专栏名称: 墨尔本微生活
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微同城本地便民  ·  控油去屑必囤!自带山茶花清香,清爽蓬松 ·  昨天  
微同城本地便民  ·  控油去屑必囤!自带山茶花清香,清爽蓬松 ·  昨天  
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墨尔本微生活  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-19 09:10



1 月17日,中国驻墨尔本总领馆隆重举办以“中国年·在一起”为主题的2025蛇年华侨华人、中资机构、留学生春节招待会。房新文总领事偕夫人曾晖、刘东源副总领事、参赞衔领事卞长征、丁莉及领区华人议员、华侨华人、中资机构及留学生代表等500余人出席。

房总领事在致辞中向各位来宾致以美好新春祝福,表示 前不久春节申遗成功表明 春节源自中国,属于世界,体现了全世界对和平、和谐价值观的认可和对美好生活的共同追求。 房总领事全面回顾了过去一年中国式现代化、中澳关系及领区对华合作取得的新进展,并对广大 华侨 华人、中资机构、留学生所做积极贡献表示诚挚感谢,强调总领馆愿同大家一道,推动领区对华关系迎来更加美好的前景。


招待会现场张灯结彩,领区书法家代表挥毫泼墨,民乐合奏《春节组曲》、舞蹈《盛世》、《雪域》、《巴郎仔》、歌曲《跟着你到天边》、《壮家好客三碗酒》等节目赢得观众阵阵掌声,现场气氛喜庆热烈。 来宾们纷纷表示,很高兴参加总领馆举办的春节招待会,在海外感受到浓浓的春节喜庆氛围和祖( )国温暖,衷心祝愿祖(籍)国繁荣昌盛、国泰民安。

Chinese Consulate General in Melbourne Holds the 2025 Chinese Lunar New Year Reception for Overseas Chinese,Chinese-funded Enterprises and Chinese students

On 17th January 2025, Chinese Consulate General in Melbourne held the 2025 Chinese Lunar New Year Reception for overseas Chinese , Chinese-funded enterprises and Chinese students. More than 500 poeple including Chinese Consul General Xinwen Fang and Mme Hui Zeng, Deputy Consul General Dongyuan Liu, Counselor Changzheng Bian, Li Ding, Representatives of Chinese Communities, Chinese-funded enterprises and Chinese students in Victoria and Tasmania attended the event.

Consul General Fang extended warm Spring Festival greetings to all guests. He mentioned that successful application of the Spring Festival for World Heritage status demonstrates the Spring Festival originates from China and belongs to the world,which represents the recognition of universal values of peace and harmony and the common aspiration for a better life. Consul General Fang looked back on the new progress in China, China-Australia relations and Victoria, Tasmania friendly cooperation with China in the past one year, and expressed his sincere gratitude to Chinese Communities, Chinese-funded enterprises and Chinese students in Victoria and Tasmania for their contribution. He emphasized that the Consulate General stands ready to work with friends from all walks of life to promote a better future for the relations of China-Victoria and China-Tasmania.

Representatives from Chinese Communities, Chinese-funded enterprises and Swinburne University of Technology extended warm greetings to the guests and mentioned that overseas Chinese sons and daughters have deep connections with the motherland. They will continuously play a positive role in promoting Chinese culture, supporting the development and construction of China, contributing to the development of China-Australia relations .

The reception was well decorated with lanterns and colored streamers. Cultural performances won warm applause from the audience.





低吸波段王  ·  2月13日 神行午盘
16 小时前
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微同城本地便民  ·  控油去屑必囤!自带山茶花清香,清爽蓬松
江苏警方  ·  1,000,000元保住了!
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