新阶段。 无论是夏威夷、济州岛、塞浦路斯、普吉岛等传统海岛旅游目的地,还是苏梅、帕劳、塞舌尔等新兴的中远程海岛旅游目的地,都在进一步扩大在中国的旅游宣传和市场推广的力度。



海岛旅游是中马两国共商共建海上丝绸之路的重点节点和关键领域,需要更加有力的高层推动,需要更多的理性对话和社会共识。 纳入两国元首和政府高层的战略议题,定期交换信息和数据,就共同关心的问题形成议题,交由双方指定的旅游工作组推进落实。文化和旅游部数据中心的福州分中心正在建设“海上丝绸之路旅游数据中心”,我们愿意与马方一道,定期发布专项数据和专题报告,共同举办海上丝绸之路旅游发展马累对话。海岛旅游的生态环境很脆弱,不仅本地政府和社区居民高度关注旅游业的可持续发展问题,国际社会对文明旅游和理性消费也是高度敏感。针对日益增长的出境游客,中国政府的旅游行政主管部门,先后发布了《出境旅游文明指南》和不文明游客“黑名单制度”。在2014年的国事访问中,习近平主席表示“我们的公民到海外旅游讲文明。矿泉水瓶子不要乱扔,不要去破坏人家的珊瑚礁。少吃方便面,多吃当地海鲜”。中国游客是来享受美好生活的,会把这些当作家园一样爱护的。

坚持投资、贸易和服务领域的对外开放,稳步实施“一岛一酒店,共享美好生活”的优质旅游发展策略。 马尔代夫全国有1000多个珊瑚岛,除了已经开发100多个度假岛屿,适合开发的海岛还有不少。类似马尔代夫这样的海岛旅游目的地,中国的基础设施投资商、文旅生活综合开发商、酒店、免税品、餐饮和休闲娱乐运营商,是有意愿的,也有能力开发的。包括跨海大桥、住宅区、酒店等基础设施建设,还有包机、金融支付、互联网应用等商业服务,都有中国企业家的身影。如同上世纪六十年代日本出境旅游兴盛时对夏威夷的投资,还有海南国际旅游岛引进国际酒店、医疗、互联网服务和人力资源一样,吸引包括中国在内的国际投资,是海上丝绸之路建设的必然举措,也是落实一带一路倡议和建设人类命运共同体的必由之路。两国政府还需要进一步释放信心,透明政策,有序扩大中国在本地的旅游投资。也希望商界能够在战略层面上理解并与政府相向而行,建议中国商会定期出版《马尔代夫旅游投资白皮书》和《中资企业社会责任报告》,讲好新时代的中国故事,增强中国在马投资的战略透明度。

鉴于休闲度假游客是中马航线的主要客源且有较强的季节性,建议优先发展包机业务,而不是更多城市之间的定期航班。 这意味着北京的捷达假期、上海的春秋、广州的广之旅、深圳的海外国旅等旅行社,以及携程、马蜂窝、驴妈妈等线上旅行服务商,而不是各大航空公司是马尔代夫首选合作伙伴。面对全球化的海岛旅游竞争,我们需要在中国市场进行持续而针对性的旅游宣传和市场推广。考虑正在方兴未艾的定制旅游、亲子旅游、蜜月旅游、康养旅游等细分市场,马方应给予定制旅游公司、商务和私人飞机运营商更多的关注。

中马两国政府需要更加及时地交换信息,密切合作,共同培育海上丝绸之路首选的海岛旅游目的地。 今年2月6日、3月10日,中国国家旅游局根据马尔代夫的安全局势,两次发布的旅游提醒,对本地旅游市场、旅行服务商和赴马游客都造成了一定影响。针对群众性群会、紧急状态这样的突发事件,两国外交和旅游部门在发布旅游提醒时,是否能对范围、程度和时效做更加细致的审核?对旅游提醒的法律效力做可操作性的法律界定,比如是否属于“不可抗力”?



