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考研英语真题精读:报刊艺术评论的衰落|2010 Text 1

独霸上海的妖怪  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-13 08:14



准备了很久的新专栏终于出炉了!做公众号和精读社的两年来,很多同学反馈说精读这种阅读方式对他们提高英语阅读理解和写作能力的帮助很大,希望我能够除了外刊精读之外,再讲一讲考研英语真题精读。但一直以来我个人的时间和精力实在有限,所以未能达成同学们的心愿。现在时间稍稍充足了一点,终于能够公众号上开启新的 “考研英语真题精读” 板块啦,这个专栏是周更,我们会一直更新下去,为所有考研的同学们保驾护航💪。


我们从 词、句、篇 三个方面帮大家吃透考研阅读真题,采用 各大外刊最鲜 活的语料 刺激大家的记忆。除此之外,还会从考研阅读真题里 提炼写作地道表达和写作句型 ,手把手教大家 从输入 转为输出 。据我所知,这是市面上独一无二的内容。

我们不仅希望能够帮 大家在考试中拿到高分,更重要的是,帮助大家 打好语言基本功 ,真实地提高阅读理解能力,拿高分只是水到渠成之事。 要知道,考研英语只是你研究生生涯的起点,而非终点。从更长远的眼光来看,空有一身应试技巧,而没有真正提高英语水平,未来读外文文献、做研究的时候你都会感到十分吃力。现在距离考研还有一段时间,不如趁现在夯实基础,既提高分数又提高真实能力。


如果你是今年或明年会参加考研的同学(而且还没有开始做真题),先不要阅读原文,直接阅读每个段落的”词汇讲解“部分,打好词汇 基础。等到以后做完真题后,再打开本文,阅读语篇分析,查漏补缺。

如果你是已考上研究生或未来不会参加考研的同学,可直接把这篇文章当做一篇普通的外刊选文来阅读。 考研英语也是英语,选自原汁原味的外刊,并且有一定难度,跟下来也会对提高阅读理解能力大有裨益。


第一期我们花了一点篇幅介绍新专栏,那我们这次先来看考研英语一2010年Text 1的第1-2段,下一期文章我们会继续讲第3-4段。

(2010 Text 1) The Amateur as Critic

Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage.

It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in generalcirculation dailies.


(2010 Text 1) The Amateur as Critic

by Lexie, 草鱼,迪迪

Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage .

  • 📒 语篇分析:首段开门见山,亮出全文观点:英文报纸的艺术报道走向衰落。

  • quarter-century 相当于 a quarter of century “ 四分之一个世纪”,即25年。 quarter ['kwɔːtə] 的基本含义为“四分之一”,引申为“刻钟”,“季度”。

  • far-reaching 义为“影响深远的;广泛的” (having a wide range or effect) 比如《纽约时报》一篇讨论Metoo运动在中国发展的文章提到: Chinese women are finding it difficult to organize a far-reaching #MeToo movement. 中国女性发现,组织一场影响深远的MeToo运动困难重重。近义表达还有 sweeping, wide -ranging , profound

  • inexorable [in‘eksərəbl] 义为“不可阻挡的;无法改变的 ” (that cannot be stopped or changed) 副词形式为 inexorably ,比如 ◇Spending on health is growing inexorably. 医疗保健方面的开销在不可避免地增加。

  • a decline in sth 下降(注意介词搭配为 in 同样表示下降的名词还有 decrease , slump , drop , plunge ,介词搭配都为 in 上述名词也可作动词使用,可打包一起记忆。描述数据的作文里可以用上,丰富用词的多样性。 [写作推荐]

  • scope [skəʊp] 义为“范围” (the range of things that a subject, an organization, an activity, etc. deals with) 为不可数名词。 ◇These issues were outside the scope of the article. 这些问题不属本文论述范围。

  • scope 作名词还可表示“(做或实现某事的)机会,能力” (the opportunity or ability to do or achieve sth), 比如 《金融时报》一篇关于携程的报道 提到: The group estimates that less than a quarter of hotel stays in China are booked online — leaving scope for growth. 该公司估计,在中国,人们通过在线预订入住酒店的比例还不到总量的四分之一,这给增长留下了空间

  • arts coverage 艺术报道

  • coverage 义为“新闻报道”,为不可数名词,比如 ◇newspaper coverage 报纸的报道

  • coverage 的动词形式为 cover ,指“报道”,文章后文也有出现。 [熟词僻义]

It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of critici sm published in the 20th cen tury consisted in large part of newspap er reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.

