The work of Harvard’s female staff was paid for largely by two other women, Anna Palmer Draper and Catherine Wolfe Bruce,
with an
interest in astronomy. Dava Sobel, a former science writer for the New York Times who made her name with her bestselling first book, “
” (1995), has spent several years poring over letters and studying archives in order to tell the story of the women-astronomers and their
杰出的哈佛女研究者主要有两个人值得一提--Anna Palmer Draper 和 Catherine Wolfe Bruce。作为天文学的继承人,她们一直对天文保持着长久不衰的兴趣。 该书的作者Dava Sobel是《纽约时代》的前任科学作家。她的第一部作品《经度》(1995年)的畅销使她为大众所熟知。此前她花了好几年时间钻研信件并研究档案,最后为我们讲述了一个女天文学家们和她们的支持者的故事。