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霍金呼吁尽快登月 再次警告百年内必须离开地球

网易科技  · 公众号  · 科技媒体  · 2017-06-21 18:25


网易科技讯 6月21日消息,据BBC报道,早在今年5月份,著名科学家史蒂芬·霍金教授(Stephen Hawking)就曾发布“世界末日”预言,警告人类必须在100年内离开地球。霍金表示,延长人类生存的唯一方法就是在其他行星上找到新家。日前在挪威特隆赫姆市举行的斯塔尔慕斯科学、艺术、音乐节(Starmus Festival)上,霍金再次重申他的观点,希望尽快实现登月和前往火星计划。




欧洲宇航局局长詹·韦尔纳(Jan Woerner)已经表示,他认为2024年可建成月球基地以替换国际空间站。欧洲宇航局正与俄罗斯合作向月球发送探测器,以对建立月球基地的潜在地点进行评估。中国也设定了向月球派遣宇航员的目标。美国宇航局还没有重返月球的计划,而是着重于在2030年左右将人类送上火星。但如果其他太空机构开始合作建立月球基地,美国宇航局也肯定会参加。



霍金还对美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)提出尖锐批评,称应该将钱花在解决地球所面临的共同问题上。他说:“我不否认对抗气候变化和全球变暖的重要性。这与特朗普不同,他刚刚就气候变化做出最严重的错误决定。”

对于私人航天机构来说,月球看似更像特殊的旅游景点,而非永久定居点。SpaceX已经准备启动首次私人自主的往返月球太空之旅,而杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)设想为月球启动特殊的递送服务,以促进永久定居点的建设。然而对于霍金来说,再次瞄准月球不仅仅攸关人类生存,也能加强地球上的人文科学。(小小)


Hawking urges Moon landing to 'elevate humanity'


By Pallab Ghosh

Science correspondent, BBC News

20 June 2017

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Prof Hawking says: "If humanity is to continue for another million years, our future lies in boldly going where no one else has gone before."

Prof Stephen Hawking has called for leading nations to send astronauts to the Moon by 2020.

They should also aim to build a lunar base in 30 years' time and send people to Mars by 2025.

Prof Hawking said that the goal would re-ignite the space programme, forge new alliances and give humanity a sense of purpose.

He was speaking at the Starmus Festival celebrating science and the arts, which is being held in Trondheim, Norway.

Spreading out into space will completely change the future of humanity

Prof Stephen Hawking

"Spreading out into space will completely change the future of humanity," he said.

"I hope it would unite competitive nations in a single goal, to face the common challenge for us all.

"A new and ambitious space programme would excite (young people), and stimulate interest in other areas, such as astrophysics and cosmology".

Return of the Moon landings would give humanity "a sense of purpose".

He addressed the concerns of those arguing that it would be better to spend our money on solving the problems of this planet along with a pointed criticism of US President Donald Trump.

"I am not denying the importance of fighting climate change and global warming, unlike Donald Trump, who may just have taken the most serious, and wrong, decision on climate change this world has seen," he said.

Prof Hawking explained that human space travel is essential for the future of humanity precisely because the Earth was under threat from climate change as well as diminishing natural resources.

"We are running out of space and the only places to go to are other worlds. It is time to explore other solar systems. Spreading out may be the only thing that saves us from ourselves. I am convinced that humans need to leave Earth," the Cambridge University theoretical physicist explained.

The European Space Agency's vision for a Moon base

The head of the European Space Agency (Esa) Jan Woerner has said he envisages the construction of a Moon base to replace the station in 2024 and is collaborating with Russia to send a probe to assess a potential site. China has set itself the goal of sending an astronaut to the Moon.

Nasa has no plans to return to the Moon, instead focusing its efforts on sending astronauts to Mars by the 2030s. Though if other space agencies begin to collaborate on constructing a lunar base it would be hard to see Nasa not participating.

Prof Hawking said that there was no long-term future for our species staying on Earth: it would either be hit by an asteroid again or eventually engulfed by our own Sun. He added that travelling to distant worlds would "elevate humanity".

Media captionIn this European Space Agency video Dr James Carpenter describes the landing site

"Whenever we make a great new leap, such as the Moon landings, we bring people and nations together, usher in new discoveries, and new technologies," he continued.

"To leave Earth demands a concerted global approach, everyone should join in. We need to rekindle the excitement of the early days of space travel in the sixties."

He said that the colonisation of other planets was no longer science fiction, though he did pay tribute to the genre in his closing remarks.

"If humanity is to continue for another million years, our future lies in boldly going where no one else has gone before.

"I hope for the best. I have to. We have no other option".



网易科学讯6月19日消息,今日中文互联网上有大量媒体转载《霍金再发警告不要登月 科学家证实外星人就在月球背面》,此后又有人说这是BBC报道的,但经过媒体求证,BBC并无此消息,外国主流媒体也没有此类报道。


在“霍金再发警告不要登月”的原文中称,“科学家似乎非常认同霍金的这种说法,并且已找到证据,或许月球背面真的有外星人!”并称1976年,美苏曾联手发射阿波罗-20号飞船秘密登陆月球。因为在此前的阿波罗登月 和前苏联的卫星均拍到了月球上的远古城市和飞船。




果壳网主编徐来(微博名@拇姬)表示,传说中“阿波罗20”项目——一个非常著名的外星人谣言。这个谣言最早来自youtube。内容是说一位意大利艺术家采访退役美国宇航员William Rutledge(W.R.),后者曾经经历秘密的(由美国和苏联共同执行的)“阿波罗20号”任务,在月球背面发现了一个文明遗迹。他们还带回了一个处于冬眠中的女性……



