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—— 掌镜摄影师 查理•瑞泽克
导演梅吉•阿拉比和摄影师欧兰•科拉迪的MV拍摄任务需要在一个封闭的空间里进行复杂的运镜,预算不高,拍摄日程却非常紧张,只有一天时间。两人急忙请查理•瑞泽克带着他的ARRI TRINITY来救火。
这支MV是英国音乐人马利克•贝瑞(Maleek Berry)的“PON MY MIND(漂浮我的心)”。“这首歌有一种催眠的感觉,”导演梅吉•阿拉比(Meji Alabi)说:“所以和摄影指导欧兰•科拉迪(Olan Collardy)讨论之后,决定用多段长镜头的方式来表现。”
他们决定用ALEXA Mini搭配变形镜头拍摄,场景选在西伦敦的一所小公寓楼,因此能运动的空间有限。“我们希望摄影机能够捕捉到每个房间和空间感,再和马利克的表演结合在一起,”梅吉说:“要达成这个目标,TRINITY是我们唯一的选择。”
于是,查理•瑞泽克(Charlie Rizek)出现了。
掌镜摄影师查理•瑞泽克对ARRI TRINITY是“一见钟情”
照片提供:1&2 Matt Farrant;3 Eyyaz Chisty
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ARRI TRINITY摄影机稳定器用户认证培训(10.18-10.19,北京)
ARRI TRINITY "only option" for PON MY MIND
Director Meji Alabi and cinematographer Olan Collardy were commissioned to shoot a music video requiring complicated camera moves, in a confined space, with tight budgets, and only one day to shoot. They turned to Charlie Rizek and his ARRI TRINITY for help.
The project was a video for a UK musician, Maleek Berry, to illustrate his song PON MY MIND. “The song itself has a quite hypnotic feel to it,” director Meji Alabi says, “so with DP Olan Collardy I decided to focus on interesting long takes for the video.”
They decided to shoot on an ALEXA Mini and anamorphic lenses. The location for their filming was a small flat in West London, which meant limited room to maneuver. “We wanted to let the camera really feel the spaces and rooms, and tie all of Maleek’s performances together,” says Meji,”and the TRINITY was really the only option that could give us what we were looking for.”
“The problem we had was getting a camera which could float through a tight space during long takes where we were tracking movements which were happening at differing heights,” Olan explains. “This would have posed a challenge for the traditional Steadicam going from low mode while tracking feet movement all the way to shoulder height. While a gimble provides us with the flexibility, the feeling you get from a gimbal is somewhat unnatural due to the bobbling vertical movement. The TRINITY was the perfect solution because it absorbs both rotational and vertical forces on the camera.”
Which was where Charlie Rizek came in.
The ARRI TRINITY was “love at first sight” for operator Charlie Rizek.
“Olan, the DP called me and said he’d like to use the TRINITY—‘we’re after a one-shot sequence’, he said… ‘You had me at one-shot!’ I told him. I always enjoy operating for Olan: I know what he wants, and I love his lighting setups. He offers freedom and space allowing the camera to move with minimum restrictions.”
“The TRINITY was love at first sight for me,” says Charlie. “Coming from a Steadicam background and being an early adopter of stabilized gimbal technology, TRINITY was the obvious choice. It offers the best of both worlds: the fluidity and organic motion of a Steadicam, combined with the precision and flexibility a stabilized gimbal can offer. It’s a force to be reckoned with.”
The TRINITY was “perfect for the shoot.”
The PON MY MIND shoot posed some interesting specific challenges for Charlie. “We found ourselves packed into a little gorgeous flat in West London, full of character yet short on space. The art department worked extremely hard to dress the set and offer solutions from hiding and blocking light stands, cables, mirrors, reflections... all the challenges you'd expect from filming in a real location.”
He believes the TRINITY was perfect for the shoot. “I can go higher, lower, faster, and offer endless frames and angles,” he says. “I can look around corners, simulate a dolly shoot regardless of what ground surface I’m walking on or obstacles I have to glide over. I have full control with a push of one button. That translates to more options and flexibility to the production.”
“The TRINITY is a powerful piece of kit, revolutionary, versatile, reliable, quick, and efficient. It’s an incredible asset to have on set.”