今天我们讲一讲《经济学人》10月14号的封面文章The world's most powerful man. 由于这一篇文章较为敏感,存在较大偏见,我们不做精读。但这一篇文章的语言确实有不少可圈可点之处,于是我们放在“外刊语言表达”栏目,分为“上”“下”两篇,进行语言点解析。
一、pale in comparison
To be sure, China’s economy is still second in size to America’s and its army, though rapidly gaining muscle, pales in comparison.
Afrobarometer, a polling firm, found that 63% of people in 36 African countries consider China to be a positive influence. Nevertheless, it also found that African people still think China’s development model ranks second after America’s.
这里的“次于美国”用的是"after",所以我们总结,表示“位于美国,排名第二”可以说:be/rank second to/after America.
In size表示“规模上”,“经济体规模”既可以说the size of the economy,也可以说the economic size,还可以说the economy in size.
调整一下语序帮助理解:Though rapidly gaining muscle, its army pales in comparison (with America’s)
Gain muscle 增肌,这里指“发展壮大”,可以用傻瓜级词汇grow来代替。学习要把新知识和旧知识相联系,这样我们才能更轻松的掌握,知识才能像滚雪球一样越滚越大。
pale在这里是动词,意思是“变苍白”,pale in/by comparison (with/to sth) 相比之下变得苍白,也就是“相形见绌”的意思,这其实是一个固定搭配,此外,我们也可以用pale beside/next to sth, pale into insignificance 表示。举个例子:
When someone you love has a life-threatening illness, everything else pales in comparison.
我们还可以用dwarf(侏儒)来表示“使...相形见绌”,我们把这个句子paraphrase一下:Though rapidly growing, its army is dwarfed by America’s.
二、wal with swagger
The president of the world’s largest authoritarian state, by contrast, walks with swagger abroad.
authoritarian state 威权国家
西方把国家分为三种类型:民主国家(democratic country)、威权国家(authoritarian country, 比如中国、俄罗斯、越南等)以及极权国家(totalitarian country, 比如朝鲜)。
swagger在这里是名词,意思是a way of walking, talking, or behaving that shows you are very confident. 趾高气扬,但这个词通常含有贬义,为消除贬义语气,这里把swagger译成了“昂首阔步”。
三、present sb as...
On his numerous foreign tours, Mr X.i. presents himself as an apostle of peace and friendship, a voice of reason in a confused and troubled world. Mr Trump’s failings have made this much easier.
这里面有一个词组:present sb as...意思是to show or describe sth/sb in a particular way(以某种方式)展现。年初,《经济学人》有一篇文章对大大的达沃斯之行进行了报道,里面有这么一句话:
Mr X.i. said little that was new, but the audience lapped it up anyway. Here, at a time of global uncertainty and anxiety for capitalists, was the world’s most powerful communist presenting himself as a champion of globalisation and open markets.
failing是名词,意思是 a weakness or fault in sb/sth 弱点,短板,举个例子:
Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts to catch up with the West.