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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-01-21 06:00




How women rose to the top of American astronomy


Looking at the stars


The work of the ladies team of the Harvard Observatory


Dec 24th 2016


The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of the Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars. By Dava Sobel. Viking; 324 pages; $30. To be published in Britain by 4th Estate in January.

《玻璃宇宙:哈佛大学天文台的女性如何掌握了星球研究》一书由Dava Sobel所著、共324页、定价30美元,将于一月份由新闻界出版社在英国出版。

IN THE late 19th century an extraordinary group of women worked at the Harvard College Observatory. Known as “computers”, they charted the position ,and brightness of stars on a daily basis by applying mathematical formulae to the observations of their male colleagues who watched the sky. Harvard was unique in taking advantage of the burgeoning numbers of educated women in this way. When the observatory’s research was redirected towards photographing the heavens rather than observing them merely by eye, the duties of the “computers” expanded apace. Many of them would go on to extraordinary achievements in astronomy.


  • chart: v. 记录

  • formulae: n. 公式

  • burgeoning: adj. 迅速发展的


The work of Harvard’s female staff was paid for largely by two other women, Anna Palmer Draper and Catherine Wolfe Bruce, heiresses with an enduring interest in astronomy. Dava Sobel, a former science writer for the New York Times who made her name with her bestselling first book, “Longitude” (1995), has spent several years poring over letters and studying archives in order to tell the story of the women-astronomers and their benefactors.

杰出的哈佛女研究者主要有两个人值得一提--Anna Palmer Draper 和 Catherine Wolfe Bruce。作为天文学的继承人,她们一直对天文保持着长久不衰的兴趣。 该书的作者Dava Sobel是《纽约时代》的前任科学作家。她的第一部作品《经度》(1995年)的畅销使她为大众所熟知。此前她花了好几年时间钻研信件并研究档案,最后为我们讲述了一个女天文学家们和她们的支持者的故事。

  • heiresse: n. 女继承人

  • enduring: adj. 持久的

  • Longitude: n. 经度

  • benefactor: n. 捐助者

一生都对星空有兴趣的Dava Sobel

The introduction of photography at the Harvard Ovservatory allowed the firmament to be captured on an unprecedented scale on eight by ten-inch glass plates. These plates, about half a million in all by 1992, when the observatory switched to digital storage methods, comprise the “glass universe” of her book’s title. They allowed the course of stars to be followed not just for a few nights, but for decades. Discoveries made by astronomers on other continents could be cross-checked with Harvard’s library. Perhaps more important, when starlight was split with the aid of a prism its spectrum could likewise be recorded.


  • firmament: n. 天空

  • unprecedented: adj. 前所未有的

  • switch: v. 转变

  • comprise: v. 包括

These spectra resemble long rainbow-coloured strips (rendered in black and white on the plates’ photographic emulsion) interspersed with numerous dark lines. Scientists would come to understand that the gaps in a spectrum are due to the absorption of light by the atoms of chemical elements that compose a star’s outer layers. As one astronomer triumphantly declared, the ability to divine a star’s constituents from its spectrum “made the chemist’s arms millions of miles long”. Stellar spectroscopy would also reveal other physical attributes of stars such as their temperature, eventually giving rise to the new field of astrophysics.

这些光谱和彩虹很像,由色彩缤纷的条带(在相机胶卷中是黑白色的)伴随着大量的黑线散布开。如此科学家们发现,光谱空隙是由于星球外层的化学元素原子吸收光线而产生。一位天文学家自豪地宣布,根据光谱可探测星球成分这一发现“让化学家们的研究可伸展到地球几千万公里之外” 。星球光谱学还可揭示星辰的其他物理属性,如星球气候。这一系列的研究为天体物理学研究开拓出了一个新的领域。

  • strip: n. 条,带

  • render: v. 使成为

  • emulsion: n. 乳状液

  • intersperse: v. 散布


This extraordinary photographic record offered the Harvard Observatory team the chance to learn a great deal more about the stars. During routine studies of the plates in 1893, for example, Williamina Fleming found a nova, only the tenth to have been observed by astronomers in the West. She would go on to discover nine more. Annie Cannon catalogued hundreds of thousands of stars, in the process inventing a stellar classification system that is still in use by astronomers today.

这种奇特的记录方式为哈佛天文台工作的女性们打开了更多星象研究的视野。在1893年对天体的常规研究期间,Williamina Fleming发现了一颗新星,这是西方天文学家发现的第十颗新星。然而她的发现不止于此,Annie Cannon在创造恒星分类系统的过程中,发现了成千上万的恒星。该系统至今仍被现在的天文学家所采用。恒星周期性的忽明忽暗深深地吸引着Henrietta Leavitt。

  • Catalogue:v. 登记分类

The cyclical dimming and brightening of variable stars fascinated Henrietta Leavitt, who became the first person to realise that the frequency of their pulsation was directly related to their brightness. This allowed astronomers to reliably measure how far away they were, to establish the gargantuan dimensions of the Milky Way, and the even greater distances between this galaxy and others. Perhaps most remarkable of all was Cecilia Payne, the first Harvard student (man or woman) to be awarded a PhD in astronomy. Her thesis in 1925 ascertained that, relative to the proportions of other elements, hydrogen is vastly more abundant in stars than it is on Earth.

