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四大新鲜事儿  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-01 13:08


近日, 毕马威澳大利亚官网发文欢迎新合伙人!

本次晋升是在澳大利亚全国范围内进行,在多个州和地区均有新晋升的合伙人, 共有43名内部晋升和9名外部招聘的新合伙人加入。

毕马威澳大利亚首席执行官Andrew Yates评论道:“我很高兴欢迎这些有才华的人成为我们的合伙人,并为他们丰富的背景和为我们的公司和客户带来的丰富经验感到特别自豪。”



新合伙人 遍布澳大利亚的各大城市,充分利用这些市场的各种机会组合。 超过一半的新合伙人来自墨尔本(21人)和悉尼(13人)。5名合伙人加入了布里斯班办事处,堪培拉办事处聘请了3名合伙人,珀斯办事处聘请了6名合伙人。毕马威澳大利亚继续投资其中端市场办公室,在纽卡斯尔任命了2名新合伙人,在悉尼西部的吉隆和帕拉马塔各任命了1名新合伙人。




KPMG welcomes new partners

The appointments were made across the country, with new partner promotions in multiple states and territories.   There were 43 internal promotions and 9 lateral hires, joining across all divisions of the firm.

KPMG Australia CEO, Andrew Yates commented: “I’m delighted to welcome these talented individuals as partners and am particularly proud of their varied backgrounds and the depth of experience that they bring to our firm and clients.”

“Our clients face complex, unprecedented challenges.   It’s our role to help them navigate these and emerging issues impacting their people, markets and operating environments – as well as help them to leverage technology to grow in different ways and pursue new opportunities for the future.   This is why we’ve made significant partner appointments aligning with areas of global investment across Technology, Tax, Audit and our mid-market Enterprise division.”

54% of new partners are women;   23% of the new partners also identified as culturally diverse.

New partners were admitted across the nation's major metropolitan cities capitalising on the diverse mix of opportunities in those markets.   Over half of new partners joined in Melbourne (21) and Sydney (13).   Five partners joined the Brisbane office, Canberra has taken on three partners while Perth appointed six partners.   The firm continued to invest in its mid-market offices with two appointments in Newcastle and one each in Geelong and Parramatta, Western Sydney.

The Audit & Assurance division added 7 new partners, while Consulting added 21 partners across areas including Technology, Transformation, Customer & Operations and Risk Services units.   Enterprise, the firms’ mid-market business, added 13 partners;   Tax & Legal added 8 partners;   Deal Advisory & Infrastructure appointed two partners while Business Services added one partner.



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