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【推荐】Google 研究员、Keras 作者Francois Chollet书籍《Python深度学习》

机器学习研究会  · 公众号  · AI  · 2017-01-29 21:21




《Deep Learning with Python》的作者是 Google 的研究员,开源深度学习框架 Keras 的作者 Francois Chollet,书中通过用 Python 解决现实中的问题为线索来展开,包括:图像分类、语音识别、问答系统、OCR 等等任务。Keras 是一个非常简单易用的二次框架,以 Theano 和 Tensorflow 为底层框架,使用风格与 Torch 类似。

Deep learning is applicable to a widening range of artificial intelligence problems, such as image classification, speech recognition, text classification, question answering, text-to-speech, and optical character recognition. It is the technology behind photo tagging systems at Facebook and Google, self-driving cars, speech recognition systems on your smartphone, and much more.

In particular, Deep learning excels at solving machine perception problems: understanding the content of image data, video data, or sound data. Here's a simple example: say you have a large collection of images, and that you want tags associated with each image, for example, "dog," "cat," etc. Deep learning can allow you to create a system that understands how to map such tags to images, learning only from examples. This system can then be applied to new images, automating the task of photo tagging. A deep learning model only has to be fed examples of a task to start generating useful results on new data.





