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深度详解 Python yield与实现

马哥Linux运维  · 公众号  · 运维  · 2018-02-10 08:00


学Python最简单的方法是什么?推荐阅读: Python开发工程师成长魔法

Python yield与实现

yield 的功能类似于 return ,但是不同之处在于它返回的是 生成器


生成器是通过一个或多个 yield 表达式构成的函数,每一个生成器都是一个迭代器(但是迭代器不一定是生成器)。

如果一个函数包含 yield 关键字,这个函数就会变为一个生成器。

生成器并不会一次返回所有结果,而是每次遇到 yield 关键字后返回相应结果,并保留函数当前的运行状态,等待下一次的调用。

由于生成器也是一个迭代器,那么它就应该支持 next 方法来获取下一个值。


# 通过`yield`来创建生成器

def func () :

for i in xrange ( 10 );

yield i

# 通过列表来创建生成器

[ i for i in xrange ( 10 )]

# 调用如下

>>> f = func ()

>>> f # 此时生成器还没有运行

< generator object func at 0x7fe01a853820 >

>>> f . next () # 当i=0时,遇到yield关键字,直接返回


>>> f . next () # 继续上一次执行的位置,进入下一层循环



>>> f . next ()


>>> f . next () # 当执行完最后一次循环后,结束yield语句,生成StopIteration异常

Traceback ( most recent call last ) :

File " " , line 1 , in < module >




>>> def func () :

... n = 0

... while 1 :

... n = yield n #可以通过send函数向n赋值


>>> f = func ()

>>> f . next () # 默认情况下n为0


>>> f . send ( 1 ) #n赋值1


>>> f . send ( 2 )






def get_primes ( start ) :

for element in magical_infinite_range ( start ) :

if is_prime ( element ) :

return element


def get_primes ( number ) :

while True :

if is_prime ( number ) :

yield number

number += 1


生成器的源码在 Objects/genobject.c



Python虚拟机有一个栈帧的调用栈,其中栈帧的是 PyFrameObject ,位于 Include/frameobject.h

typedef struct _frame {


struct _frame * f_back ; /* previous frame, or NULL */

PyCodeObject * f_code ; /* code segment */

PyObject * f_builtins ; /* builtin symbol table (PyDictObject) */

PyObject * f_globals ; /* global symbol table (PyDictObject) */

PyObject * f_locals ; /* local symbol table (any mapping) */

PyObject * * f_valuestack ; /* points after the last local */

/* Next free slot in f_valuestack.  Frame creation sets to f_valuestack.

Frame evaluation usually NULLs it, but a frame that yields sets it

to the current stack top. */

PyObject * * f_stacktop ;

PyObject * f_trace ; /* Trace function */

/* If an exception is raised in this frame, the next three are used to

* record the exception info (if any) originally in the thread state.  See

* comments before set_exc_info() -- it's not obvious.

* Invariant:  if _type is NULL, then so are _value and _traceback.

* Desired invariant:  all three are NULL, or all three are non-NULL.  That

* one isn't currently true, but "should be".


PyObject * f_exc_type , * f_exc_value , * f_exc_traceback ;

PyThreadState * f_tstate ;

int f_lasti ; /* Last instruction if called */

/* Call PyFrame_GetLineNumber() instead of reading this field

directly.  As of 2.3 f_lineno is only valid when tracing is

active (i.e. when f_trace is set).  At other times we use

PyCode_Addr2Line to calculate the line from the current

bytecode index. */

int f_lineno ; /* Current line number */

int f_iblock ; /* index in f_blockstack */

PyTryBlock f_blockstack [ CO_MAXBLOCKS ]; /* for try and loop blocks */

PyObject * f_localsplus [ 1 ]; /* locals+stack, dynamically sized */

} PyFrameObject ;

栈帧保存了给出代码的的信息和上下文,其中包含最后执行的指令,全局和局部命名空间,异常状态等信息。 f_valueblock 保存了数据, b_blockstack 保存了异常和循环控制方法。


def foo () :

x = 1

def bar ( y ) :

z = y + 2 #


c ---------------------------

a | bar Frame | -> block stack : []

l | ( newest ) | -> data stack : [ 1 , 2 ]

l ---------------------------

| foo Frame | -> block stack : []

s |                           | -> data stack : [. bar at 0x10d389680 > , 1 ]

t ---------------------------

a | main ( module ) Frame | -> block stack : []

c | ( oldest ) | -> data stack : []

k ---------------------------



调用 dis 模块可以分析字节码,

from dis import dis

dis ( foo )

