今天作为这个主题的第二篇,我想分享一个让我印象深刻的案例:伦敦的巴特西电厂项目Battersea Power Station多年前在项目伊始就出过一本阐述自己Placemaking策略的The Placebook。可以理解为一种形式的Brand Book,但又不止Brand Book。里面围绕着Placemaking的理念详细阐述了整个项目的思考、定位、策略,不考虑项目实际的运营状况,但光这本册子(230页)就足以令人惊艳。
Battersea Placebook
, https://www.jtp.co.uk/cms/pdfs/The-Placebook_Battersea-Power-Station.pdf
Casanova | 致敬WeWork,致敬梦想
Manifesto这部分我觉得是高屋建瓴的部分。项目的宣言。其实也就是核心定位。项目拿下来一年,先不干项目,先把项目想清楚,而且提出高屋建瓴的指导思想。OMG,really old school!这是多么久违的专业精神。大概也是在国内无法再现的场景。
Battersea Power Station is unique. As the centrepiece of the Nine Elms masterplan, it will create its own value landscape. To achieve this, we must adopt an innovative, integrated and highly collaborative mindset and then do everything possible to avoid the obvious.
The Power Station is intriguing. It makes people want to come and experience it for themselves. We must build anticipation, exceed expectations, contradict the naysayers and let people be part of the
adventure from the outset: they’re our best advocates.
Let’s not disappoint them.
Battersea Power Station will take 20 years to create and must make sense as a place every step of the way.
To evolve from a pioneer community to a mature city quarter needs careful curatorship, giving each stage its own magnetism.
The reputation of Battersea Power Station is based on the principle
that actions speak louder than words.
To foster a profound sense of belief in the place brand, we must take symbolic actions that are generous, truthful, and unmissable.
As a destination, Battersea Power Station must offer a guaranteed good time.
It’s not the West End, it’s the new Best End. People will come because there is a myriad of new, different, and interesting things to experience all year round.
Battersea Power Station will be a real place for real people to live, work and play, not another dormitory development on London’s riverfront.
To be considered ‘home’ we must make a neighborhood where there are unparalleled opportunities for people to live life to the full and fulfill their lifetime ambitions.
Battersea Power Station is London’s quintessential industrial landmark,
built to last on a heroic scale.
Its rawness and atmosphere are its authenticity and must drive aesthetic decisions throughout the design process, inside and out, from the word go.
Lose this and you lose The Power Station.
By 2020, the name Battersea Power Station will be synonymous with culture, innovation and creativity the world over.
To make this happen, contemporary culture and cutting-edge creatives must be accommodated at every turn and lie at the heart of every single development decision.