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越南Hoa Phat将从11月起交付热轧卷

Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-02 09:49


越南主要钢铁企业 Hoa Phat 集团计划从 11 月初开始交付 14 万吨商用热轧卷。 Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,这也意味着该公司已经正式开始从其 Dung Quat 钢铁基地交付热轧卷。

Leading Vietnamese steel producer Hoa Phat Group plans to deliver 140,000 tonnes of commercial hot rolled coil from early November. This also means the firm has officially started the delivery of HRC from its Dung Quat Iron and SteelComplex, Kallanish notes.

14 万吨热轧卷将主要作为越南钢管生产商的原料。越南北部地区客户的订单占整个热轧卷供应量的 60% 。此外,越南中部和南部的一些钢管和结构钢生产商也开始向 Hoa Phat 订购。

The 140,000tof HRC will be used mainly as raw material for Vietnamese steel pipe producers.Orders from customers in the northern region accounted for 60% of the overallHRC supply. In addition, some local central and southern Vietnamese steel pipeand structural steel producers have started ordering from Hoa Phat.

5 Hoa Phat 对热轧机进行热试车以来,已累计生产 34 万吨热轧卷,其中 10 月份产量为 12 万吨。

Since HoaPhat hot tested its HRC mill in May, it has produced a total of 340,000t ofHRC, of which output in October was 120,000t.

Dung Quat 厂的 4 号高炉计划于 2021 1 月投产。该厂的 4 座高炉全部投产后, Hoa Phat 的热轧卷产量将达到 300 万吨 / 年以上,满足钢管、镀锌钢管和其他机械工程行业的需求。因此,该公司将为国内企业提供原料,并增加出口。

The DungQuat plant plans to put the No.4 blast furnace into operation in January 2021.When all four blast furnaces at the complex come into operation, Hoa Phat's HRCoutput will reach over 3 million tonnes/year, meeting the needs of steel pipe,galvanized steel pipe and other mechanical engineering industries. It will thussupply input material for domestic enterprises and boost their exports.

该公司计划将 Dung Quat 厂的钢铁产能提高到 500 万吨 / 年,包括 300 万吨 / 年的热轧卷、 100 万吨 / 年的中型优质钢和 50 万吨 / 年的结构圆钢。

Thesteelmaker plans to increase steel capacity to 5m t/y at Dung Quat plant,including 3m t/y of HRC, 1m t/y of medium-sized high-quality steel,and 500,000 t/y of fabricated round steel.

根据越南钢铁协会( VSA )的统计,目前越南对热轧卷的年需求量约为 1,200 万吨。同时,产能约为 800 万吨 / 年,其中 Formosa Ha Tinh 的产能为 500 万吨 / 年, Hoa Phat 的产能为 300 多万吨 / 年。