5 0 LOAD _ CONST 1 ( 1 ) # 加载常量1

3 STORE _ FAST 0 ( x ) # x赋值为1

6 6 LOAD _ CONST 2 ( < code > ) # 加载常量2

9 MAKE _ FUNCTION 0 # 创建函数

12 STORE _ FAST 1 ( bar )

9 15 LOAD _ FAST 1 ( bar )

18 LOAD _ FAST 0 ( x )

21 CALL _ FUNCTION 1 # 调用函数

24 RETURN_VALUE code >









生成器的源码位于 object/genobject.c


PyObject *

PyGen_New ( PyFrameObject * f )


PyGenObject * gen = PyObject_GC_New ( PyGenObject , & PyGen_Type ); # 创建生成器对象

if ( gen == NULL ) {

Py_DECREF ( f );

return NULL ;


gen -> gi_frame = f ; # 赋予代码块

Py_INCREF ( f -> f_code ); # 引用计数+1

gen -> gi_code = ( PyObject * )( f -> f_code );

gen -> gi_running = 0 ; # 0表示为执行,也就是生成器的初始状态

gen -> gi_weakreflist = NULL ;

_PyObject_GC_TRACK ( gen ); # GC跟踪

return ( PyObject * ) gen ;



next send 函数,如下

static PyObject *

gen_iternext ( PyGenObject * gen )


return gen_send_ex ( gen , NULL , 0 );


static PyObject *

gen_send ( PyGenObject * gen , PyObject * arg )


return gen_send_ex ( gen , arg , 0 );


send next 都是调用的同一函数 gen_send_ex ,区别在于是否带有参数。

static PyObject *

gen_send_ex ( PyGenObject * gen , PyObject * arg , int exc )


PyThreadState * tstate = PyThreadState_GET ();

PyFrameObject * f = gen -> gi_frame ;

PyObject * result ;

if ( gen -> gi_running ) { # 判断生成器是否已经运行

PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_ValueError ,

"generator already executing" );

return NULL ;


if ( f == NULL || f -> f_stacktop == NULL ) { # 如果代码块为空或调用栈为空,则抛出StopIteration异常

/* Only set exception if called from send() */

if ( arg && ! exc )

PyErr_SetNone ( PyExc_StopIteration );

return NULL ;


if ( f -> f_lasti == - 1 ) { # f_lasti=1 代表首次执行

if ( arg && arg != Py_None ) { # 首次执行不允许带有参数

PyErr_SetString ( PyExc_TypeError ,

"can't send non-None value to a "

"just-started generator" );

return NULL ;


} else {

/* Push arg onto the frame's value stack */

result = arg ? arg : Py_None ;

Py_INCREF ( result ); # 该参数引用计数+1

* ( f -> f_stacktop ++ ) = result ; # 参数压栈


/* Generators always return to their most recent caller, not

* necessarily their creator. */

f -> f_tstate = tstate ;

Py_XINCREF ( tstate -> frame );

assert ( f -> f_back == NULL );

f -> f_back = tstate -> frame ;

gen -> gi_running = 1 ; # 修改生成器执行状态

result = PyEval_EvalFrameEx ( f , exc ); # 执行字节码

gen -> gi_running = 0 ; # 恢复为未执行状态

/* Don't keep the reference to f_back any longer than necessary.  It

* may keep a chain of frames alive or it could create a reference

* cycle. */

assert ( f -> f_back == tstate -> frame );

Py_CLEAR ( f -> f_back );

/* Clear the borrowed reference to the thread state */

f -> f_tstate = NULL ;

/* If the generator just returned (as opposed to yielding), signal

* that the generator is exhausted. */

if ( result == Py_None && f -> f_stacktop == NULL ) {

Py_DECREF ( result );

result = NULL ;

/* Set exception if not called by gen_iternext() */

if ( arg )

PyErr_SetNone ( PyExc_StopIteration );


if ( ! result || f -> f_stacktop == NULL ) {

/* generator can't be rerun, so release the frame */

Py_DECREF ( f );

gen -> gi_frame = NULL ;


return result ;



PyEval_EvalFrameEx 函数的功能为执行字节码并返回结果。

# 主要流程如下,

for (;;) {

switch ( opcode ) { # opcode为操作码,对应着各种操作

case NOP :

goto fast_next_opcode ;



case YIELD_VALUE : # 如果操作码是yield

retval = POP ();

f ->
