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Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2017-10-12 08:27



IEEE Pervasive Computing

IoT Communications – Call for Papers

全文截稿: 2018-03-01
影响因子: 3.25
• 大类 : 工程技术 - 3区
• 小类 : 计算机:信息系统 - 3区
• 小类 : 工程:电子与电气 - 3区
• 小类 : 电信学 - 3区
网址: https://www.computer.org/pervasive-computing/

We are in the midst of a technological transformation, where devices in the physical world at all scales and in all application domains are becoming smarter and more connected. Such an Internet of Things (IoT) promises to improve efficiency in transportation, power grids, buildings, retail, manufacturing, and agriculture, creating new opportunities in homes, the environment, healthcare, and smart cities. At the heart of IoT lies communications between the devices themselves and with the Internet, enabling the collection, exchange, and analysis of data to produce useful information and knowledge. IoT communications has many challenges and encompasses a multitude of design considerations, including the diversity of devices, energy and power constraints, communication rates, distances, noise, interference, latencies, timeliness, and many other factors.

This special issue aims to explore new technologies, systems, methodologies, and applications that relate to all aspects of IoT communications and systems. We encourage contributions from diverse fields such as smart cities, human-computer interaction, distributed systems, architecture, manufacturing, automation, smart grids, cyber-physical systems, ubiquitous computing, wearable computing, environmental monitoring, and wireless health.

Relevant topics for this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following:

- novel wireless and wired technologies,
- IoT communication protocols and standards,
- real-time issues in IoT communications,
- security and privacy in IoT communications,
- machine-to-machine (M2M) communications,
- architecture and composition,
- RFID systems,
- wearable systems,
- communications of urban IoT systems, and
- applications of IoT systems, including smart buildings, cities, grids, and health.


IEEE Security & Privacy


全文截稿: 2018-03-01
影响因子: 1.382
• 大类 : 工程技术 - 4区
• 小类 : 计算机:信息系统 - 4区
• 小类 : 计算机:软件工程 - 4区
网址: https://www.computer.org/web/computingnow/securityandprivacy

The goal of this special issue is to showcase cutting-edge security and privacy research being conducted by the Brazilian community, with topics unique to Brazil. Brazil’s cybersecurity capabilities are growing, and a recent joint program between the US’s National Science Foundation (NSF) and Brazil’s Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTI) program has increased focus on opportunities for international collaboration (www.usbrazilsec.org).

Examples of issues that are unique to Brazil include: relationships of privacy laws, perceptions, and preferences in Brazil versus other countries; case studies of cybersecurity in Brazilian networks and critical infrastructure; legal aspects of cybersecurity in Brazil; similarities and differences in cybersecurity innovation characteristics in Brazil versus other countries; cyberattacks specific to Brazil (for instance, Boletos); and security and privacy problems that are of particular national importance or unique expertise that is specific to Brazil’s culture, education system, location, history, and so on.

Considering this focus on unique Brazilian cybersecurity issues, topics for the special issue may include, but are not limited to:
- Malware analysis and detection
- Network security
- Hardware security
- Internet of Things
- Privacy and perceptions
- Cryptography
- Usable security and human factors in cybersecurity
- Interdisciplinary security
- Machine learning and security
- Electronic voting security
- Banking security
- OS security
- Virtualization for security
- Big data for security
- Cyber-physical systems security
- Cloud security
- Case studies
- Access control
- Anonymity
- Assurance
- Audit
- Biometrics
- Case studies
- Denial-of-service protection
- Enterprise security management
- Forensics
- Identity management
- Incident response planning
- Insider threat protection
- Integrity
- Intellectual property
- Malware and intrusion detection
- Mobile/wireless security
- Multimedia security
- Data security
- Privilege management
- Resilience
- Software security
- Supply chain security
- Trust management
- Web security


IEEE Software

Cloudware Engineering—Call for Papers

全文截稿: 2018-04-01
影响因子: 2.19
• 大类 : 工程技术 - 4区
• 小类 : 计算机:软件工程 - 3区
网址: https://www.computer.org/software-magazine/

Today, more than a decade since the launch of Amazon Web Services (AWS), on-demand computing platforms are pervasive in industry. Recent years have seen the emergence of many concepts and technologies to implement and support cloud-native applications: from full cloud application platforms, to serverless architectures, to docker containers, to microservices, and to unikernels, including chaos engineering and continuous integration. These advancements constitute a significant body of knowledge and make up a new professional engineering domain that’s at the intersection of software development, IT operations, and the cloud.

Cloudware engineering employs systematic, disciplined, and quantifiable approaches to the development, operation, and maintenance of a specific type of software: cloud-native applications. Delivering such applications requires us to revisit traditional software engineering theories, methods, architectures, technologies, and tools to guarantee the delivery of applications that are scalable, elastic, portable, resilient, and adaptable for the cloud.

Cloudware engineering’s importance and timeliness are highlighted by recent initiatives such as the Cloud Native Computing Foundation to advance cloud-native technology and services, cloud-native libraries such as Netflix Open Source Software, Microsoft’s cloud design patterns, and Heroku’s twelve-factor app.

Building, packaging, and launching cloud-native applications is far more complex than just lifting and shifting monolithic applications into virtual machines running in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, SoftLayer, or OpenStack. Cloud applications need to take full advantage of cloud computing’s benefits (for example, pay per use and elastic scalability) while being capable of mitigating its risks; for example, any component failures should never bring down the whole system. Nevertheless, an overarching engineering view is currently missing. Existing initiatives are fragmented.

This IEEE Software theme issue intends to identify the foundations of cloudware engineering as a discipline to systematically manage the lifecycle of cloud-native applications requirements specification, design, implementation, deployment, operations, maintenance, and evolution.

Cloud architects, developers, operators, and administrators need to articulate and frame new concepts such as infrastructure automation tools, serverless architectures, microservices, twelve-factor-app-oriented methodologies, containerization, eventual consistency, bulkhead and circuit breakers, workload decomposition, A/B testing, feature toggles, and DevOps. These emerging concepts complement those already established in software engineering such as ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) transactions, vertical scaling, three-tier architecture, REST (Representational State Transfer), stateful applications, and hardware affinity.

We invite researchers and practitioners to share innovations, methodologies, and technologies for building cloud-native applications that form the base of a cloudware-engineering discipline:

- architectures (design patterns, native PaaS [platform as a service] support, and shared-nothing architecture),

- cloud services (API ecosystems, privacy and security, and microservices and Lambda functions),

- communication and coordination (container scheduling, stream-based communication, and orchestration and choreography),

- consistency and replication (CAP [consistency, availability, partition tolerance] theorem, transaction models, eventual consistency, and consensus algorithms),

- fault tolerance (antifragility, design for failure, chaos engineering, and reliability and resilience),

- continuous delivery (agile infrastructure, continuous-deployment pipelines, and continuous testing and integration), and

- operations (DevOps, migration, distributed tracing, and predictive maintenance)
