DELHI-WALLAHS expect a spike in pollution during the autumn festival of Diwali, which is famed for its exuberant fireworks. This year the city’s bad-air index did indeed shoot up during the night-time revelry.
DELHI-WALLAHS expect a spike in pollution,DELHI-WALLAHS 是印度的一个地名,暂且不管;spike 是"a sudden increase" 的意思,这部分是说,达巴瓦拉的空气污染程度将大大加重。
写作中,可以用"城市 expects a spike in pollution"这个表达来描述“污染加重“,比如,北京污染加重,Beijing expects a spike in pollution as winter nears.
which is famed for its exuberant fireworks,which 指的前面的“autumn festival of Diwali”,即印度秋季的光明节;exuberant 的意思是“energetic”,形容烟花爆竹多而绚烂。现在各地都禁放烟花爆竹,春节也很少见到绚烂的烟花了,我们可以说, Exuberant fireworks have become a thing of the past.
这部分是说,光明节因绚烂的烟花而出名(be famed for)。
bad-air index did indeed shoot up during the night-time revelry,shoot up 指“激增”,相当于前面的 spike,属于同义替换,此外还可以用"soar"和"mushroom"表示“激增”,mashroom 作名词讲是“蘑菇”的意思,因蘑菇长得快,所以其动词便有了“激增”的意思;night-time revelry 指前面提到的光明节,revelry 是“狂欢”的意思,相当于celebration, festivity, merrymaking.
刚才我们说,可以用"城市 expects a spike in pollution"这个表达来描述“污染加重“,分析完这一句我们又学到了一个新表达:”bad-air index shoot up/soar/mushroom“