  • 📒语篇分 析: 第二 段和第三段分别从范围(scope)和严肃性(seriousness)两个角度描述过去艺术评论的繁荣,反衬如今艺术评论的衰落,论证首段观点。本段围绕着范围 (scope)展开 ①句指出,现 在的读者难以想象过去大多数报纸都有高质量评论,暗示过去报刊评论之繁荣。 ②句以 ye t 转折,指出但过去的确报刊评论占比很大,从正面直接说明过去艺术评论之繁荣。③指出现在的读者会惊讶于学术性评论曾经刊登在大众日报上,再次暗示过去艺术评论传播范围之广。 marvel at 呼应①句的 It is difficult to the point of impossibility for …to imagine

  • to the point of sth 义为“达到某种程度;近乎” (to a degree that can be described as sth) point 指“点”, to the point of sth 指“达到…的临界点”,喻指“达到…地步”,比如 ◇He was rude to the point of being aggressive. 他粗鲁到蛮不讲理的地步。文中to the point of impossibility 直译便是“(难到)达到不可能的地步”。

  • 我们可以从中这句话提炼出一个句型 It is difficult to the point of impossibility for sb to do sth . 形容做某事非常困难。

  • 比如最近关于996工作制的讨论十分激烈,在这样的工作强度下,对于很多程序员来说,要保持工作和生活平衡几乎不可能,我们现炒现卖,套用上刚学到的句型: It is difficult to the point of impossibility for many Chinese programmers to strike a good balance between life and work.

  • 再比如《经济学人》20190323期中国专栏曾刊登一篇关于热剧《都挺好》的文章,文章第一句话是这样写的: It is no mean feat to be one of the top-ten trending hashtags on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, for 20 consecutive days and counting. “All is Well”, a show on provincial television which premiered on March 1st, has done just that. 连续20天登上微博十大热搜还能势头不减绝非易事。而3月1日在地方卫视首播的电视剧《都挺好》就做到了。

  • 这里的 no mean feat 是一个惯用词组, feat 指“成就,壮举”,而 no mean feat 指“不是一般的成就 (something that is difficult to do) 。我们可以用句型 It is no mean feat to do sth. sth is no mean feat 来形容做某事的难度很高。比如能考上复旦真不容易: Getting  into Fudan University is no mean feat. / It is no mean feat to get into Fudan University.

  • 再比如《经济学人》一篇分析苹果销量下降的文章提到: Even so, finding another product with the scope of the smartphone is a tall order. 即便如此,要找到另一个影响力能媲美智能手机的产品也是极为困难的。

  • 我们也可从这句话中提炼出一个句型 sth is a tall order. 形容做某事非常困难。比如上面那句话也可改写为 Getting into Fudan University is a tall order. [写作推荐]

  • average 义为“普通的,平常的”,与 ordinary 相近,比如 ◇the average person 普通人

  • high-quality 义为“高质量的”,与之相反,低质量的: low-quality

  • a considerable number of sth 可替换a large number of sth,表示“大量的,相当多的”,注意considerable>large。 [写作推荐]

  • consist of sth 指“由…组成” (to be formed from the things or people mentioned)

  • in large part / measure 为固定词组,指“在很大程度上” (to a great extent) ,比如 ◇Their success is due in large part to their determination. 他们的成功在很大程度上应归功于他们的决心。 文中consist in large part of sth 指“很大程度上由…组成”。

  • marvel at sth [ 'mɑrvl'] 义为“对… 感到惊奇;大为赞叹 (to be very surprised or impressed by sth) ,比如《纽约时报》一篇文章在描写中国留学生刚抵达英国的感想时曾用到 marvel at sth On his first days in Oxford, Korbin marveled at the blue skies, so different from northeastern China, and the absence of skyscrapers.

  • marvel 也可做名词,指“令人惊异的人(或事);奇迹” (a wonderful andsurprising person or thing) wonder 同义,短语
