Li Chen
: I have this contention. And also this is my proposal to all of the English learners listening to our programme today. Stop listening to monologue or speech, or reduce the time you listen to speeches or monologues, listen to dialogues, listen to discussions more. Because in that way, you can pick up the nuances in terms of how you receive questions, how do you respond, and how do you interrupt and things like that.
: I couldn't agree with that anymore, because the conversation, that's what you're gonna be using it for. When you speak, when you learn English, you're learning it primarily to have conversations. So yeah, if you understand the nuances of timing and pause and all the tones and all the habits that come to speaking English. I think that's far better than learning a long speech, a monologue. How many times you make a speech? Probably twice a year?
: When people make monologues. They have a very particular purpose. If you're listening to speeches, they are mainly for to persuade somebody or to make a certain point. And that comes with its own bias.
Li Chen
: Yeah, I had a student and she studied English really really hard. She recites one passage every day. But that's all Brack Obama. So one day she's stood in front of the class and she started talking like, she's like "My Fellow Americans...", things like that. Yeah, she does do a pretty good female version of Brack Obama, but she couldn't engage herself in normal conversations.Yeah, that's really weird.
: So it just seems unwieldy to try and speak like that in a normal conversation. Like order coffee. It's very unwieldy because you have to sort of the posturing of the way you place things and how you ask then the length. Yeah, I would be tiring speak like Brack Obama all day would be tiring. He doesn't speak like that every day. He doesn't do it.
Li Chen
: So be natural everybody, be natural.