毕马威阿联酋官网2024年8月8日消息,KPMG Saudi Levant和KPMG Lower Gulf的合伙人以压倒性多数投票赞成拟议中的业务整合
Abdullah Al-Fozan博士将成为新公司的高级合伙人兼首席执行官,Emilio
KPMG Lower Gulf
今年5月,KPMG UK和KPMG swiss宣布,它们将联合成立一家价值44亿美元的公司。这是时隔3个月毕马威网络公司的再次整合。详见《
套用毕马威英国首席执行官Jon Holt在毕马威英国和瑞士整合时所说的话:“这对两家公司来说都是一个历史性的时刻。合并后的我们将更加强大,我们的规模将大大提高我们的能力,以便为国际和国内市场的客户提供更好的服务。 合并为我们的客户、员工和我们的合伙人带来了巨大的好处,这意味着我们现在可以更快地增长,更有利可图,并共同投资,以可持续的方式创造新的服务。”
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 8th August 2024: Partners at KPMG Saudi Levant and KPMG Lower Gulf have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a proposed integration of their businesses. The integration will result in the establishment of a new limited liability partnership and, once implemented and necessary regulatory approvals obtained, will see a collective KPMG business comprising over 5,000 employees operating across Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and Oman.
The proposed integration is consistent with KPMG’s Global Collective Strategy, which includes the clustering of member firms across the network. Greater integration brings a number of benefits to clients, people and the communities in which KPMG operates. Importantly, it underpins KPMG’s commitment to greater consistency and quality albeit continuing to service clients through separate legal entities that have operated in the respective markets.
Dr. Abdullah Al Fozan will become the Senior Partner and CEO of the new firm, and Emilio Pera will become the Deputy Senior Partner and Deputy CEO of the new firm, as well as continuing in his role as the Regional Managing Partner for the Lower Gulf firm.
Dr. Abdullah Al Fozan, current Chairman and CEO at KPMG Saudi Levant commented: “An integrated business would enable us to be even stronger and better positioned to provide value for our clients and communities. With a wider geographic coverage, we would be able to expand our service and sector expertise to complement an already deep local market understanding.”
Emilio Pera, current CEO and Senior Partner at KPMG Lower Gulf said: “An integrated business would significantly benefit our clients, our people, and our partnership by enabling faster growth and sustainable investments in new services, while expanding our knowledge and access to regional experts, enhancing our agility and leveraging KPMG’s multidisciplinary expertise.”