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【国际MVNO快讯】中国联通国际有限公司 于美国推出虚商业务CUniq

众视DVBCN  · 公众号  · 科技媒体  · 2017-05-12 19:31


一、中国联通国际有限公司 于美国推出虚商业务CUniq

20173中国联通国际有限公司(“CUG”)在美国推出了移动虚拟网络运营商简称“虚商”业务 “CUniq” ,标志着中国联通国际公司201612月在欧洲成功推出该业务以来,在海外市场的虚商业务发展的另一个重要里程碑。此次推行活动标志着中国联通国际有限公司的虚商移动业务正式进军美国市场。“CUniq”成为了第一个在47个国家和地区(包括香港地区,欧洲国家和美国)同时提供数据共享的全球虚商品牌。 


中国联通国际有限公司在洛杉矶举行CUniq虚商业务启动仪式。共同主持启动仪式的嘉宾分别是驻洛杉矶市中华人民共和国总领事馆经济与商务参赞刘海彦圣贝纳迪诺县经济发展代表Marissa Rivera,中国商业联合会洛杉矶分会主席兼中航国际美国分公司董事长Sherman ZhangPlintron公司销售和商业运营部副部长Richard Pelly中国联通国际有限公司总裁孟树森及执行副总裁周立松200多名美国嘉宾参加此次仪式,一同见证这一历史性时刻。








China Unicom Global Launches “CUniq” MVNO Business in America


In March 3, 2017, China Unicom Global Limited (“CUG”) launched “CUniq” mobile virtual network operator (“MVNO”) business in America, marking another milestone of CUG’s MVNO services development in overseas market since the successful launch of “CUniq” MVNO in Europe on December 2016. This unveiling marks CUG MVNO business has officially expanded its mobile service into American market. “CUniq” has become the first MVNO brand worldwide to simultaneously provide data sharing in forty seven countries and regions including Hong Kong, Europe and America.


CUniq” MVNO business launch ceremony was held in Los Angeles. Liu Haiyan, Economic and Commercial Counselor Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles; Marissa Rivera, Representative of Economic Development, County of San Bernardino; Sherman Zhang, Chairman of CGCC-LA(CEC) & President of AVIC International USA; Richard Pelly, Vice President of sales and business operation of Plintron; Meng Shusen, President of CUG and Zhou Lisong, Executive Vice President of CUG jointly officiated the ceremony. They were joined by more than 200 guests from America to witness this historic moment.


“CUniq” MVNO service is an overseas mobile communication service created for international business travelers. With CUG’s network advantage, service philosophy and rich operating experience, “CUniq” will bring customers an exclusive, excellent and unique mobile communication service experience. Expanding on the basis of “CUniq UK” one-card-multiple-number service that shares data in 45 countries and regions, “CUniq US” one-card-multiple-number card service raises the numbers to 47, providing 4G high speed network service among the main countries and regions of China, America, Asia and Europe. Customers are able to keep Mainland China, Hong Kong (China) and the US mobile numbers, which can be managed using a single account. Customers can use data, voice and SMS services in different countries, contact China Unicom’s 24/7 trilingual customer service (Chinese, English, Cantonese), and enjoy a smooth, joyful global communication experience.


Lisong Zhou, Executive Vice President of CUG, said, the “CUniq” one-card-multiple-number service launched in America this time will have three plans including Share Plan, Local Plan and Visitor Plan, appealing to global businesspersons, American local users and tourists respectively. Besides, CUG supports electronic paying including WeChat paying, Alipay, Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay and other convenient paying methods. Customers can enquire for various plans and make purchase on CUniq website.


Shusen Meng, President of CUG, said the cooperation between CUG and American leading telecommunications operators not only provides high-quality service for business enterprises, but also provides high-quality overseas MVNO business through “CUniq” for the public users. CUG will continue to drive innovations and improve services, expanding high-quality service to more countries and regions.


二、Telia丹麦分公司为用户提供5GB漫游数据流量 价格上调

Telia丹麦公司宣称该公司向所有国外用户提供5GB漫游数据流量(但不包括已经拥有5GBRoam Like Home流量套餐的用户),但会上调价格,每月10丹麦克朗20丹麦克朗。此举符合615欧盟取消欧盟漫游费的法规Telia公司表示大多数用户已经购买了Roam Like Home套餐,所以这一改变不会造成用户订阅费的变动


Telia公司表示该公司的90%用户每年都会使用手机登陆国外网站,所以该公司宁愿提高非Roam Like Home用户的套餐价格,而不会通过禁止国外用户订购的方法规避监管。同时,Telia公司声称无论用户是否使用Roam Like Home套餐,法规都剥夺了客户的选择自由,并补充说明道价格上涨并不会使运营商变得富有。


Telia Denmark gives all users 5 GB roaming data, hikes price


Telia Denmark said it is providing all its subscriptions that do not already include Roam Like Home with 5 GB of internet to use in foreign countries, but it will be raising the price by DKK 10 to DKK 20 per month. This is in response to the EU’s abolition of EU roaming charges on 15 June. Telia said most subscribers are already on Roam Like Home and so will see no change to their subscription fee.


Telia said that 90 percent of its customers use their mobile phone on a foreign network every year, so it would rather raise prices for those not already on Roam Like Home than circumvent the regulations by offering domestic-only subscriptions. At the same time, it said the new rule takes away customers' freedom of choice as to whether or not to use Roam Like Home, adding that the price rise will not make the operator rich.








Tigo Rwanda launches 4G roaming service


Tigo Rwanda has announced the launch of its 4G roaming service, which will allow visitors to Rwanda to stay connected via 4G while roaming on the network. The new service, the first of its kind in Rwanda, will provide visitors from abroad with a better roaming experience and faster data roaming speeds. 


The launch comes after Korea Telecom Rwanda Networks (KTRN) announced that the 4G subscriber base grew more than 200 percent in 2016 compared to the previous year. According to KTRN, 4G network coverage will be extended across the country this year with coverage expected to reach 92 percent.