Dear Vice President Abdulla Jihad

Dear Mr. Du Jiang, Head of Chinese Delegation, Ambassador Zhang Lizhong,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the years before 2006, 90% of international tourists to Maldives were from Europe. In 2007, the Maldivian Government delegation went Beijing for negotiating about China-Maldives tourism cooperation. With the support of China National Tourism Administration and Civil Aviation Administration of China, Maldivian tourism promotion and marketing in China took effect in no time, and direct flights from China to Maldives were opened. The number of Chinese tourists to Maldives as first overseas stop increased by 47.3% in 2007; the compound annual growth rate in the past 10 years was 27.1%. In 2017, Chinese tourists made up 22.1% of the international tourists to Maldives, and China continued to be the largest tourists-generating country for Maldives.

The rapid increase of Chinese tourists brings the growth of consumption, investment, and economy in Maldives; and its comprehensive contribution to the growth of employment is also very significant. Tempus Group, together with Bain Capital, purchased Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA) Group, the largest seaplane company in the world. This international purchase will greatly improve the construction of supporting facilities and infrastructures in Maldivian tourism and attract more Chinese tourists traveling to Maldives. North Malé Atoll tourism development project, mainly invested by China Machinery Engineering Corporation, has been smoothly executed as planned. This is so far the largest tourism island construction and development project as well as the largest Chinese commercial investment cooperation project in the country. Maldivian economy is mostly driven by tourism industry whose rate of contribution is more than a quarter of the GDP and which provides 70% of the foreign currencies and produces one-third of the government income. From 2012 to 2016, the rate of contribution of the tourism industry to Maldivian GDP exceeded 22%; and if estimated by the scale of tourists, the rate of contribution of the consumption related to Chinese tourists was around 7% of Maldivian GDP.

Tourism facilitated people-to-people exchanges between China and Maldives and enhanced the people’s will of mutual strategic trust. In recent years, Chinese tourists to Maldives kept growing, and they were provided with better local services. The Chinese public signs are available at airports, Chinese menus are presented in restaurants and hotels, and tourism service providers can communicate with Chinese tourists in basic Chinese. Once we noticed that a Chinese tourist who held a China Merchants Bank credit card gladly sent a microblog message: “I can have a rest of three hours for free at the VIP room of Malé airport!”

These achievements should be attributed to the mutual strategic trust and interactions of high levels of government between China and Maldives. Maldives is one of China’s strategic partners and the two countries have a tradition of friendship. In the past 46 years from the establishment of diplomatic relation, China and Maldives treated each other as equals, were friendly to each other, and had win-win cooperation; and the relation was all along in a healthy and steady development. On September 14, 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping made his first visit to Maldives and the two countries established a future-oriented and all-around friendly cooperative partnership. After that visit, the sales of some Chinese travel agency companies’ products of customized tour to Maldives doubled. On December 7, 2017, President Xi Jinping met with President Abdulla Yameen in Beijing. China appreciates Maldives’ active participation in the Belt and Road Initiative, takes Maldives as an important cooperative partner along the 21st Maritime Silk Road, and is willing to take joint efforts with Maldives for adapting the development strategy, sharing development opportunities, and realizing common prosperity. Facts tell that mutual strategic trust and leaders’ mutual visits between countries are usually the fundamental guarantees and the best promotion for the development of tourism destination.

Thanks to Chinese mainstream media’s release of positive image of Maldives and tourism industrial media’s on-going promotion, more and more Chinese tourists know, choose, and visit Maldives. We noticed that CCTV, People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China National Radio, Microblog, WeChat, and mobile client published a great number of reports about Maldives, which immediately and continually increased the popularity of Maldives as an island tourist destination and made Chinese tourists kept the impression of private space, quality service, and convenience, together with the popular image of Maldives as “a fairy and graceful beauty lying in the green waters and pure peaches of the Indian Ocean”. More tourism media agencies, travel agencies, and online travel agencies make more and more Chinese people know HuvafenFushi, Banyan Tree Resort, Hilton Irufushi, Full Moon Resort, Cheval Blanc Randheli, and other quality scenic spots and resorts as well as appreciate the picturesque scenery of the islands and experience the maritime entertainment activities such as snorkeling, diving, surfing, sailing, jet skiing, canoeing, whale submarine, aerial photography, deep sea fishing, and barbecue party.

