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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-08-30 21:41




译者:李   煦



策划:王旻彦  朱小钊

Turn Off Your Push Notifications. All of them.


本文选自 Wired | 取经号原创翻译

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Push notifications are ruining my life. Yours too, I bet. Download more than a few apps and the notifications become a non-stop, cacophonous waterfall of nonsense. Here's just part of an afternoon on my phone:


cacophonous /kæ'kɔfənəs/ adj.having an unpleasant sound 发音不和谐的, 刺耳的

"Hi David! We found new Crown jewels and Bottle caps Pins for you!"


"Every one's talking about Bill Nye's newbook, Everything All at Once. Read a free sample."

“所有人都在谈论Bill Nye的新书《当下尽知》(Everything All at Once)。免费概览一下吧。”

"Alex just posted for the first time in a while."

“Alex 刚发了最近的第一条推文!”

I get notifications when an acquaintance comments on a stranger's Facebook posts, when shows I don't care about come to Netflix, and every single day at 6 PM when the crossword puzzle becomes available. Recently, I got a buzz from my close personal friends at Yelp. "We found a hot new business for you," it said. I opened the notification, on the off chance that Yelp had finally found the hot new business I've been waiting for. It did not. So I closed Yelp, stared into space for a second, and then opened Instagram. Productivity over.


buzz /bʌz/ n.sound of rapid vibration;aconfusion of activity and gossip对于品牌、产品等广告主在乎的事情在网上发出的各种声音

on the off chance be of slight possibility可能性很小

Over the last few years, there's been an increasingly loud call for a re-evaluation of the relationship between humans and smartphones. For all the good that phones do, their grip on our eyes, ears, and thoughts creates real and serious problems. "I know when I take [technology] away from my kids what happens," Tony Fadell, a former senior VP at Apple who helped invent both the iPod and the iPhone, said in a recent interview.  "They literally feel like you're tearing a piece of their person away from them. They get emotional about it, very emotional. They go through withdrawal for two to three days.”


Smartphones aren't the problem. It's all the buzzing and dinging, endlessly calling for your attention. A Deloitte study in 2016 found that people look at their phones 47 times a day on average; for young people, more like 82. Apple proudly announced in 2013 that 7.4 trillion push notifications had been pushed through its servers. The intervening four years have not reversed the trend.


There's a solution, though: Kill your notifications. Yes, really. Turn them all off. (You can leave on phone calls and text messages, if you must, but nothing else.) You'll discover that you don't miss the stream of cards filling your lockscreen, because they never existed for your benefit. They're for brands and developers, methods by which thirsty growth hackers can grab your attention anytime they want. Allowing an app to send you push notifications is like allowing a store clerk to grab you by the ear and drag you into their store. You're letting someone insert a commercial into your life anytime they want. Time to turn it off.


Push and Pull


Originally, push notifications were designed to keep you out of your phone rather than constantly drawing you in. When BlackBerry launched push email in 2003, users rejoiced: They didn't need to constantly check their inbox for fear they'd miss important messages. When email comes, BlackBerry promised, your phone will tell you. Until then, don't worry about it.

推送通知的设计初衷并不是为了让人深陷手机,而是让人们脱离手机。2003年,黑莓上架邮件推送功能时,用户无不为之欢喜,因为他们再也不用时时查看 邮箱 ,以免错过重要的消息。当时,黑莓向用户保证:新邮件到来时,手机自会推送。而手机没有推送时,用户不必再多余担心。

rejoice /,rɪˋdʒɔɪs/ v to feel or show that you are very happy喜悦,欣喜

Apple made push a system-wide feature in 2008, and Google did the same soon after. Suddenly, there was a way for anyone to jump into your phone when they wanted your attention. Push notifications proved to be a marketer's dream: They're functionally impossible to tell apart from a text or email without looking, so you have to look before you can dismiss. "Push messages serve an important role in an app's user engagement," digital marketing company Localytics wrote in 2015, "and there are no signs pointing to a decrease any time soon."

2008年,苹果赋予操作系统内所有应用推送通知的权限,谷歌很快也推出了类似的更新。一夜之间,所有开发者都能随时在他人手机上发送弹窗,获取用户注意力。而事实证明,营销人员也都对推送通知爱不释手:因为推送的机制使得用户必须先查看消息,才能知道它是短信还是邮件。在清除推送之前,用户必然要先查看。“推送通知是用户打开、使用APP的重要原因。”数字营销公司Localytics 2015年写道。“一切迹象表明,推送通知仍会是用户参与度的主力军。”

In fairness, the platforms and companies responsible for this mess have tried intermittently to clean up. The Apple Watch was initially conceived as a way to keep you off your phone, offering clever filters and even adaptive vibrations to help differentiate between notifications you care about and those you don't. Instead, the Watch turned your wrist into yet another buzzable surface, this one even harder to ignore. After years of torturing users, Apple finally made it easier to dismiss all your notifications at once. Meanwhile, Google recently simplified the process of turning off notifications for specific apps, and plans in the next version of Android to give users more control over which notifications they want to receive at all.

平心而论,平台和公司也在时不时地整饬他们所导致的推送乱象。Apple Watch的设计本意是通过智能的过滤系统和相应的震动模式,来区分用户在意和不在意的通知,从而使用户摆脱手机。但实际上,它却在用户的手腕建立起了另一个更令人难以忽略推送平台。在折磨了用户数年之后,苹果终于做出了优化,允许用户一次性清除所有通知。与此同时,谷歌也简化了关闭应用软件通知的方法,并计划在下一版安卓系统中给用户更多权力,允许用户自由掌控推送通知。

And still, you could see how it could easily be better. You could tell Outlook to notify you only when you get something from your boss or partner. You could say "never send me coupons," and ask every app to comply. You could have some notifications come through during work and shut off when you get home. Facebook could figure out who you actually care about, and notify you accordingly. In every case, that would lead to fewer and better notifications. Great for you, bad for the companies trying to steal your attention.


At this point, notification management is a losing battle. News companies send more and more, trying to get you into their apps rather than their competitors. Games beg you to play more, so you'll spend more on in-app purchases. Ad-based apps need you to open the app so you'll see the ads. You can turn off all the Facebook notifications you don't want (assuming you can figure out how) but Facebook will just invent and opt you into new types. There's no incentive for anyone to slow the pace of pushes, not even Google or Apple, who are just as happy when you look at your phone. Nothing's going to get better without your interference.


Peace and Quiet


Neither Android nor iOS offers an easy way to turn off notifications en-masse . In both cases, you have to dive deep into Settings, then go app-by-app to turn them off. It's a massive pain, but completely worthwhile. Throw on an episode of Glow (which my notifications tell me is now available on Netflix, by the way) and just hammer through . Turn off notifications on all the social apps, the shopping apps, the fitness apps, the notifications from Netflix, Spotify, and Kindle. If you want to leave texting, phone calls, and WhatsApp, fine. Everything else has to go.