因此,她成为了发现恒星的亮度和脉动频率有直接相关性的第一人。Henrietta的发现使天文学家后来能够对恒星距离进行准确的测量,丈量巨大的银河系,甚至银河系和其他星系的距离。或许这其中最出色的当属Cecilia Payne,她不仅是第一位获得天文学博士学位的哈佛生,还是第一位女博士。她在1925年发布的论文中表示,相对于其他元素的比例,恒星上的氢元素比地球上的更丰富。

  • Gargantuan:adj. 巨大的


On seeing her thesis, Henry Norris Russell, an expert on the chemical composition of stars, told her that the result was “clearly impossible”. Four years later, Russell’s own calculations would lead him to admit that Payne had been right after all. The prevalence of hydrogen, he wrote at the end of his paper, “can hardly be doubted”. Unjustly, it was Russell at the time, not Payne, who was frequently credited with the discovery.

一位名为Henry Norris Russell的星球化学成分研究学者在看到了Cecilia Payne的论文后告知她该结论“很明显不可能”。四年后,Russell的计算最终让他不得不承认Payne是对的。他在自己的论文结尾中写道,氢的普遍存在“几乎不容置疑”。而不公平的是,当时Russell却成为了该发现多次被归功之人。

The few grumbles expressed by the “computers” of Harvard Observatory will be familiar to many women (and, to be fair, some men) within the academy today. “Sometimes I feel tempted to give up and let him find out what he is getting for $1,500 a year from me,” Fleming wrote in her journal after unfruitful salary negotiations with the director, “compared with $2,500 from some of the other [male] assistants.” Indeed, the directors seemed at times to have something of a sweatshop mentality towards their diligent assistants. Another boss measured computing tasks in units of “girl-hours” and “kilo-girl hours”.


  • Grumble:v. 抱怨

Ms Sobel is keen to absolve the directors of this charge. But there is no getting away from the fact that had they been occupied with fewer humdrum labours, the brilliant women whom she portrays in her book might well have achieved even more than they did. Afficionados of astronomy may be familiar with their names; now it is time they were known to a wider audience. Ms Sobel has drawn deeply from her sources, knitting together the lives and work of the women of Harvard Observatory into a peerless intellectual biography. “The Glass Universe” shines and twinkles as brightly as the stars themselves.

虽然Sobel本人希望,当时的女性天文研究者们受到压榨一事纯属谣言。但不可否认的是,如果书中提到的这些女研究者们的工作不是那么一味的单调乏味,她们获得的成功或许会超越这些男上司们。过去她们的名字可能只被天文爱好者们所熟知,而今更多的人开始了解她们。Sobel 女士通过其个人的深入调查,将这些在哈佛天文台工作过的女性们--一群无所畏惧的女性知识分子---的工作生活通过一部传记展示给我们。“玻璃宇宙”的故事正如璀璨的星辰一般熠熠生辉,向我们娓娓道来。



1892年5月2日,“computer”一词第一次出现在《纽约时报》上,不过是由一则招聘广告引出的,这是美国公务员委员会(US Civil Service Commission)发出的广告:“招聘计算师。需要考试的科目包括:代数、几何、三角函数和天文学。”

哈佛大学天文台(Harvard Observatory)的天文学家爱德华皮克林(Edward Charles Pickering)曾经招募了一大批女性来处理天文学数据。那些女性组成的团体被称作“哈佛娘子军”(Harvard Women)或“皮克林的闺房”(Pickering’ s Harem),其中,本文提到的著名的女天文学家亨丽爱塔勒维特(Henrietta Swan Leavitt),也是其中的一员。


《能源重塑世界》(the quest)中,丹尼尔尤金(Daniel Yergin)描述了电子计算机的形成过程: “计算机的出现要归功于二战期间在马里兰州阿伯丁试验场附近的一个铁路站台上发生的一次偶然的会面。年轻的数学家赫尔曼高德芬(Herman Goldfine)在这里遇到了一位世界级的名人,后者至少在科学界和数学界是世界级的大腕。他的名字叫约翰冯诺依曼(John Von Neumann)。高德芬壮起胆子跟冯诺依曼打招呼。令他感到意外的是,冯诺依曼相当平易近人,丝毫没有因为自己没什么名气而摆架子。但是当高德芬对冯诺 依曼说他正在协助开发一种能够每秒进行 333 次乘法运算的电子计算机时,他们两人之间的对话立刻就从一种轻松幽默的状态变成了数学专业的博士学位口头答辩会。”

“在那之前,‘computer’指的并不是机器而是一项职业。‘Computer’指的是从事枯燥乏味但又很重要的计算工作的人。但是冯诺依曼一直在寻求象机械计算机那样的东西,以帮助他和他的同事解决他们所面临的难题。当时冯诺依曼和 他的同事正在研究原子弹,需要进行近乎无限的计算工作。在秘密的洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos),他们为了搞清如何将链式反应的理论概念转变成一种可怕的武器,于是便发明了现代数学建模技术。但是他们需要通过机器来实现它。

“火车站台上的那次偶遇发生之后,冯诺依曼利用他是当时全世界最顶尖的科学顾问的权威身份参与到这个新生的计算机项目中并促进了项目的进展。到 1945 年 6 月的时候,他写了一篇长达 101 页的论文,为全球计算机行业奠定了技术基础。随后他便开始在普林斯顿高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study)设计和研制一款新的原型计算机。”

翻译 ▍栏目二第四组

审核 ▍阳光下的冰叶

编辑 ▍璃儿

背景 ▍妖精

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Perhaps more important, when starlight was split with the aid of a prism its spectrum could likewise be recorded.

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