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唧唧堂:RFS 金融学研究评论2020年1月论文摘要

唧唧堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-28 22:41


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解析作者 | 唧唧堂经济金融写作小组: 梅子 ;审校编辑 | 悠悠



We study the effects of policies proposed to address “short-termism” in financial markets. We examine a noisy rational expectations model in which investors’ exposures and information about fundamentals endogenously vary across horizons. In this environment, taxing or outlawing short-term investment doesn’t negatively affect the information in prices about long-term fundamentals. However, such a policy reduces short- and long-term investors’ profits and utility. Changing policies about the release of short-term information can help long-term investors—an objective of some policy makers—at the expense of short-term investors. Doing so also makes prices less informative and increases costs of speculation.


Nicolas Crouzet, Ian Dew-Becker, Charles G Nathanson, On the Effects of Restricting Short-Term Investment, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 1–43.



We exploit a discontinuity in the New York Stock Exchange Designated Market Maker (DMM) contract to identify causal effects of DMM participation on equilibrium market outcomes. We document that contractual features that enhance DMM participation are associated with increased depth, narrower bid-ask spreads, and higher rates of price improvement, with most of the improvements attributable to increases in liquidity provision on markets other than the NYSE. These results cannot be attributed to the mechanical effects of the contractual changes and support the interpretation that market making is characterized by strategic complementarity.


Hendrik Bessembinder, Jia Hao, Kuncheng Zheng, Liquidity Provision Contracts and Market Quality: Evidence from the New York Stock Exchange, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 44–74.



We present broad-based evidence that the monthly payment cycle induces systematic patterns in liquid markets around the globe. First, we document temporary increases in the costs of debt and equity capital that coincide with key dates associated with month-end cash needs. Second, we present direct and indirect evidence on the role of institutions in the genesis of these patterns and derive estimates of the associated costs borne by market participants. Third, and finally, we investigate the limits to arbitrage that prevent markets from functioning efficiently. Our results indicate that many investors and their agents, including mutual funds, suffer from liquidity-related trading.


Erkko Etula, Kalle Rinne, Matti Suominen, Lauri Vaittinen, Dash for Cash: Monthly Market Impact of Institutional Liquidity Needs, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 75–111.

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We study how listing in multiple markets affects the dynamics between firms’ credit default swap (CDS) and stock returns. We find that cross-listing increases (1) the sensitivity of CDS to stock returns, (2) the integration of CDS with world equity and bond markets, and (3) the statistical synchronicity of CDS and stock prices. Our results are stronger for firms with greater media attention, analyst and CDS coverage, and Google search intensity and for listings in familiar markets. We suggest that a firm’s presence in global equity markets comes with an improvement in the credit-equity integration through a reduction of informational frictions.


Patrick Augustin, Feng Jiao, Sergei Sarkissian, Michael J Schill, Cross-Listings and the Dynamics between Credit and Equity Returns, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 112–154.



The recent literature provides conflicting empirical evidence about the pricing of idiosyncratic risk. This paper sheds new light on the matter by exploiting the richness of option data. First, we find that idiosyncratic risk explains 28% of the variation in the risk premium on a stock. Second, we show that the contribution of idiosyncratic risk to the equity premium arises exclusively from jump risk. Third, we document that the commonality in idiosyncratic tail risk is much stronger than that in total idiosyncratic risk documented in the literature. Tail risk thus plays a central role in the pricing of idiosyncratic risk.


Jean-François Bégin, Christian Dorion, Geneviève Gauthier, Idiosyncratic Jump Risk Matters: Evidence from Equity Returns and Options, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 155–211.



Since October 2008, fixed rates for interest rate swaps with a 30-year maturity have been mostly below Treasury rates with the same maturity. Under standard assumptions, this implies the existence of arbitrage opportunities. This paper presents a model for pricing interest rate swaps, where frictions for holding bonds limit arbitrage. I analytically show that negative swap spreads should not be surprising. In the calibrated model, swap spreads can reasonably match empirical counterparts without the need for large demand imbalances in the swap market. Empirical evidence is consistent with the relation between term spreads and swap spreads in the model.


Urban J Jermann, Negative Swap Spreads and Limited Arbitrage, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 212–238.

