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李鹏程 李云非|音乐诠释学的历史溯源与当代走向(讲座片段及访谈视频)

中国音乐ChineseMusic  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-20 15:08



李鹏程 李云非


摘     要 : 本文从音乐诠释学的哲学背景及其初期发展脉络中提炼关键概念,并以此为线索,明确音乐诠释学的定位,即这是一门旨在以各种身份、姿态、视角、方法介入对音乐意义的解读,积极将隐藏于音乐形式语言之下的意义转换至人类的经验世界,在无数次解读中呈现作品意义的学科。在历史与当下、作者与读者、形式与内容三对概念及其衍生问题的基础上,把握音乐诠释学发展史上的诸多流派特征,并尝试梳理当代音乐诠释学的发展路径。在中国,得益于钱仁康和于润洋奠定的学术传统,使得诠释学对音乐分析产生了深远影响,不断催生出新的研究思路和写作模式。
关键词 : 音乐诠释学;音乐分析;音乐学分析;视域融合
中图分类号 : J60-02 文献标识码 : A
文章编号 : 1002-9923(2023)06-0153-10
DOI: 10.13812/j.cnki.cn11-1379/j.2023.06.015
作者简介: 李鹏程(1989—  ), 男,回族,博士,浙江音乐学院副教授、硕士生导师。
李云非(1998—  ), 男,汉族,浙江音乐学院硕士研究生。
基金项目: 本文为2021年度国家社科基金艺术学重大项目“中国特色作曲理论体系研究”(项目编号:21ZD17)的阶段成果。
Abstract: This article extracts key concepts from the philosophical background and early development trajectory of music hermeneutics. Using these concepts as a guide, it defines the position of music hermeneutics: a discipline aiming to intervene in the interpretation of musical meaning from various identities, postures, perspectives, and methods. Its goal is to actively translate the significance underlying the formal language of music to the human experiential world, presenting the meaning of compositions through countless interpretations. Based on the pairs of concepts—past and present, author and reader, form and content—and their derived issues, we grasp the characteristics of various schools in the history of music hermeneutics development and attempt to clarify the development path of contemporary music hermeneutics. In China, thanks to the academic traditions laid down by Qian Renkang and Yu Runyang, hermeneutics has profoundly influenced music analysis, continuously inspiring new research directions and writing modes.
Keywords: Music Hermeneutics; Music Analysis; Musicological Analysis; Fusion of Perspectives

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