专栏名称: 高分子能源
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高分子能源  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-19 09:59


各位同仁大家好,新西兰怀卡托大学Fei Yang 教授招聘全奖博士研究生,详情请见下文,有意者邮件联系。非常感谢各位老师、同学积极推荐,转发!谢谢大家

PhD in Novel HEAs (high-entropy alloys) hydrogen storage performance evaluation

Blurb – Background of Scholarship:
Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship opportunity in the Waikato Centre for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing at the School of Engineering, University of Waikato, New Zealand. This project is funded by Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Endeavour Fund, and will investigate factors influencing synthesis of novel high-entropy alloys for hydrogen storage application and determine how the characteristics of high-entropy alloys influence their reversible hydrogen storage capacity, thermodynamics, kinetics, and cycling stability, to develop better high entropy alloys to enable hydrogen use in transportation and stationary energy storage applications. The successful applicant should be eligible to enroll at the University of Waikato (please check PhD enrollment requirements at: https://calendar.waikato.ac.nz/regulations/higher/phd).

Candidates should hold a First or Upper Second-Class Honors degree in a relevant subject such as Materials Science, Materials and Process Engineering or an associated discipline. The preferred candidate should have experience in powder metallurgy, material science, materials characterization, and a strong background in metallurgy and metals, together with the ability to analyse, develop and solve open-ended research problems.

Expected starting date: 1 Feb 2024 (or sooner)
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand
Funding amount: NZ $32,500 per annum plus domestic fees for a period of three years

Eligibility criteria:
Domestic/International/PR students

English requirements:
