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【Applied Energy最新原创论文】德国电力系统转型中储能作用

AEii国际应用能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-11-19 18:30



What-where-when: Investigating the role of storage for the German electricity system transition




•Role of energy storage systems in the German electricity system is investigated.

•Modeling of daily and seasonal storage investments and operation in 2021–2050.

•Quantification of regional and temporal patterns in energy storage installations.

•High hydrogen-based seasonal storage demand in selected federal states is shown.


德国正面临着电力系统迅速脱碳转型的压力,同时要确保电力供应的安全性与经济性。在此背景下,储能系统有助于实现高比例可再生能源发电。为了研究储能在电力系统中的复杂相互作用,自下而上的能源系统优化模型已用于构建经济性最优的电力系统脱碳策略。然而,现有研究均忽略了储能容量配置优化(what)、储能技术的日内运行及季节性运行(what)、投资时机(when)以及优化布局(where)等关键层面。因此作者提出一种电力系统的长期优化设计模型(MANGOelec),以探究储能在what-when-where各维度的作用。考虑至2050年的时间跨度以及多种场景,作者在德国电力系统中应用MANGOelec模型来研究可再生能源发电技术的装机比例以及电网扩张限制等外部因素对最优转型路径的影响。研究结果表明,无论何种外部因素下能源系统均需要混合短期储能与长期储能。例如,电池储能几乎在所有地区均得到充分利用,并专门用于日内运行;另外氢储能仅在少数地区部署、并专门用于季节性运行。而且,结果表明氢储能的需求巨大,2050年的氢储能容量将达到2.7-5.9 TWh。此外,结果表明任意储能技术的部署均在2030年后开始并于2045年前完成。总之,现有储能容量一开始可提供足够的灵活性,但需在2030年后大幅扩张以实现德国电力系统的成本最优转型。此外,研究结果论证了储能在实现德国能源系统脱碳目标的必要性,可为能源规划者和政策制定者提供宝贵见解。

更多关于“energy transition”的文章请见:


Abstr act

Germany is under increasing pressure to rapidly decarbonize its electricity system, while ensuring a secure and affordable electricity supply. In this context, energy storage systems (ESSs) can play a crucial role in enabling a high share of variable renewable electricity generation. To investigate the complex interplay of ESSs in the electricity system, bottom-up energy system optimization models have been utilized to create strategies for the decarbonization of electricity systems at minimum cost. Previous studies have used models to investigate the role of storage technologies in decarbonizing electricity systems. However, in most of them, key aspects pertaining to the optimal storage technology mix (what), the daily and seasonal operation of storage technologies (what), the timing of the investment (when), and their optimal placement (where) are omitted. In this work, we present MANGOelec, a model for the long-term optimal design of electricity systems that allows us to study all the what-where-when dimensions for ESSs. We apply the MANGOelec model to the German electricity system considering the horizon until 2050, as well as various scenarios to investigate the effects of several external factors like building rates of renewable generation technologies or grid expansion limitations on the optimal transformation pathways. The study results indicate that a mix of short- and long-term storage is needed, independent of external factors. For instance, battery storage potentials are close to fully exploited across all regions and the technology is solely used for daily operation. Hydrogen storage, on the other hand, is primarily installed in a small set of regions and operated exclusively as a seasonal storage option. Here, the results indicate that the demand for hydrogen storage capacity is substantial, reaching 2.7–5.9 TWh of hydrogen-based storage capacity in 2050 depending on the scenario. The results also suggest that independent of the storage technology chosen, their deployment commences after 2030 and is completed by 2045. In conclusion, the study shows that already existing ESSs provide sufficient flexibility at first but need to be expanded substantially after 2030 to enable a cost-optimal transition of the German electricity system. Moreover, it illustrates the need for ESSs in order to achieve the decarbonization goals of the German electricity system, which can provide valuable insights to energy planners and policy makers.


Energy system scenarios

Electricity system

Energy system modeling

Energy transition

Seasonal storage

Energy storage


Fig. 1. Schematics describing the difference between tracked and non-tracked technologies. (a) The capacity expansion of the tracked technology is considered separately for each investment period. Depending on the timing of the investment, the performance of a tracked technology changes. (b) Capacity expansions of non-tracked technologies are summed up into one block. Here, a uniform performance over all periods is assumed.
