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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2018-01-23 08:22



RIIAB 2018

Real-time image and video processing in Industrial and IoT Applications using  Big Data Analytics

全文截稿: 2018-01-26
开会时间: 2018-06-20
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Gold Coast, Australia
IIMSS-18 is an international scientific symposium for research in the fields of intelligent interactive multimedia systems and services. The aim of the conference is to provide an internationally respected forum for scientific research in the technologies and applications of intelligent and interactive multimedia systems and services.

At a time when computers are more widespread than ever and computer users range from highly qualified scientists to non-computer expert professionals, Intelligent Interactive Systems are becoming a necessity in modern computer systems. The solution of "one-fits-all" is no longer applicable to wide ranges of users of various backgrounds and needs. Therefore one important goal of many intelligent interactive systems is dynamic personalization and adaptivity to users. Multimedia Systems refer to the coordinated storage, processing, transmission and retrieval of multiple forms of information, such as audio, image, video, animation, graphics, and text. The growth rate of multimedia services has become explosive, as technological progress matches consumer needs for content


GIoTS 2018


全文截稿: 2018-01-31
开会时间: 2018-06-04
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Bilbao, Spain
Join experts from around the world at the second edition of the Global IoT Summit in Bilbao! GIoTS 2018 call for papers is open!

The objective of GIoTS it is to bring together the research and industry communities active in the IoT domain.

Global IoT Summit is the key place for industry leaders, academics, professionals, government officials, and students, to discuss and foster knowledge on emerging technologies, business cases and social impacts.

Global IoT Summit 2018 seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate IoT technologies and applications for the benefit of society.



International Workshop on  Advances in High-Performance Algorithms Middleware and Applications

全文截稿: 2018-02-23
开会时间: 2018-05-01
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Washington, DC, USA
Held in conjunction with the the 18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID 2018), Washington, DC, USA May 1-4 2018

The Workshop on Advances in High-Performance Algorithms Middleware and Applications is an international forum which brings together researchers and practitioners working on different high-performance aspects of algorithms, middleware and technologies enabling novel applications. Middleware technologies include tools to assemble together different resources such as parallel supercomputers, data archives, high-speed storage systems, advanced visualization devices and scientific instruments using high speed networks connecting geographically distributed devices and organizations. Many recent international efforts are actively fostering the development of such applications and technologies. The Workshop will allow exchanging ideas and results related to on-going research, focusing on high-performance aspects of algorithms and applications.

Creating breakthrough parallel algorithms for high-performance applications requires addressing several key computing problems which may lead to novel solutions and new insights in interdisciplinary applications. The focus of the workshop is on all forms of advances in high-performance algorithms middleware and applications, and related topics. For example, the following topics are relevant to the workshop:
- Scalable message-passing parallel algorithms using MPI
- Scalable shared-memory parallel algorithms using OpenMP
- GPGPU parallel algorithms using OpenCL or CUDA
- Green High-Performance Computing
- Exploiting modern parallel architectures including FPGA, many-cores and multi-cores for parallel applications
- Middleware for high-performance computing
- Benchmarking and performance studies of high-performance applications
- Novel programming paradigms to support high-performance computing
- Performance models for high-performance applications and middleware
- Efficient job scheduling for high-performance applications
- Performance-aware resource reservation
- Security-related performance issues
- Programming models, tools, and environments for high-performance computing
- Caching, streaming, pipelining, and other optimization techniques for data management in high-performance computing
- Peer-to-peer systems for high-performance grid and cloud environments
- Optimization techniques for mobile grids


SEKE 2018

International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering

全文截稿: 2018-03-01
开会时间: 2018-07-01
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: C类
会议地点: San Francisco Bay, California, USA
