【上海】NIKE大中华区市场部|Digital Brand Marketing-Commercial team
【Job Description】
1.Commercial Campaign: Deeply involve in campaign planning and execution to empower digital business
2.Market Research: Conduct market research on commercial moment, platform trend and competitors, develop insights to share 3.Cross-function Communications: Collaborate with agency and internal team, provide clear brief for campaign, EPDP and materials to ensure the quality 4.Product Management: Assist to consolidate product investment; Order products and track readiness for shooting
1. Experienced in Marketing or FMCG industry is preferred 2.Familiar with digital and social platforms 3.Fluent in English 4.Good at excel/ppt/keynote 5.Minimal 4 days attendance per week for at least 6 months 6.Have a progress-oriented mindset, be proactive and hardworking 【Other info】 1.Salary:25RMB/h 2.Free shuttle buses covering all major areas in Shanghai 3.Employee canteen, store, gym and fitness classes
Send your brief self-intro and cv to:
[email protected]
邮件与简历命名方式:姓名_学校_每周几天_几个月_最早入职时间 氛围超好的team,老板会根据兴趣分配工作,非常肯教,exposure很好 wlb灵活办公,极少加班,福利很多,欢迎投递!
【上海】L ' OR É AL实习生INTERNSHIP 兰蔻 Lancome - Product Marketing Intern
1、Marketing Communication :协助设计 IMC 方案并跟进所有相关执行,参与媒介投放 Planning 与执行跟进;负责产品社媒种草、参与投放策略、制定人选、执行审核到投后复盘的全流程;负责 RTB 广告投放,对接 agency 进行物料设计、素材剪辑与投后分析;
2、Product Management :协助兰蔻核心护肤线产品管理,定期跟踪全渠道生意表现,合理完成生意指标;协助产品市场调研和竞品分析,不定期追踪竞品动态和市场热点趋势
3、Execution Support :负责内领、转仓日常性工作,与 Cross - Function 沟通协作保证项目运行【职位要求】4、
6、熟练运用 Excel , PPT 相关技能,学习与沟通能力强,有良好的 multi - tasking 能力;Be proactive ;
熟悉小红书、抖音等社交媒体生态及玩法,敏锐捕捉 social 流行趋势
7、有 beauty sense ,对美妆和消费品行业有热情,有相关实习经验者优先
超 nice 的团队氛围, team 姐姐人美心善,深度参与 campaign 的机会,能收获高速成长曲线
2、薪资:税前190RMB/ Day ,工作充实有意义
请以"姓名+学校+实习时长+最早入职时间+一周几天"为邮件主题,投递 PDF 简历至
Simonee [email protected]