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科研圈  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-06-23 18:40


撰文 许秋楠(中科院物理所)

编辑 金庄维

中国科学院物理研究所/北京凝聚态物理国家实验室(筹)的科研团队首次观测到三重简并费米子,这一研究成果于 2017 年 6 月 19 日在线发表于《自然》期刊。该研究从理论预言、样品制备到实验观测的全过程,均由我国科学家独立完成。


2016 年,中科院物理所翁红明、方辰、戴希及方忠等研究员在理论上预言了实际材料 WC(碳化钨)家族中存在三重简并点。【简并是指某一个能级上电子可以存在的状态数,狄拉克费米子具有四重简并度,而外尔费米子和马约拉纳具有两重简并度。在特定条件下,一个狄拉克费米子可以分成一对外尔费米子或马约拉纳费米子。三重简并的费米子显然不在这三类之中。】物理所的石友国研究员随后制备出 WC 家族中的 MoP 单晶样品材料。钱天和丁洪研究组通过角分辨光电子能谱的测量,成功分析出 MoP 的电子结构,发现了其中的三重简并点。这与理论计算的结论完全吻合。这是首次在真实材料中观测到三重简并费米子。

三重简并费米子是由旋转及镜面对称性所保护的,当破坏其中某个对称性时,三重简并点就会劈裂成为外尔点或者拓扑节线(nodal-line)结构。此外,MoP 体系中同时包含有三重简并点及外尔点,这为 研究 费米子之间的相互作用提供了一个非常好的平台。





【标题】Observation of three-component fermions in the topological semimetal molybdenum phosphide

【作者】B. Q. Lv(中科院物理所,吕佰晴), Z.-L. Feng(中科院物理所,冯子力), Q.-N. Xu(中科院物理所,许秋楠), X. Gao, J.-Z. Ma, L.-Y. Kong, P. Richard, Y.-B. Huang, V. N. Strocov, C. Fang, H.-M. Weng, Y.-G. Shi, T. Qian & H. Ding




【摘要】In quantum field theory, Lorentz invariance leads to three types of fermion—Dirac, Weyl and Majorana. Although the existence of Weyl and Majorana fermions as elementary particles in high-energy physics is debated, all three types of fermion have been proposed to exist as low-energy, long-wavelength quasiparticle excitations in condensed-matter systems. The existence of Dirac and Weyl fermions in condensed-matter systems has been confirmed experimentally, and that of Majorana fermions is supported by various experiments. However, in condensed-matter systems, fermions in crystals are constrained by the symmetries of the 230 crystal space groups rather than by Lorentz invariance, giving rise to the possibility of finding other types of fermionic excitation that have no counterparts in high-energy physics. Here we use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to demonstrate the existence of a triply degenerate point in the electronic structure of crystalline molybdenum phosphide. Quasiparticle excitations near a triply degenerate point are three-component fermions, beyond the conventional Dirac–Weyl–Majorana classification, which attributes Dirac and Weyl fermions to four- and two-fold degenerate points, respectively. We also observe pairs of Weyl points in the bulk electronic structure of the crystal that coexist with the three-component fermions. This material thus represents a platform for studying the interplay between different types of fermions. Our experimental discovery opens up a way of exploring the new physics of unconventional fermions in condensed-matter systems.

【链接】 http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature22390.html


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