【什么是Price Protection】
Price Protection 是一些信用卡的基本福利之一。假设在黑色星期五(黑五)之前(一般60天内),我原价购买了某个电子产品。黑色星期五期间,该电子产品的价格降了30%,这时如果利用信用卡的PriceProtection,就可以向银行要回差价啦。不需要在黑五的晚上吹着冷风去排队了。
Amex – 没有
BOA – 没有
Bayclay – 只有Arrival Plus 才有
Capital One – 没有
Chase - Chase Sapphire Preferred, Chase Sapphire Reserve,Chase Freedom & Chase Freedom Unlimited, 以及Chase Ink Plus, Chase Ink Preferred
Citi – 叫做CitiPrice Rewind
Discover – 都有
US Bank – Cash 365 American Express Card 有
Wells Fargo – 没有
Mastercard – 部分信用卡有,详见信用卡条款。
这样看起来Discover和Citi 家的所有的信用卡,以及部分Chase家的信用卡比较适合PriceProtection。
| Chase | Citi | Discover | Mastercard | Bayclay | US Bank |
覆盖的时间 | 90天 | 60天 | 90天 | 60天 | 120天 | 30天 |
单次最低金额 | $1 | $1 | $1 | $1 | $1 | $10 |
单次最高金额 | $500 | $500 | $250 | $250 | $250 | $250 |
黑五适用性 | 部分限制 | 是 | 是 | 否 | 否 | 否 |
哪些商品不适用Price Protection?
Chase –
Boats, automobiles, and any othermotorized vehicles and their motors, equipment, and accessories;
Cellphone service agreements and cell phone contracts
Jewelry,antiques, collectible items
Citi –
Boats,cars, aircraft, or any other motorized land, air or water vehicles and theiroriginal equipment. 轮胎除外。
Jewelry including loose gems, precious stones, metals and pearls. 手表除外。
Tickets of any kind (e.g., for airlines, sporting events, concerts or lottery).
The lower-priced item requires a service contract, such as cell phones with aservice contract.
Discover –
All services are excluded, this covers items only.
Any used,rebuilt, remanufactured or second hand items are all excluded.
Computer components including but not limited to external and internal harddrives, CPUs, power supplies, batteries, DVDs, video cassettes, CDs, audiocassettes, printed materials, or any other informational and recreational media
总结来说,交通工具及大多数配件、珠宝首饰、礼品卡、手机合约服务、各种票、人工服务、二手产品和电脑配件不接受PriceProtection。具体还需要询问客服或者看不同信用卡的条款。有句老话就是No harm to try!
【如何FileA Claim】
需要准备的东西– 购买适合小票的扫描件,以及降价之后商品的截图。
Chase – 网页http://eclaimsline.com/ 或者电话888-320-9656
Citi – 网页http://citipricerewind.com 或者电话866-918-4670
Discover – 打电话1-800-347-2683然后选择邮寄或者邮件
Mastercard - 打电话1-800-627-8372
Bayclay – 在产品降价的十天内拨打电话1-800-553-7520
黑五购物期间别忘记用shopping portal或者善用信用卡不同的offer,比如Amex offer或者Chasefreedom/Discover category offer。Price Protection需要一些时间和耐心进行处理。希望大家都可以开开心心的在黑五期间买买买!