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如果资产市场是完全的,那么国外和国内代理人的跨期边际替代率的对数(log IMRS)之差(在经济意义上被解释为国外和国内代理人对资产回报不确定性敞口所要求的风险补偿之间的差异)等于实际汇率变化的对数。作为汇率的资产市场观,上述等式经常被用来论证下述观点:实际汇率的变化反映了国外和国内代理人所要求的风险补偿不同。我们表明,进行无摩擦交易的资产的相对收益(即风险补偿)仅反映在国外和国内代理人的跨期边际替代率的共有成分上,而没有反映在差异上。相反,商品市场中的摩擦才是国外和国内代理人的跨期边际替代率在经济意义上的差异来源,当汇率的资产市场观确实提供了一些洞见时。

If the asset market is complete, then the difference between foreign and domestic agents’ log intertemporal marginal rates of substitution (IMRSs) equals the log change in the real exchange rate. This equation is frequently used to argue that changes in real exchange rates reflect differences between agents’ required compensation for exposure to asset return uncertainty. We show that the relative returns on frictionlessly traded assets are only reflected in the common component of agents’ IMRSs, not in differences. Instead, when this equation does offer insights, frictions in the goods market are the source of economic distinction between agents.


A Craig Burnside, Jeremy J Graveline, On the Asset Market View of Exchange Rates, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 239–260.



Priority spreading refers to the practice of firms increasing their reliance on secured and subordinated debt and reducing their reliance on senior debt as their credit quality deteriorates. We argue that priority spreading occurs because security provides creditors with greater protection from dilution from other creditors than do covenants that prioritize payments. Consistent with this argument, we find that secured bank creditors are rarely diluted by junior creditors in distressed restructurings, whereas senior unsecured creditors are frequently diluted, exogenous increases in asset volatility result in greater priority spreading and yields on senior and subordinated bonds converge as asset volatility increases.


Dominique C Badoer, Evan Dudley, Christopher M James, Priority Spreading of Corporate Debt, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 261–308.



We analyze how the costs of smoothly adjusting capital, such as incentive costs, affect investment timing. In our model, the owner of a firm holds a real option to increase a lumpy form of capital and can also smoothly adjust an incremental form of capital. Increasing the cost of incremental capital can delay or accelerate investment in lumpy capital. Incentive costs due to moral hazard are a natural source of costs for the accumulation of incremental capital. When moral hazard is severe, delaying investment in lumpy capital is costly, and overinvesting relative to the first-best case is optimal.


Sebastian Gryglewicz, Barney Hartman-Glaser, Investment Timing and Incentive Costs*, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 309–357.

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This paper investigates why industrial firms conduct Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) investment in entrepreneurial companies. I test alternative views on CVC by exploiting the entry, investment, and termination decisions of CVC divisions. CVC entry concentrates in firms that experience deteriorations of internal innovation. At the investment stage, CVCs select startups with a similar technological focus but that have a non-overlapping knowledge base, and they integrate technologies generated from these ventures that create strategic value. CVCs are terminated when parent firms’ innovation recovers. Overall, the strategic desire to fix innovation weaknesses after adverse shocks motivates firms to adopt CVCs.


Song Ma, The Life Cycle of Corporate Venture Capital, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 358–394.


我们的研究表明,个体的宏观经济预期受其社会经济地位(通过收入和教育来衡量)的影响。社会经济地位高的个体,即高收入人群或受过高等教育的人对未来的宏观经济发展(包括商业环境、全国失业率和股市回报)更为乐观。社会经济地位低的个体倾向于思考时更多地基于个人的经济环境,忽略宏观经济的好消息,对宏观经济的预期则更悲观。在经济衰退期间,社会经济地位高的个体和社会经济地位低的个体对宏观经济的预期非常相似,信念差异显著缩小,两者之间的信念楔子几乎消失。与专业预测者和历史数据的比较表明,上述两类个体之间的信念楔子(beliefs wedge)反映出后者的过度悲观。此外,受社会经济地位影响的宏观经济预期有助于解释为什么社会经济地位较高的个体更倾向于投资股市,且更有可能考虑购买房屋、耐用品或汽车。

We show that individuals’ macroeconomic expectations are influenced by their socioeconomic status (SES). People with higher income or higher education are more optimistic about future macroeconomic developments, including business conditions, the national unemployment rate, and stock market returns. The spread in beliefs between high- and low-SES individuals diminishes significantly during recessions. A comparison with professional forecasters and historical data reveals that the beliefs wedge reflects excessive pessimism on the part of low-SES individuals. SES-driven expectations help explain why higher-SES individuals are more inclined to invest in the stock market and more likely to consider purchasing homes, durable goods, or cars.


Sreyoshi Das, Camelia M Kuhnen, Stefan Nagel, Socioeconomic Status and Macroeconomic Expectations, The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 395–432.




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