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秦安战略  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-04-23 17:11




美国海军N2 / N6海军信息部副部长杰弗里·特拉斯勒中将在星期三的C4ISRNET会议上说,这一概念源于在航母打击群增加了信息战综合指挥官。
“我与五角大楼的每支攻击群司令交谈;我要特别问他:“ IWC(信息战指挥官)的概念如何运作?” 他们每个人都喜欢他们的万国表,也喜欢这个概念。”杰弗里·特拉斯勒说。“效果很好。”
美国海军作战司令官迈克尔·吉尔迪(Michael Gilday)表示希望在舰队海上作战中心内建立新的专用信息战部队,该项目原本为了应因去年COVID- 19大流行。



Navy to test potential for information warfare cells at maritime operations centers

WASHINGTON — The Navy plans to experiment with an information warfare cell at a maritime operations center during a big exercise this year, according to a top official.

The concept stems from the addition of information warfare composite commanders at the carrier strike group level, Vice Adm. Jeffrey Trussler, deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, N2/N6, said Wednesday at the C4ISRNET Conference.

Beginning in 2017, the Navy created information warfare commanders at each strike group to act as the focal point for the strike group commander to integrate disparate aspects of information warfare from electromagnetic spectrum to cyberspace to intelligence to oceanographic operations.

“I talk to every strike group commander that comes to the Pentagon; I ask him specifically, ‘How is that IWC [information warfare commander] concept working?’ Every one of them love their IWC and love that concept,” Trussler said. “It’s worked out very well.”

As the information warfare environment becomes more complex and more important, the Navy wants to replicate the tactical-level concept at the operational level.

Trussler said the Navy will experiment with these cells at the maritime operations centers, which is where the joint force maritime component commanders sit and where the operational level of war takes place.

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday has expressed the desire to build out new dedicated information warfare cells within fleet maritime operations centers, a project that was supposed to be informed by the results from an exercise that was postponed last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now, the Navy will experiment with the information warfare cell at its Large Scale Exercise scheduled later this year, using feedback to further evaluate the concept, Trussler said.

At the end of 2019, Gilday had noted that exercises would help refine requirements and timelines for the information warfare cells as part of the budgeting process for fiscal 2022.

“We think it’s a powerful concept. We think it’s just a continued maturation of the information age, and we need to manage that information differently, not only with the tools we’re going to develop, but with how we process that in the decision-making of a commander and his staff,” Trussler said.