In the tendency of prosperity, we also notice that the global island tourism is at a new stage that the demand of consumption is increasingly growing, the quality of resource innovation is improving, and the industrial competitiveness is sharpening. Tourism promotion and marketing in China are further strengthened by either the traditional island destinations such as Hawaii, Jeju Island, Cyprus, Phuket Island or the recently-rising long and medium island destinations such as Samui, Palau, and Seychelles. China itself is also rich in island tourism resource and committed to building island tourism destinations and being a leading maritime tourism country in the world. The national strategy for building Hainan Province as an “international tourism island” has been implemented for 10 years and is entering into a new stage of development with the support of the Central Government. Zhoushan Islands of Zhejiang Province holds annual “international island tourism conference”. And Meizhou Island of Fujian Province and Weizhou Island of Guangxi Region are also committed to the island and maritime tourism development. With the maturity of tourism market and change in tourism consumption acts, Chinese tourists to island or sea are no longer satisfactory with only 3S (sun, sandy beach, and sea) resort project, but tend to make the requirement for individuality, quality, fashion, and customization under the name of “beautiful scenery plus wonderful life”. The change in demand for tourism consumption and the diversity of island tourism require early planning of top-level design for tourism market promotion, destination development, and product innovation. However, it is noticeable that some negative comments about the increasing of Chinese tourists and Chinese investment are seen on social media as Facebook and Twitter. These comments are not the majority, but they deserve close attention from the government agencies, investment enterprises, local residents, and incoming tourists that are involved in China-Maldives tourism exchanges and cooperation. If not appropriately handled, they may impact the sustainable development of tourism industry in Maldives.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Island tourism is the key node and focused area along the Maritime Silk Road mutually agreed and jointly built by China and Maldives and needs more effective promote on by the high level and more rational dialogues and social consensus. Island tourism should be a strategic topic of the two countries’ leaders and high levels of government; the related information and data should be exchanged on a regular basis, and the commonly-concerned issues should be addressed by the designated tourism working groups at both sides. Fuzhou Branch of China National Tourism Data Center is building the “Maritime Silk Road Tourism Database”. China is willing to cooperate with Maldives for jointly issuing specialized data and specific topic reports on a regular basis and holding Malé Dialogue on Maritime Silk Road Tourism Development. The ecological environment of island tourism should be well protected. Not only local governments and residents pay high attention to the sustainable development of island tourism, but also the international community is highly sensible of civilized tourism and rational consumption. Concerning the increasing of outbound tourists, the Chinese government issued the Tourism Etiquette Rules for Chinese Citizens Traveling Abroad and implemented the “black name system” of uncivilized tourists. In his visit to Maldives in 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping said “Our Chinese citizens remember civilized acts and etiquettes when traveling abroad. Most of them don’t throw about mineral water bottles and do harm to coral reef. And they eat less instant noodles but more local seafood.” It is our belief that Chinese tourists visit Maldives for enjoying wonderful life and they would treat the island as their homeland.

The policy of opening up should be implemented in the areas of investment, trading, and service, and the strategy of quality tourism development for “one island, one hotel, and sharing of wonderful life” should be continuously advanced. Maldives has a total of more than 1,000 coral islands, out of which more than 100 have been developed and many of the remaining can be developed. China’s infrastructures investors, culture & tourism life developers, operators of hotel, duty-free goods, food & drink, and leisure and entertainment are willing and capable to develop island tourist destination like Maldives. Chinese entrepreneurs are active in the construction of infrastructures such as cross-sea bridge, residential quarter, and hotel, as well as commercial services such as airplane chartering, financial payment, and internet application. This is like Japan’s investment in Hawaii in the 1960s when Japan’s outbound tourism was in a peak season or the introduction of the international hotel, medicine, internet service, and human resource to the Chinese province of Hainan as an international tourism island. Utilization of international capital including Chinese investment is a necessity for the building of Maritime Silk Road as well as an unavoidable way of implementing the Road and Belt Initiative and creating a community of shared future for mankind. The Chinese government and the Maldivian government should show more confidence and make the policy more transparent. It is hoped that Maldives could enlarge China’s investment in tourism as planned. It is also hoped that Chinese entrepreneurs could understand the government’s policy and strategy and take actions in line with the government’s leadership. It is advised that Chinese commerce chamber could publish White Paper of Tourism Investment in Maldives and Report of Chinese Enterprises’ Social Responsibility on a regular basis, by which the acts of Chinese investors could be fully understood and the strategic transparence Chinese investment in Maldives could be further strengthened.
