专栏名称: 中国城市规划
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【CCPR专栏】Glossary | 常用英文规划术语⑮

中国城市规划  · 公众号  · 基建  · 2025-03-21 19:07



由中国城市规划学会主办的《China City Planning Review》(CCPR),中文刊名《城市规划(英文版)》,是EBSCO 收录期刊、CSCD 核心库收录期刊、CNKI 全文收录期刊、ProQuest 收录期刊。“中国城市规划”联手“ CCPR”为读者打造双语专栏,拓宽内容广度。

本文字数: 826字

阅读时间: 3分钟

本期介绍的是本刊2025年第1期 “儿童友好城市与乡村” 主题的具有中国特色的相关英文规划词汇,该期共刊登了四篇这一主题的相关文章,欢迎感兴趣的读者留言查询。

Today we will introduce certain terms on the theme of "Child-Friendly Cities and Villages", which is the theme of 2025 No. 1 issue of our journal. And if you are interested in the four papers on the theme, please leave your message.


Healthy China (健康中国)

People’s health is an important indicator of a nation’s prosperity and a country’s strength. In 2008, the Ministry of Health launched the “Healthy China 2020” strategy, which proposed the concept of “Healthy China.” Then Healthy China was incorporated into the Government Work Report in 2015 and the 13th Five-Year Plan in 2016, marking the official implementation of the strategy in China. Highlighting the principles of “joint participation, shared benefits, and health for all,” it aims to advance the construction of a healthy nation, improve the health level of the entire population, and achieve coordinated development between health and the economy and society. Diversified actions have been launched for Healthy China, such as promoting healthy lifestyles, strengthening health education, improving public health services, building a healthy environment, and developing health industries.


Land Ownership (土地所有权)

Land ownership refers to the rights of land owners to possess, use, benefit from, and dispose of land according to the law. China gradually set up a socialist system of public land ownership after abolishing the private land ownership in 1956. According to the Constitution of People’s Republic of China, there are two forms of land ownership in China, namely ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people. Land in cities is owned by the state. Land in rural and suburban areas is owned by collectives except for those portions that belong to the state in accordance with the law; house sites and private plots of cropland and hilly land are also owned by collectives. The right to the use of land may be transferred in accordance with the law.


To purchase the new issue of CCPR, please contact us via:

Tel:010-82819550, Email:[email protected].


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