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CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-09-25 17:07





Two years ago, Li Guo from Ziyang, Southwest China's Sichuan province, who was then 18 years old, won high praise from the internet for his courageous act. Now, he has joined the army to pursue his military career, CCTV News reported on Tuesday.

▲ Li Guo joins the army to pursue his military career. Photo/CCTV News

On February 12, 2022, a man sitting in the last row of a bus traveling in Anyue county of Ziyang suddenly stood up and went to the driver after asking him to speed up. Li, who was in the same row as the man, felt that something bad might happen.
When the man was preoccupied with talking to the driver, Li seized the moment and quietly approached from behind. When the man tried to take control of the steering wheel from the driver, Li swiftly restrained him until police arrived.

▲ Li Guo restrained the man who tried to take control of the steering wheel from the driver in February 2022. Photo from web

Thanks to Li's heroic act, there were no causalities. When asked if he was afraid at that time, Li said "I was not afraid. If something like this happens again, I will still stand up."
His bravery also earned him the titles of "Good Samaritan of China" and "Model of Righteousness and Courage". The support and encouragement from society further motivated him to follow his childhood dream of becoming a soldier.
After graduating from junior college in June, Li applied to join the army. After passing all necessary requirements, he became eligible for active service. "Joining the army is not just to realize my dream, it is also a way to serve the country and repay society," Li said.
"And I will continue to pursue the righteousness and courage in my military life," he added.
Reporter: Li Ziyi